{"name":"Samuel Adams Scotch Ale","abv":5.4,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"boston_beer_company","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"This is a brew for adventurous beer drinkers. It is brewed with four malts: two row pale Harrington, Munich malt, chocolate malt, and a rare peat smoked malt commonly used by distillers of Scotch malt whiskey. This unique malt gives Samuel AdamsĀ® Scotch Ale its distinct, subtle smoky character and deep amber hue. Samuel AdamsĀ® Scotch Ale is brewed using traditional English hops, Goldings and Fuggles. This is a big brew dominated by malt flavors and aromas, rich and full bodied, slightly sweet. Its layered malt complexity lingers to a smooth and silky finish.","style":"Scotch Ale","category":"British Ale"}