{"name":"Santa Fe Nut Brown","abv":5.2,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"santa_fe_brewing_company","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"The Brown Ale style originated in the pubs of England, where beer drinkers desired a beer that was both flavorful and complex, but at the same time mild enough to be a session beer. The Santa Fe Brewing Company's interpretation of this style uses a combination of high mash temperature, hard water, and low-alpha acid hops to produce a product that is both true to the style and distinctly Santa Fe. Brewing jargon aside, Santa Fe Nut Brown Ale is an easy-drinking beer, mild, smooth, and always a favorite. Try a keg at your next party!","style":"American-Style Brown Ale","category":"North American Ale"}