{"name":"John Barleycorn Barleywine Style Ale","abv":9.0,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"mad_river_brewing","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"Our Seasonal Offering. We honor the Harvest & Holidays each year by brewing a traditional Barleywine style ale, using a variety of ingredients. The Label, created by local artist Janis Taylor, is a folksy woodcut based on the tale of John Barleycorn in verse.\r\n\r\nBrewed in small 10-barrel batches with Certified Organic barley malt, this crimson hued ale has a sweet caramel nose with a zesty spicy, citrus taste. It has a slight hop finish and leaves a warm, tingling sensation on the tongue. A great winter warmer!\r\nStarting Gravity \t1.098\r\nFinish Gravity \t1.020\r\nABV \t9.5\r\nIBU \t96\r\n\r\n-http://www.madriverbrewing.com/pages/brews/john_barleycorn.html","style":"American-Style Barley Wine Ale","category":"North American Ale"}