package stop_words_filter // this content was obtained from: // lucene-4.7.2/analysis/common/src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/ // ` was changed to ' to allow for literal string var SoraniStopWords = []byte(`# set of kurdish stopwords # note these have been normalized with our scheme (e represented with U+06D5, etc) # constructed from: # * Fig 5 of "Building A Test Collection For Sorani Kurdish" (Esmaili et al) # * "Sorani Kurdish: A Reference Grammar with selected readings" (Thackston) # * Corpus-based analysis of 77M word Sorani collection: wikipedia, news, blogs, etc # and و # which کە # of ی # made/did کرد # that/which ئەوەی # on/head سەر # two دوو # also هەروەها # from/that لەو # makes/does دەکات # some چەند # every هەر # demonstratives # that ئەو # this ئەم # personal pronouns # I من # we ئێمە # you تۆ # you ئێوە # he/she/it ئەو # they ئەوان # prepositions # to/with/by بە پێ # without بەبێ # along with/while/during بەدەم # in the opinion of بەلای # according to بەپێی # before بەرلە # in the direction of بەرەوی # in front of/toward بەرەوە # before/in the face of بەردەم # without بێ # except for بێجگە # for بۆ # on/in دە تێ # with دەگەڵ # after دوای # except for/aside from جگە # in/from لە لێ # in front of/before/because of لەبەر # between/among لەبەینی # concerning/about لەبابەت # concerning لەبارەی # instead of لەباتی # beside لەبن # instead of لەبرێتی # behind لەدەم # with/together with لەگەڵ # by لەلایەن # within لەناو # between/among لەنێو # for the sake of لەپێناوی # with respect to لەرەوی # by means of/for لەرێ # for the sake of لەرێگا # on/on top of/according to لەسەر # under لەژێر # between/among ناو # between/among نێوان # after پاش # before پێش # like وەک `)