{"name":"Red Oak Brewery","city":"Whitsett","state":"North Carolina","code":"27377","country":"United States","phone":"1-888-Red-Oaks","website":"http://www.redoakbrewery.com","type":"brewery","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"Red Oak Brew Pub was opened in February of 1991. In addition to brewing according to the Law of Purity, we decided not to filter or pasteurize our Bavarian Lagers to ensure the vitamins remain whole for that rich, mellow taste. Within months of opening the pub we began selling Red Oak to other accounts in the Greensboro area. In no time the 6 original aging tanks were maxed out so we added on to the building and installed 13 new tanks. By 2001 Red Oaks popularity had grown so much that we were brewing 24/7...and out of aging capacity. We began the search for a location to build a larger brewery with space to accommodate future growth. After settling on a 12 acre tract along I 40/85 between Greensboro and Burlington in 2003...we began discussions with 3 Bavarian Brewery fabricators. Rolec of Cheming, Bavaria was chosen to supply the new brewery; and in 2005 construction began on the building to house it. By the summer of 2007 Red Oak was ready to open the nation's most modern computerized brewing facility...consistently producing the Freshest, Purest, Bavarian Lagers in America.","address":["6901 Konica Drive"],"geo":{"accuracy":"ROOFTOP","lat":36.0613,"lon":-79.5695}}