// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the // License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. package bleve import ( "fmt" "os" "testing" "time" "github.com/blevesearch/bleve/search/highlight/highlighters/ansi" ) var mapping *IndexMapping var example_index Index var err error func TestMain(m *testing.M) { err = os.RemoveAll("path_to_index") if err != nil { panic(err) } toRun := m.Run() if example_index != nil { err = example_index.Close() if err != nil { panic(err) } } err = os.RemoveAll("path_to_index") if err != nil { panic(err) } os.Exit(toRun) } func ExampleNew() { mapping = NewIndexMapping() example_index, err = New("path_to_index", mapping) if err != nil { panic(err) } count, err := example_index.DocCount() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(count) // Output: // 0 } func ExampleIndex_indexing() { data := struct { Name string Created time.Time }{Name: "named one", Created: time.Now()} data2 := struct { Name string Created time.Time }{Name: "great nameless one", Created: time.Now()} // index some data err = example_index.Index("document id 1", data) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = example_index.Index("document id 2", data2) if err != nil { panic(err) } // 2 documents have been indexed count, err := example_index.DocCount() if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(count) // Output: // 2 } // Examples for query related functions func ExampleNewMatchQuery() { // finds documents with fields fully matching the given query text query := NewMatchQuery("named one") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 1 } func ExampleNewMatchAllQuery() { // finds all documents in the index query := NewMatchAllQuery() searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(len(searchResults.Hits)) // Output: // 2 } func ExampleNewMatchNoneQuery() { // matches no documents in the index query := NewMatchNoneQuery() searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(len(searchResults.Hits)) // Output: // 0 } func ExampleNewMatchPhraseQuery() { // finds all documents with the given phrase in the index query := NewMatchPhraseQuery("nameless one") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 2 } func ExampleNewNumericRangeQuery() { value1 := float64(11) value2 := float64(100) data := struct{ Priority float64 }{Priority: float64(15)} data2 := struct{ Priority float64 }{Priority: float64(10)} err = example_index.Index("document id 3", data) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = example_index.Index("document id 4", data2) if err != nil { panic(err) } query := NewNumericRangeQuery(&value1, &value2) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 3 } func ExampleNewNumericRangeInclusiveQuery() { value1 := float64(10) value2 := float64(100) v1incl := false v2incl := false query := NewNumericRangeInclusiveQuery(&value1, &value2, &v1incl, &v2incl) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 3 } func ExampleNewPhraseQuery() { // finds all documents with the given phrases in the given field in the index query := NewPhraseQuery([]string{"nameless", "one"}, "Name") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 2 } func ExampleNewPrefixQuery() { // finds all documents with terms having the given prefix in the index query := NewPrefixQuery("name") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(len(searchResults.Hits)) // Output: // 2 } func ExampleNewQueryStringQuery() { query := NewQueryStringQuery("+one -great") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 1 } func ExampleNewTermQuery() { query := NewTermQuery("great") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 2 } func ExampleNewFacetRequest() { facet := NewFacetRequest("Name", 1) query := NewMatchAllQuery() searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchRequest.AddFacet("facet name", facet) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } // total number of terms fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].Total) // numer of docs with no value for this field fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].Missing) // term with highest occurrences in field name fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].Terms[0].Term) // Output: // 5 // 2 // one } func ExampleFacetRequest_AddDateTimeRange() { facet := NewFacetRequest("Created", 1) facet.AddDateTimeRange("range name", time.Unix(0, 0), time.Now()) query := NewMatchAllQuery() searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchRequest.AddFacet("facet name", facet) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } // dates in field Created since starting of unix time till now fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].DateRanges[0].Count) // Output: // 2 } func ExampleFacetRequest_AddNumericRange() { value1 := float64(11) facet := NewFacetRequest("Priority", 1) facet.AddNumericRange("range name", &value1, nil) query := NewMatchAllQuery() searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchRequest.AddFacet("facet name", facet) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } // number documents with field Priority in the given range fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].NumericRanges[0].Count) // Output: // 1 } func ExampleNewHighlight() { query := NewMatchQuery("nameless") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchRequest.Highlight = NewHighlight() searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].Fragments["Name"][0]) // Output: // great nameless one } func ExampleNewHighlightWithStyle() { query := NewMatchQuery("nameless") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchRequest.Highlight = NewHighlightWithStyle(ansi.Name) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].Fragments["Name"][0]) // Output: // great nameless one } func ExampleSearchRequest_AddFacet() { facet := NewFacetRequest("Name", 1) query := NewMatchAllQuery() searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchRequest.AddFacet("facet name", facet) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } // total number of terms fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].Total) // numer of docs with no value for this field fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].Missing) // term with highest occurrences in field name fmt.Println(searchResults.Facets["facet name"].Terms[0].Term) // Output: // 5 // 2 // one } func ExampleNewSearchRequest() { // finds documents with fields fully matching the given query text query := NewMatchQuery("named one") searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 1 } func ExampleNewBooleanQuery() { must := make([]Query, 1) mustNot := make([]Query, 1) must[0] = NewMatchQuery("one") mustNot[0] = NewMatchQuery("great") query := NewBooleanQuery(must, nil, mustNot) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 1 } func ExampleNewBooleanQueryMinShould() { should := make([]Query, 2) should[0] = NewMatchQuery("great") should[1] = NewMatchQuery("one") query := NewBooleanQueryMinShould(nil, should, nil, float64(2)) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 2 } func ExampleNewConjunctionQuery() { conjuncts := make([]Query, 2) conjuncts[0] = NewMatchQuery("great") conjuncts[1] = NewMatchQuery("one") query := NewConjunctionQuery(conjuncts) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(searchResults.Hits[0].ID) // Output: // document id 2 } func ExampleNewDisjunctionQuery() { disjuncts := make([]Query, 2) disjuncts[0] = NewMatchQuery("great") disjuncts[1] = NewMatchQuery("named") query := NewDisjunctionQuery(disjuncts) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(len(searchResults.Hits)) // Output: // 2 } func ExampleNewDisjunctionQueryMin() { disjuncts := make([]Query, 2) disjuncts[0] = NewMatchQuery("great") disjuncts[1] = NewMatchQuery("named") query := NewDisjunctionQueryMin(disjuncts, float64(2)) searchRequest := NewSearchRequest(query) searchResults, err := example_index.Search(searchRequest) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(len(searchResults.Hits)) // Output: // 0 } // Examples for Mapping related functions func ExampleDocumentMapping_AddSubDocumentMapping() { // adds a document mapping for a property in a document // useful for mapping nested documents documentMapping := NewDocumentMapping() subDocumentMapping := NewDocumentMapping() documentMapping.AddSubDocumentMapping("Property", subDocumentMapping) fmt.Println(len(documentMapping.Properties)) // Output: // 1 } func ExampleDocumentMapping_AddFieldMapping() { // you can only add field mapping to those properties which already have a document mapping documentMapping := NewDocumentMapping() subDocumentMapping := NewDocumentMapping() documentMapping.AddSubDocumentMapping("Property", subDocumentMapping) fieldMapping := NewTextFieldMapping() fieldMapping.Analyzer = "en" subDocumentMapping.AddFieldMapping(fieldMapping) fmt.Println(len(documentMapping.Properties["Property"].Fields)) // Output: // 1 } func ExampleDocumentMapping_AddFieldMappingsAt() { // you can only add field mapping to those properties which already have a document mapping documentMapping := NewDocumentMapping() subDocumentMapping := NewDocumentMapping() documentMapping.AddSubDocumentMapping("NestedProperty", subDocumentMapping) fieldMapping := NewTextFieldMapping() fieldMapping.Analyzer = "en" documentMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("NestedProperty", fieldMapping) fmt.Println(len(documentMapping.Properties["NestedProperty"].Fields)) // Output: // 1 }