// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package searcher import ( "bytes" "math" "github.com/blevesearch/bleve/index" "github.com/blevesearch/bleve/numeric" "github.com/blevesearch/bleve/search" ) func NewNumericRangeSearcher(indexReader index.IndexReader, min *float64, max *float64, inclusiveMin, inclusiveMax *bool, field string, boost float64, options search.SearcherOptions) (search.Searcher, error) { // account for unbounded edges if min == nil { negInf := math.Inf(-1) min = &negInf } if max == nil { Inf := math.Inf(1) max = &Inf } if inclusiveMin == nil { defaultInclusiveMin := true inclusiveMin = &defaultInclusiveMin } if inclusiveMax == nil { defaultInclusiveMax := false inclusiveMax = &defaultInclusiveMax } // find all the ranges minInt64 := numeric.Float64ToInt64(*min) if !*inclusiveMin && minInt64 != math.MaxInt64 { minInt64++ } maxInt64 := numeric.Float64ToInt64(*max) if !*inclusiveMax && maxInt64 != math.MinInt64 { maxInt64-- } // FIXME hard-coded precision, should match field declaration termRanges := splitInt64Range(minInt64, maxInt64, 4) terms := termRanges.Enumerate() if tooManyClauses(len(terms)) { return nil, tooManyClausesErr() } return NewMultiTermSearcherBytes(indexReader, terms, field, boost, options, true) } type termRange struct { startTerm []byte endTerm []byte } func (t *termRange) Enumerate() [][]byte { var rv [][]byte next := t.startTerm for bytes.Compare(next, t.endTerm) <= 0 { rv = append(rv, next) next = incrementBytes(next) } return rv } func incrementBytes(in []byte) []byte { rv := make([]byte, len(in)) copy(rv, in) for i := len(rv) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { rv[i] = rv[i] + 1 if rv[i] != 0 { // didn't overflow, so stop break } } return rv } type termRanges []*termRange func (tr termRanges) Enumerate() [][]byte { var rv [][]byte for _, tri := range tr { trie := tri.Enumerate() rv = append(rv, trie...) } return rv } func splitInt64Range(minBound, maxBound int64, precisionStep uint) termRanges { rv := make(termRanges, 0) if minBound > maxBound { return rv } for shift := uint(0); ; shift += precisionStep { diff := int64(1) << (shift + precisionStep) mask := ((int64(1) << precisionStep) - int64(1)) << shift hasLower := (minBound & mask) != int64(0) hasUpper := (maxBound & mask) != mask var nextMinBound int64 if hasLower { nextMinBound = (minBound + diff) &^ mask } else { nextMinBound = minBound &^ mask } var nextMaxBound int64 if hasUpper { nextMaxBound = (maxBound - diff) &^ mask } else { nextMaxBound = maxBound &^ mask } lowerWrapped := nextMinBound < minBound upperWrapped := nextMaxBound > maxBound if shift+precisionStep >= 64 || nextMinBound > nextMaxBound || lowerWrapped || upperWrapped { // We are in the lowest precision or the next precision is not available. rv = append(rv, newRange(minBound, maxBound, shift)) // exit the split recursion loop break } if hasLower { rv = append(rv, newRange(minBound, minBound|mask, shift)) } if hasUpper { rv = append(rv, newRange(maxBound&^mask, maxBound, shift)) } // recurse to next precision minBound = nextMinBound maxBound = nextMaxBound } return rv } func newRange(minBound, maxBound int64, shift uint) *termRange { maxBound |= (int64(1) << shift) - int64(1) minBytes := numeric.MustNewPrefixCodedInt64(minBound, shift) maxBytes := numeric.MustNewPrefixCodedInt64(maxBound, shift) return newRangeBytes(minBytes, maxBytes) } func newRangeBytes(minBytes, maxBytes []byte) *termRange { return &termRange{ startTerm: minBytes, endTerm: maxBytes, } }