// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the // License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. package search import ( "sort" "github.com/blevesearch/bleve/index" ) type FacetBuilder interface { Update(index.FieldTerms) Result() *FacetResult Field() string } type FacetsBuilder struct { indexReader index.IndexReader facets map[string]FacetBuilder fieldIDs map[string]uint16 // Not thread safe } func NewFacetsBuilder(indexReader index.IndexReader) *FacetsBuilder { return &FacetsBuilder{ indexReader: indexReader, facets: make(map[string]FacetBuilder, 0), fieldIDs: make(map[string]uint16, 0), } } func (fb *FacetsBuilder) Add(name string, facetBuilder FacetBuilder) { fb.facets[name] = facetBuilder fieldIDs, err := fb.indexReader.FieldIDs([]string{facetBuilder.Field()}) if err == nil { fb.fieldIDs[facetBuilder.Field()] = fieldIDs[0] } } func (fb *FacetsBuilder) Update(docMatch *DocumentMatch) error { for _, facetBuilder := range fb.facets { field := facetBuilder.Field() // Just in-case we added a field since creating the facets builder if _, ok := fb.fieldIDs[field]; !ok { fieldIDs, err := fb.indexReader.FieldIDs([]string{field}) if err != nil { return err } fb.fieldIDs[field] = fieldIDs[0] } } fieldTerms, err := fb.indexReader.DocumentFieldTermsForFields(docMatch.ID, fb.fieldIDs) if err != nil { return err } for _, facetBuilder := range fb.facets { facetBuilder.Update(fieldTerms) } return nil } type TermFacet struct { Term string `json:"term"` Count int `json:"count"` } type TermFacets []*TermFacet func (tf TermFacets) Add(termFacet *TermFacet) TermFacets { for _, existingTerm := range tf { if termFacet.Term == existingTerm.Term { existingTerm.Count += termFacet.Count return tf } } // if we got here it wasn't already in the existing terms tf = append(tf, termFacet) return tf } func (tf TermFacets) Len() int { return len(tf) } func (tf TermFacets) Swap(i, j int) { tf[i], tf[j] = tf[j], tf[i] } func (tf TermFacets) Less(i, j int) bool { if tf[i].Count == tf[j].Count { return tf[i].Term < tf[j].Term } return tf[i].Count > tf[j].Count } type NumericRangeFacet struct { Name string `json:"name"` Min *float64 `json:"min,omitempty"` Max *float64 `json:"max,omitempty"` Count int `json:"count"` } type NumericRangeFacets []*NumericRangeFacet func (nrf NumericRangeFacets) Add(numericRangeFacet *NumericRangeFacet) NumericRangeFacets { for _, existingNr := range nrf { if numericRangeFacet.Min == existingNr.Min && numericRangeFacet.Max == existingNr.Max { existingNr.Count += numericRangeFacet.Count return nrf } } // if we got here it wasn't already in the existing terms nrf = append(nrf, numericRangeFacet) return nrf } func (nrf NumericRangeFacets) Len() int { return len(nrf) } func (nrf NumericRangeFacets) Swap(i, j int) { nrf[i], nrf[j] = nrf[j], nrf[i] } func (nrf NumericRangeFacets) Less(i, j int) bool { if nrf[i].Count == nrf[j].Count { return nrf[i].Name < nrf[j].Name } return nrf[i].Count > nrf[j].Count } type DateRangeFacet struct { Name string `json:"name"` Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"` End *string `json:"end,omitempty"` Count int `json:"count"` } func (drf *DateRangeFacet) Same(other *DateRangeFacet) bool { if drf.Start == nil && other.Start != nil { return false } if drf.Start != nil && other.Start == nil { return false } if drf.Start != nil && other.Start != nil && *drf.Start != *other.Start { return false } if drf.End == nil && other.End != nil { return false } if drf.End != nil && other.End == nil { return false } if drf.End != nil && other.End != nil && *drf.End != *other.End { return false } return true } type DateRangeFacets []*DateRangeFacet func (drf DateRangeFacets) Add(dateRangeFacet *DateRangeFacet) DateRangeFacets { for _, existingDr := range drf { if dateRangeFacet.Same(existingDr) { existingDr.Count += dateRangeFacet.Count return drf } } // if we got here it wasn't already in the existing terms drf = append(drf, dateRangeFacet) return drf } func (drf DateRangeFacets) Len() int { return len(drf) } func (drf DateRangeFacets) Swap(i, j int) { drf[i], drf[j] = drf[j], drf[i] } func (drf DateRangeFacets) Less(i, j int) bool { if drf[i].Count == drf[j].Count { return drf[i].Name < drf[j].Name } return drf[i].Count > drf[j].Count } type FacetResult struct { Field string `json:"field"` Total int `json:"total"` Missing int `json:"missing"` Other int `json:"other"` Terms TermFacets `json:"terms,omitempty"` NumericRanges NumericRangeFacets `json:"numeric_ranges,omitempty"` DateRanges DateRangeFacets `json:"date_ranges,omitempty"` } func (fr *FacetResult) Merge(other *FacetResult) { fr.Total += other.Total fr.Missing += other.Missing fr.Other += other.Other if fr.Terms != nil && other.Terms != nil { for _, term := range other.Terms { fr.Terms = fr.Terms.Add(term) } } if fr.NumericRanges != nil && other.NumericRanges != nil { for _, nr := range other.NumericRanges { fr.NumericRanges = fr.NumericRanges.Add(nr) } } if fr.DateRanges != nil && other.DateRanges != nil { for _, dr := range other.DateRanges { fr.DateRanges = fr.DateRanges.Add(dr) } } } func (fr *FacetResult) Fixup(size int) { if fr.Terms != nil { sort.Sort(fr.Terms) if len(fr.Terms) > size { moveToOther := fr.Terms[size:] for _, mto := range moveToOther { fr.Other += mto.Count } fr.Terms = fr.Terms[0:size] } } else if fr.NumericRanges != nil { sort.Sort(fr.NumericRanges) if len(fr.NumericRanges) > size { moveToOther := fr.NumericRanges[size:] for _, mto := range moveToOther { fr.Other += mto.Count } fr.NumericRanges = fr.NumericRanges[0:size] } } else if fr.DateRanges != nil { sort.Sort(fr.DateRanges) if len(fr.DateRanges) > size { moveToOther := fr.DateRanges[size:] for _, mto := range moveToOther { fr.Other += mto.Count } fr.DateRanges = fr.DateRanges[0:size] } } } type FacetResults map[string]*FacetResult func (fr FacetResults) Merge(other FacetResults) { for name, oFacetResult := range other { facetResult, ok := fr[name] if ok { facetResult.Merge(oFacetResult) } else { fr[name] = oFacetResult } } } func (fr FacetResults) Fixup(name string, size int) { facetResult, ok := fr[name] if ok { facetResult.Fixup(size) } } func (fb *FacetsBuilder) Results() FacetResults { fr := make(FacetResults) for facetName, facetBuilder := range fb.facets { facetResult := facetBuilder.Result() fr[facetName] = facetResult } return fr }