Fork 0

scorch zap sync.Pool for reusable VisitDocument() data structures

As part of this, snappy.Decode() is also provided a reused buffer for
This commit is contained in:
Steve Yen 2018-03-16 22:31:04 -07:00
parent 33b1f065dc
commit 84424edcad
1 changed files with 30 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -273,19 +273,39 @@ func (sb *SegmentBase) dictionary(field string) (rv *Dictionary, err error) {
return rv, nil
// visitDocumentCtx holds data structures that are reusable across
// multiple VisitDocument() calls to avoid memory allocations
type visitDocumentCtx struct {
buf []byte
reader bytes.Reader
decoder *govarint.Base128Decoder
arrayPos []uint64
var visitDocumentCtxPool = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
reuse := &visitDocumentCtx{}
reuse.decoder = govarint.NewU64Base128Decoder(&reuse.reader)
return reuse
// VisitDocument invokes the DocFieldValueVistor for each stored field
// for the specified doc number
func (s *SegmentBase) VisitDocument(num uint64, visitor segment.DocumentFieldValueVisitor) error {
// first make sure this is a valid number in this segment
if num < s.numDocs {
vdc := visitDocumentCtxPool.Get().(*visitDocumentCtx)
meta, compressed := s.getDocStoredMetaAndCompressed(num)
uncompressed, err := snappy.Decode(nil, compressed)
uncompressed, err := snappy.Decode(vdc.buf[:cap(vdc.buf)], compressed)
if err != nil {
return err
// now decode meta and process
reader := bytes.NewReader(meta)
decoder := govarint.NewU64Base128Decoder(reader)
decoder := vdc.decoder
keepGoing := true
for keepGoing {
@ -314,7 +334,10 @@ func (s *SegmentBase) VisitDocument(num uint64, visitor segment.DocumentFieldVal
var arrayPos []uint64
if numap > 0 {
arrayPos = make([]uint64, numap)
if cap(vdc.arrayPos) < int(numap) {
vdc.arrayPos = make([]uint64, numap)
arrayPos = vdc.arrayPos[:numap]
for i := 0; i < int(numap); i++ {
ap, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err != nil {
@ -327,6 +350,9 @@ func (s *SegmentBase) VisitDocument(num uint64, visitor segment.DocumentFieldVal
value := uncompressed[offset : offset+l]
keepGoing = visitor(s.fieldsInv[field], byte(typ), value, arrayPos)
vdc.buf = uncompressed
return nil