{"name":"Mad River Brewing Company","city":"Blue Lake","state":"California","code":"95525","country":"United States","phone":"707-668-4151","website":"http://www.madriverbrewing.com/","type":"brewery","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"Brewmaster Bob Smith's dream to open a small brewery began in the late seventies. Seeking knowledge and ingredients Smith joined with a small number of individuals who were laying the foundation of the craft beer movement in California. With a small group of investors Smith formed Mad River Brewing Company in 1989. Now in our 2nd decade we continue our commitment to producing fine ales combining the most traditional brewing methods with an environmentally sound approach. For centuries the English have been known for their brewing expertise. At Mad River Brewing Company we are long on tradition and continue to handcraft our ales in the truest sense. Our award winning ales have become renowned for their unique flavor profile and consistent quality.","address":["101 Taylor Way"],"geo":{"accuracy":"RANGE_INTERPOLATED","lat":40.8786,"lon":-123.992}}