
251 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
package mem
import (
// NewFromAnalyzedDocs places the analyzed document mutations into this segment
func NewFromAnalyzedDocs(results []*index.AnalysisResult) *Segment {
s := New()
// ensure that _id field get fieldID 0
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// walk each doc
for _, result := range results {
// go back and sort the dictKeys
for _, dict := range s.DictKeys {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// compute memory usage of segment
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// professional debugging
// log.Printf("fields: %v\n", s.FieldsMap)
// log.Printf("fieldsInv: %v\n", s.FieldsInv)
// log.Printf("fieldsLoc: %v\n", s.FieldsLoc)
// log.Printf("dicts: %v\n", s.Dicts)
// log.Printf("dict keys: %v\n", s.DictKeys)
// for i, posting := range s.Postings {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("posting %d: %v\n", i, posting)
// }
// for i, freq := range s.Freqs {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("freq %d: %v\n", i, freq)
// }
// for i, norm := range s.Norms {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("norm %d: %v\n", i, norm)
// }
// for i, field := range s.Locfields {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("field %d: %v\n", i, field)
// }
// for i, start := range s.Locstarts {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("start %d: %v\n", i, start)
// }
// for i, end := range s.Locends {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("end %d: %v\n", i, end)
// }
// for i, pos := range s.Locpos {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("pos %d: %v\n", i, pos)
// }
// for i, apos := range s.Locarraypos {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// log.Printf("apos %d: %v\n", i, apos)
// }
// log.Printf("stored: %v\n", s.Stored)
// log.Printf("stored types: %v\n", s.StoredTypes)
// log.Printf("stored pos: %v\n", s.StoredPos)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
return s
func (s *Segment) processDocument(result *index.AnalysisResult) {
// used to collate information across fields
docMap := map[uint16]analysis.TokenFrequencies{}
fieldLens := map[uint16]int{}
docNum := uint64(s.addDocument())
processField := func(field uint16, name string, l int, tf analysis.TokenFrequencies) {
fieldLens[field] += l
if existingFreqs, ok := docMap[field]; ok {
existingFreqs.MergeAll(name, tf)
} else {
docMap[field] = tf
storeField := func(docNum uint64, field uint16, typ byte, val []byte, pos []uint64) {
s.Stored[docNum][field] = append(s.Stored[docNum][field], val)
s.StoredTypes[docNum][field] = append(s.StoredTypes[docNum][field], typ)
s.StoredPos[docNum][field] = append(s.StoredPos[docNum][field], pos)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// walk each composite field
for _, field := range result.Document.CompositeFields {
fieldID := uint16(s.getOrDefineField(field.Name()))
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
l, tf := field.Analyze()
processField(fieldID, field.Name(), l, tf)
// walk each field
for i, field := range result.Document.Fields {
fieldID := uint16(s.getOrDefineField(field.Name()))
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
l := result.Length[i]
tf := result.Analyzed[i]
processField(fieldID, field.Name(), l, tf)
if field.Options().IsStored() {
storeField(docNum, fieldID, encodeFieldType(field), field.Value(), field.ArrayPositions())
// TODO with mapping changes for dv
//if field.Options().IncludeDocValues() {
s.DocValueFields = append(s.DocValueFields, fieldID)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// now that its been rolled up into docMap, walk that
for fieldID, tokenFrequencies := range docMap {
for term, tokenFreq := range tokenFrequencies {
fieldTermPostings := s.Dicts[fieldID][term]
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// FIXME this if/else block has duplicate code that has resulted in
// bugs fixed/missed more than once, need to refactor
if fieldTermPostings == 0 {
// need to build new posting
bs := roaring.New()
newPostingID := uint64(len(s.Postings) + 1)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// add this new bitset to the postings slice
s.Postings = append(s.Postings, bs)
locationBS := roaring.New()
s.PostingsLocs = append(s.PostingsLocs, locationBS)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// add this to the details slice
s.Freqs = append(s.Freqs, []uint64{uint64(tokenFreq.Frequency())})
s.Norms = append(s.Norms, []float32{float32(1.0 / math.Sqrt(float64(fieldLens[fieldID])))})
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// add to locations
var locfields []uint16
var locstarts []uint64
var locends []uint64
var locpos []uint64
var locarraypos [][]uint64
if len(tokenFreq.Locations) > 0 {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
for _, loc := range tokenFreq.Locations {
var locf = fieldID
if loc.Field != "" {
locf = uint16(s.getOrDefineField(loc.Field))
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
locfields = append(locfields, locf)
locstarts = append(locstarts, uint64(loc.Start))
locends = append(locends, uint64(loc.End))
locpos = append(locpos, uint64(loc.Position))
if len(loc.ArrayPositions) > 0 {
locarraypos = append(locarraypos, loc.ArrayPositions)
} else {
locarraypos = append(locarraypos, nil)
s.Locfields = append(s.Locfields, locfields)
s.Locstarts = append(s.Locstarts, locstarts)
s.Locends = append(s.Locends, locends)
s.Locpos = append(s.Locpos, locpos)
s.Locarraypos = append(s.Locarraypos, locarraypos)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// record it
s.Dicts[fieldID][term] = newPostingID
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
// this term was new for this field, add it to dictKeys
s.DictKeys[fieldID] = append(s.DictKeys[fieldID], term)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
} else {
// posting already started for this field/term
// the actual offset is - 1, because 0 is zero value
bs := s.Postings[fieldTermPostings-1]
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
locationBS := s.PostingsLocs[fieldTermPostings-1]
s.Freqs[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Freqs[fieldTermPostings-1], uint64(tokenFreq.Frequency()))
s.Norms[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Norms[fieldTermPostings-1], float32(1.0/math.Sqrt(float64(fieldLens[fieldID]))))
if len(tokenFreq.Locations) > 0 {
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
for _, loc := range tokenFreq.Locations {
var locf = fieldID
if loc.Field != "" {
locf = uint16(s.getOrDefineField(loc.Field))
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
s.Locfields[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Locfields[fieldTermPostings-1], locf)
s.Locstarts[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Locstarts[fieldTermPostings-1], uint64(loc.Start))
s.Locends[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Locends[fieldTermPostings-1], uint64(loc.End))
s.Locpos[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Locpos[fieldTermPostings-1], uint64(loc.Position))
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
if len(loc.ArrayPositions) > 0 {
s.Locarraypos[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Locarraypos[fieldTermPostings-1], loc.ArrayPositions)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
} else {
s.Locarraypos[fieldTermPostings-1] = append(s.Locarraypos[fieldTermPostings-1], nil)
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
func (s *Segment) getOrDefineField(name string) int {
fieldID, ok := s.FieldsMap[name]
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
if !ok {
fieldID = uint16(len(s.FieldsInv) + 1)
s.FieldsMap[name] = fieldID
s.FieldsInv = append(s.FieldsInv, name)
s.Dicts = append(s.Dicts, make(map[string]uint64))
s.DictKeys = append(s.DictKeys, make([]string, 0))
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
return int(fieldID - 1)
func (s *Segment) addDocument() int {
docNum := len(s.Stored)
s.Stored = append(s.Stored, map[uint16][][]byte{})
s.StoredTypes = append(s.StoredTypes, map[uint16][]byte{})
s.StoredPos = append(s.StoredPos, map[uint16][][]uint64{})
2017-09-29 18:42:37 +02:00
return docNum
func encodeFieldType(f document.Field) byte {
fieldType := byte('x')
switch f.(type) {
case *document.TextField:
fieldType = 't'
case *document.NumericField:
fieldType = 'n'
case *document.DateTimeField:
fieldType = 'd'
case *document.BooleanField:
fieldType = 'b'
case *document.GeoPointField:
fieldType = 'g'
case *document.CompositeField:
fieldType = 'c'
return fieldType