{"name":"Foggy Goggle Belgian White","abv":5.3,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"fifty_fifty_brewing_co","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"FiftyFifty's \"Wit\" beer, Foggy Goggle is a Belgian Style Wheat Beer, cousin of the German Hefeweizen. An unfiltered beer, Foggy Goggle is brewed true to style, using a yeast strain that originated in Belgium, with just a hint of orange peel, lemon peel, and chamomile. The appearance is an opaque yellow with a wonderfully fluffy head. The predominant aroma is citrus with a hint of coriander, and a unique spicy note. With citrus playing a big part of the flavor, Foggy Goggle is a very refreshing choice.","style":"Belgian-Style White","category":"Belgian and French Ale"}