{"name":"Brasserie de Brunehaut Bio Bière Ambrée (Organic)","abv":6.5,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"brasserie_de_brunehaut","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"Amber copper color with a beige head.\r\nCaramel malt aromas reminiscent of vanilla, along with toffee, butterscotch and ripe fruits. Top-fermented and bottle-conditioned, this is a clean, refreshing regional 'artisan' beer.\r\nHazy amber to brown coloured beer, with a fluffy off-white head. Nice aroma of spices, yeast and oak. The alcohol subtle. Flavour is moderately spicy and slightly fruity, with balanced hops. \r\nThis beer is certified organic.","style":"American-Style Amber/Red Ale","category":"North American Ale"}