// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package http import ( "bytes" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "net/url" "os" "reflect" "testing" ) func docIDLookup(req *http.Request) string { return req.FormValue("docID") } func indexNameLookup(req *http.Request) string { return req.FormValue("indexName") } func TestHandlers(t *testing.T) { basePath := "testbase" err := os.MkdirAll(basePath, 0700) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } defer func() { err := os.RemoveAll(basePath) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } }() createIndexHandler := NewCreateIndexHandler(basePath) createIndexHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup getIndexHandler := NewGetIndexHandler() getIndexHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup deleteIndexHandler := NewDeleteIndexHandler(basePath) deleteIndexHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup listIndexesHandler := NewListIndexesHandler() docIndexHandler := NewDocIndexHandler("") docIndexHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup docIndexHandler.DocIDLookup = docIDLookup docCountHandler := NewDocCountHandler("") docCountHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup docGetHandler := NewDocGetHandler("") docGetHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup docGetHandler.DocIDLookup = docIDLookup docDeleteHandler := NewDocDeleteHandler("") docDeleteHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup docDeleteHandler.DocIDLookup = docIDLookup searchHandler := NewSearchHandler("") searchHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup listFieldsHandler := NewListFieldsHandler("") listFieldsHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup debugHandler := NewDebugDocumentHandler("") debugHandler.IndexNameLookup = indexNameLookup debugHandler.DocIDLookup = docIDLookup aliasHandler := NewAliasHandler() tests := []struct { Desc string Handler http.Handler Path string Method string Params url.Values Body []byte Status int ResponseBody []byte ResponseMatch map[string]bool }{ { Desc: "create index", Handler: createIndexHandler, Path: "/create", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti1"}}, Body: []byte("{}"), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "create existing index", Handler: createIndexHandler, Path: "/create", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti1"}}, Body: []byte("{}"), Status: http.StatusInternalServerError, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `path already exists`: true, }, }, { Desc: "create index missing index", Handler: createIndexHandler, Path: "/create", Method: "PUT", Body: []byte("{}"), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`index name is required`), }, { Desc: "create index invalid json", Handler: createIndexHandler, Path: "/create", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti9"}}, Body: []byte("{"), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `error parsing index mapping`: true, }, }, { Desc: "get index", Handler: getIndexHandler, Path: "/get", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti1"}}, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"status":"ok"`: true, `"name":"ti1"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "get index does not exist", Handler: getIndexHandler, Path: "/get", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"dne"}}, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `no such index`: true, }, }, { Desc: "get index missing name", Handler: getIndexHandler, Path: "/get", Method: "GET", Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`index name is required`), }, { Desc: "create another index", Handler: createIndexHandler, Path: "/create", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti2"}}, Body: []byte("{}"), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "list indexes", Handler: listIndexesHandler, Path: "/list", Method: "GET", Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"status":"ok"`: true, `"ti1"`: true, `"ti2"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "delete index", Handler: deleteIndexHandler, Path: "/delete", Method: "DELETE", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti2"}}, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "delete index missing name", Handler: deleteIndexHandler, Path: "/delete", Method: "DELETE", Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`index name is required`), }, { Desc: "list indexes after delete", Handler: listIndexesHandler, Path: "/list", Method: "GET", Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"status":"ok"`: true, `"ti1"`: true, `"ti2"`: false, }, }, { Desc: "index doc", Handler: docIndexHandler, Path: "/ti1/a", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, "docID": []string{"a"}, }, Body: []byte(`{"name":"a","body":"test","rating":7,"created":"2014-11-26","former_ratings":[3,4,2]}`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "index doc invalid index", Handler: docIndexHandler, Path: "/tix/a", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, "docID": []string{"a"}, }, Body: []byte(`{"name":"a","body":"test","rating":7,"created":"2014-11-26","former_ratings":[3,4,2]}`), Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "index doc missing ID", Handler: docIndexHandler, Path: "/ti1/a", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Body: []byte(`{"name":"a","body":"test","rating":7,"created":"2014-11-26","former_ratings":[3,4,2]}`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`document id cannot be empty`), }, { Desc: "doc count", Handler: docCountHandler, Path: "/ti1/count", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok","count":1}`), }, { Desc: "doc count invalid index", Handler: docCountHandler, Path: "/tix/count", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, }, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "doc get", Handler: docGetHandler, Path: "/ti1/a", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, "docID": []string{"a"}, }, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"id":"a"`: true, `"body":"test"`: true, `"name":"a"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "doc get invalid index", Handler: docGetHandler, Path: "/tix/a", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, "docID": []string{"a"}, }, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "doc get missing ID", Handler: docGetHandler, Path: "/ti1/a", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`document id cannot be empty`), }, { Desc: "index another doc", Handler: docIndexHandler, Path: "/ti1/b", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, "docID": []string{"b"}, }, Body: []byte(`{"name":"b","body":"del"}`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "doc count again", Handler: docCountHandler, Path: "/ti1/count", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok","count":2}`), }, { Desc: "delete doc", Handler: docDeleteHandler, Path: "/ti1/b", Method: "DELETE", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, "docID": []string{"b"}, }, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "delete doc invalid index", Handler: docDeleteHandler, Path: "/tix/b", Method: "DELETE", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, "docID": []string{"b"}, }, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "delete doc missing docID", Handler: docDeleteHandler, Path: "/ti1/b", Method: "DELETE", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`document id cannot be empty`), }, { Desc: "doc get", Handler: docGetHandler, Path: "/ti1/b", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, "docID": []string{"b"}, }, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `no such document`: true, }, }, { Desc: "search", Handler: searchHandler, Path: "/ti1/search", Method: "POST", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Body: []byte(`{ "from": 0, "size": 10, "query": { "fuzziness": 0, "prefix_length": 0, "field": "body", "match": "test" } }`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"total_hits":1`: true, `"id":"a"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "search index doesnt exist", Handler: searchHandler, Path: "/tix/search", Method: "POST", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, }, Body: []byte(`{ "from": 0, "size": 10, "query": { "fuzziness": 0, "prefix_length": 0, "field": "body", "match": "test" } }`), Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "search invalid json", Handler: searchHandler, Path: "/ti1/search", Method: "POST", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Body: []byte(`{`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `error parsing query`: true, }, }, { Desc: "search query does not validate", Handler: searchHandler, Path: "/ti1/search", Method: "POST", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Body: []byte(`{ "from": 0, "size": 10, "query": { "field": "body", "terms": [] } }`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `error validating query`: true, }, }, { Desc: "list fields", Handler: listFieldsHandler, Path: "/ti1/fields", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, }, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"fields":`: true, `"name"`: true, `"body"`: true, `"_all"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "list fields invalid index", Handler: listFieldsHandler, Path: "/tix/fields", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, }, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "debug doc", Handler: debugHandler, Path: "/ti1/a/debug", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"ti1"}, "docID": []string{"a"}, }, Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"key"`: true, `"val"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "debug doc invalid index", Handler: debugHandler, Path: "/ti1/a/debug", Method: "GET", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"tix"}, "docID": []string{"a"}, }, Status: http.StatusNotFound, ResponseBody: []byte(`no such index 'tix'`), }, { Desc: "create alias", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a1", "add": ["ti1"] }`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "create alias invalid json", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `error parsing alias actions`: true, }, }, { Desc: "create alias empty", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(``), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `request body must contain alias actions`: true, }, }, { Desc: "create alias referring to non-existant index", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a2", "add": ["tix"] }`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `index named 'tix' does not exist`: true, }, }, { Desc: "create alias removing from new", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a2", "remove": ["ti1"] }`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `cannot remove indexes from a new alias`: true, }, }, { Desc: "create alias same name as index", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "ti1", "remove": ["ti1"] }`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `is not an alias`: true, }, }, { Desc: "search alias", Handler: searchHandler, Path: "/a1/search", Method: "POST", Params: url.Values{ "indexName": []string{"a1"}, }, Body: []byte(`{ "from": 0, "size": 10, "query": { "fuzziness": 0, "prefix_length": 0, "field": "body", "match": "test" } }`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseMatch: map[string]bool{ `"total_hits":1`: true, `"id":"a"`: true, }, }, { Desc: "create index to add to alias", Handler: createIndexHandler, Path: "/create", Method: "PUT", Params: url.Values{"indexName": []string{"ti6"}}, Body: []byte("{}"), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "update alias add ti6", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a1", "add": ["ti6"] }`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "update alias add doesnt exist", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a1", "add": ["ti99"] }`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`error updating alias: index named 'ti99' does not exist`), }, { Desc: "update alias remove ti6", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a1", "remove": ["ti6"] }`), Status: http.StatusOK, ResponseBody: []byte(`{"status":"ok"}`), }, { Desc: "update alias remove doesnt exist", Handler: aliasHandler, Path: "/alias", Method: "POST", Body: []byte(`{ "alias": "a1", "remove": ["ti98"] }`), Status: http.StatusBadRequest, ResponseBody: []byte(`error updating alias: index named 'ti98' does not exist`), }, } for _, test := range tests { record := httptest.NewRecorder() req := &http.Request{ Method: test.Method, URL: &url.URL{Path: test.Path}, Form: test.Params, Body: ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(test.Body)), } test.Handler.ServeHTTP(record, req) if got, want := record.Code, test.Status; got != want { t.Errorf("%s: response code = %d, want %d", test.Desc, got, want) t.Errorf("%s: response body = %s", test.Desc, record.Body) } got := bytes.TrimRight(record.Body.Bytes(), "\n") if test.ResponseBody != nil { if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.ResponseBody) { t.Errorf("%s: expected: '%s', got: '%s'", test.Desc, test.ResponseBody, got) } } for pattern, shouldMatch := range test.ResponseMatch { didMatch := bytes.Contains(got, []byte(pattern)) if didMatch != shouldMatch { t.Errorf("%s: expected match %t for pattern %s, got %t", test.Desc, shouldMatch, pattern, didMatch) t.Errorf("%s: response body was: %s", test.Desc, got) } } } // close indexes for _, indexName := range IndexNames() { index := UnregisterIndexByName(indexName) if index != nil { err := index.Close() if err != nil { t.Errorf("error closing index %s: %v", indexName, err) } } } }