Marty Schoch 6507e31787 improved geo searcher unit tests
also added flag for bounding box searcher to optionally not
check boundaries.  this is useful when other searchers are going
to check every point anyway by some other criteria.
2017-03-29 16:57:58 -04:00

202 lines
6.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
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package searcher
import (
type GeoBoundingBoxSearcher struct {
indexReader index.IndexReader
field string
minLon float64
minLat float64
maxLon float64
maxLat float64
options search.SearcherOptions
rangeBounds []*geoRange
searcher *DisjunctionSearcher
func NewGeoBoundingBoxSearcher(indexReader index.IndexReader, minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat float64, field string, boost float64, options search.SearcherOptions, checkBoundaries bool) (*GeoBoundingBoxSearcher, error) {
var openedSearchers []search.Searcher
cleanupOpenedSearchers := func() {
for _, s := range openedSearchers {
_ = s.Close()
rv := &GeoBoundingBoxSearcher{
indexReader: indexReader,
minLon: minLon,
minLat: minLat,
maxLon: maxLon,
maxLat: maxLat,
field: field,
options: options,
rv.computeRange(0, (geo.GeoBits<<1)-1)
var termsOnBoundary []search.Searcher
var termsNotOnBoundary []search.Searcher
for _, r := range rv.rangeBounds {
ts, err := NewTermSearcher(indexReader, string(r.cell), field, 1.0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if r.boundary && checkBoundaries {
termsOnBoundary = append(termsOnBoundary, ts)
} else {
termsNotOnBoundary = append(termsNotOnBoundary, ts)
openedSearchers = append(openedSearchers)
var filterOnBoundarySearcher search.Searcher
if len(termsOnBoundary) > 0 {
onBoundarySearcher, err := NewDisjunctionSearcher(indexReader, termsOnBoundary, 0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterOnBoundarySearcher = NewFilteringSearcher(onBoundarySearcher, func(d *search.DocumentMatch) bool {
var lon, lat float64
var found bool
err = indexReader.DocumentVisitFieldTerms(d.IndexInternalID, []string{field}, func(field string, term []byte) {
// only consider the values which are shifted 0
prefixCoded := numeric.PrefixCoded(term)
var shift uint
shift, err = prefixCoded.Shift()
if err == nil && shift == 0 {
var i64 int64
i64, err = prefixCoded.Int64()
if err == nil {
lon = geo.MortonUnhashLon(uint64(i64))
lat = geo.MortonUnhashLat(uint64(i64))
found = true
if err == nil && found {
return geo.BoundingBoxContains(lon, lat, minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)
return false
openedSearchers = append(openedSearchers, filterOnBoundarySearcher)
notOnBoundarySearcher, err := NewDisjunctionSearcher(indexReader, termsNotOnBoundary, 0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
openedSearchers = append(openedSearchers, notOnBoundarySearcher)
// if there is no filterOnBoundary searcher, just return the notOnBoundarySearcher
if filterOnBoundarySearcher == nil {
rv.searcher = notOnBoundarySearcher
return rv, nil
rv.searcher, err = NewDisjunctionSearcher(indexReader, []search.Searcher{filterOnBoundarySearcher, notOnBoundarySearcher}, 0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rv, nil
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Count() uint64 {
return s.searcher.Count()
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Weight() float64 {
return s.searcher.Weight()
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) SetQueryNorm(qnorm float64) {
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Next(ctx *search.SearchContext) (*search.DocumentMatch, error) {
return s.searcher.Next(ctx)
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Advance(ctx *search.SearchContext, ID index.IndexInternalID) (*search.DocumentMatch, error) {
return s.searcher.Advance(ctx, ID)
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Close() error {
return s.searcher.Close()
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Min() int {
return 0
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) DocumentMatchPoolSize() int {
return s.searcher.DocumentMatchPoolSize()
var geoMaxShift = document.GeoPrecisionStep * 4
var geoDetailLevel = ((geo.GeoBits << 1) - geoMaxShift) / 2
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) computeRange(term uint64, shift uint) {
split := term | uint64(0x1)<<shift
var upperMax uint64
if shift < 63 {
upperMax = term | ((uint64(1) << (shift + 1)) - 1)
} else {
upperMax = 0xffffffffffffffff
lowerMax := split - 1
s.relateAndRecurse(term, lowerMax, shift)
s.relateAndRecurse(split, upperMax, shift)
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) relateAndRecurse(start, end uint64, res uint) {
minLon := geo.MortonUnhashLon(start)
minLat := geo.MortonUnhashLat(start)
maxLon := geo.MortonUnhashLon(end)
maxLat := geo.MortonUnhashLat(end)
level := ((geo.GeoBits << 1) - res) >> 1
within := res%document.GeoPrecisionStep == 0 && geo.RectWithin(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, s.minLon, s.minLat, s.maxLon, s.maxLat)
if within || (level == geoDetailLevel && geo.RectIntersects(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, s.minLon, s.minLat, s.maxLon, s.maxLat)) {
s.rangeBounds = append(s.rangeBounds, newGeoRange(start, res, level, !within))
} else if level < geoDetailLevel && geo.RectIntersects(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat, s.minLon, s.minLat, s.maxLon, s.maxLat) {
s.computeRange(start, res-1)
type geoRange struct {
cell []byte
level uint
boundary bool
func newGeoRange(lower uint64, res uint, level uint, boundary bool) *geoRange {
return &geoRange{
level: level,
boundary: boundary,
cell: numeric.MustNewPrefixCodedInt64(int64(lower), res),