Marty Schoch 6554e9624f geo review comments from sreekanth
also one fix came from steve, i must have forgotten to push that
commit up before merging
2017-03-31 08:41:40 -04:00

222 lines
6.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package searcher
import (
type GeoBoundingBoxSearcher struct {
indexReader index.IndexReader
field string
minLon float64
minLat float64
maxLon float64
maxLat float64
options search.SearcherOptions
rangeBounds []*geoRange
searcher *DisjunctionSearcher
func NewGeoBoundingBoxSearcher(indexReader index.IndexReader, minLon, minLat,
maxLon, maxLat float64, field string, boost float64,
options search.SearcherOptions, checkBoundaries bool) (
*GeoBoundingBoxSearcher, error) {
var openedSearchers []search.Searcher
cleanupOpenedSearchers := func() {
for _, s := range openedSearchers {
_ = s.Close()
rv := &GeoBoundingBoxSearcher{
indexReader: indexReader,
minLon: minLon,
minLat: minLat,
maxLon: maxLon,
maxLat: maxLat,
field: field,
options: options,
rv.computeRange(0, (geo.GeoBits<<1)-1)
var termsOnBoundary []search.Searcher
var termsNotOnBoundary []search.Searcher
for _, r := range rv.rangeBounds {
ts, err := NewTermSearcher(indexReader, string(r.cell), field, 1.0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if r.boundary && checkBoundaries {
termsOnBoundary = append(termsOnBoundary, ts)
} else {
termsNotOnBoundary = append(termsNotOnBoundary, ts)
openedSearchers = append(openedSearchers)
var filterOnBoundarySearcher search.Searcher
if len(termsOnBoundary) > 0 {
onBoundarySearcher, err := NewDisjunctionSearcher(indexReader,
termsOnBoundary, 0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
filterOnBoundarySearcher = NewFilteringSearcher(onBoundarySearcher,
func(d *search.DocumentMatch) bool {
var lon, lat float64
var found bool
err = indexReader.DocumentVisitFieldTerms(d.IndexInternalID,
[]string{field}, func(field string, term []byte) {
// only consider the values which are shifted 0
prefixCoded := numeric.PrefixCoded(term)
var shift uint
shift, err = prefixCoded.Shift()
if err == nil && shift == 0 {
var i64 int64
i64, err = prefixCoded.Int64()
if err == nil {
lon = geo.MortonUnhashLon(uint64(i64))
lat = geo.MortonUnhashLat(uint64(i64))
found = true
if err == nil && found {
return geo.BoundingBoxContains(lon, lat,
minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat)
return false
openedSearchers = append(openedSearchers, filterOnBoundarySearcher)
notOnBoundarySearcher, err := NewDisjunctionSearcher(indexReader,
termsNotOnBoundary, 0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
openedSearchers = append(openedSearchers, notOnBoundarySearcher)
// if there is no filterOnBoundary searcher,
// just return the notOnBoundarySearcher
if filterOnBoundarySearcher == nil {
rv.searcher = notOnBoundarySearcher
return rv, nil
rv.searcher, err = NewDisjunctionSearcher(indexReader,
[]search.Searcher{filterOnBoundarySearcher, notOnBoundarySearcher},
0, options)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rv, nil
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Count() uint64 {
return s.searcher.Count()
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Weight() float64 {
return s.searcher.Weight()
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) SetQueryNorm(qnorm float64) {
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Next(ctx *search.SearchContext) (
*search.DocumentMatch, error) {
return s.searcher.Next(ctx)
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Advance(ctx *search.SearchContext,
ID index.IndexInternalID) (*search.DocumentMatch, error) {
return s.searcher.Advance(ctx, ID)
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Close() error {
return s.searcher.Close()
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) Min() int {
return 0
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) DocumentMatchPoolSize() int {
return s.searcher.DocumentMatchPoolSize()
var geoMaxShift = document.GeoPrecisionStep * 4
var geoDetailLevel = ((geo.GeoBits << 1) - geoMaxShift) / 2
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) computeRange(term uint64, shift uint) {
split := term | uint64(0x1)<<shift
var upperMax uint64
if shift < 63 {
upperMax = term | ((uint64(1) << (shift + 1)) - 1)
} else {
upperMax = 0xffffffffffffffff
lowerMax := split - 1
s.relateAndRecurse(term, lowerMax, shift)
s.relateAndRecurse(split, upperMax, shift)
func (s *GeoBoundingBoxSearcher) relateAndRecurse(start, end uint64, res uint) {
minLon := geo.MortonUnhashLon(start)
minLat := geo.MortonUnhashLat(start)
maxLon := geo.MortonUnhashLon(end)
maxLat := geo.MortonUnhashLat(end)
level := ((geo.GeoBits << 1) - res) >> 1
within := res%document.GeoPrecisionStep == 0 &&
geo.RectWithin(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat,
s.minLon, s.minLat, s.maxLon, s.maxLat)
if within || (level == geoDetailLevel &&
geo.RectIntersects(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat,
s.minLon, s.minLat, s.maxLon, s.maxLat)) {
s.rangeBounds = append(s.rangeBounds,
newGeoRange(start, res, level, !within))
} else if level < geoDetailLevel &&
geo.RectIntersects(minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat,
s.minLon, s.minLat, s.maxLon, s.maxLat) {
s.computeRange(start, res-1)
type geoRange struct {
cell []byte
level uint
boundary bool
func newGeoRange(lower uint64, res uint, level uint, boundary bool) *geoRange {
return &geoRange{
level: level,
boundary: boundary,
cell: numeric.MustNewPrefixCodedInt64(int64(lower), res),