Marty Schoch 0d873916f0 support JSON marshal/unmarshal of search request sort
The syntax used is an array of strings.  The strings "_id" and
"_score" are special and reserved to mean sorting on the document
id and score repsectively.  All other strings refer to the literal
field name with that value.  If the string is prefixed with "-"
the order of that sort is descending, without it, it defaults to



This will sort results in decreasing order of the "abv" field.
Results which have the same value of the "abv" field will then
be sorted by their score, also decreasing.

If no value for "sort" is provided in the search request the
default soring is the same as before, which is decreasing score.
2016-08-12 19:16:24 -04:00

416 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
package bleve
import (
type numericRange struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Min *float64 `json:"min,omitempty"`
Max *float64 `json:"max,omitempty"`
type dateTimeRange struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Start time.Time `json:"start,omitempty"`
End time.Time `json:"end,omitempty"`
startString *string
endString *string
func (dr *dateTimeRange) ParseDates(dateTimeParser analysis.DateTimeParser) {
if dr.Start.IsZero() && dr.startString != nil {
start, err := dateTimeParser.ParseDateTime(*dr.startString)
if err == nil {
dr.Start = start
if dr.End.IsZero() && dr.endString != nil {
end, err := dateTimeParser.ParseDateTime(*dr.endString)
if err == nil {
dr.End = end
func (dr *dateTimeRange) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
var temp struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Start *string `json:"start,omitempty"`
End *string `json:"end,omitempty"`
err := json.Unmarshal(input, &temp)
if err != nil {
return err
dr.Name = temp.Name
if temp.Start != nil {
dr.startString = temp.Start
if temp.End != nil {
dr.endString = temp.End
return nil
// A FacetRequest describes a facet or aggregation
// of the result document set you would like to be
// built.
type FacetRequest struct {
Size int `json:"size"`
Field string `json:"field"`
NumericRanges []*numericRange `json:"numeric_ranges,omitempty"`
DateTimeRanges []*dateTimeRange `json:"date_ranges,omitempty"`
func (fr *FacetRequest) Validate() error {
if len(fr.NumericRanges) > 0 && len(fr.DateTimeRanges) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("facet can only conain numeric ranges or date ranges, not both")
nrNames := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, nr := range fr.NumericRanges {
if _, ok := nrNames[nr.Name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("numeric ranges contains duplicate name '%s'", nr.Name)
nrNames[nr.Name] = struct{}{}
drNames := map[string]interface{}{}
for _, dr := range fr.DateTimeRanges {
if _, ok := drNames[dr.Name]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf("date ranges contains duplicate name '%s'", dr.Name)
drNames[dr.Name] = struct{}{}
return nil
// NewFacetRequest creates a facet on the specified
// field that limits the number of entries to the
// specified size.
func NewFacetRequest(field string, size int) *FacetRequest {
return &FacetRequest{
Field: field,
Size: size,
// AddDateTimeRange adds a bucket to a field
// containing date values. Documents with a
// date value falling into this range are tabulated
// as part of this bucket/range.
func (fr *FacetRequest) AddDateTimeRange(name string, start, end time.Time) {
if fr.DateTimeRanges == nil {
fr.DateTimeRanges = make([]*dateTimeRange, 0, 1)
fr.DateTimeRanges = append(fr.DateTimeRanges, &dateTimeRange{Name: name, Start: start, End: end})
// AddNumericRange adds a bucket to a field
// containing numeric values. Documents with a
// numeric value falling into this range are
// tabulated as part of this bucket/range.
func (fr *FacetRequest) AddNumericRange(name string, min, max *float64) {
if fr.NumericRanges == nil {
fr.NumericRanges = make([]*numericRange, 0, 1)
fr.NumericRanges = append(fr.NumericRanges, &numericRange{Name: name, Min: min, Max: max})
// FacetsRequest groups together all the
// FacetRequest objects for a single query.
type FacetsRequest map[string]*FacetRequest
func (fr FacetsRequest) Validate() error {
for _, v := range fr {
err := v.Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// HighlightRequest describes how field matches
// should be highlighted.
type HighlightRequest struct {
Style *string `json:"style"`
Fields []string `json:"fields"`
// NewHighlight creates a default
// HighlightRequest.
func NewHighlight() *HighlightRequest {
return &HighlightRequest{}
// NewHighlightWithStyle creates a HighlightRequest
// with an alternate style.
func NewHighlightWithStyle(style string) *HighlightRequest {
return &HighlightRequest{
Style: &style,
func (h *HighlightRequest) AddField(field string) {
if h.Fields == nil {
h.Fields = make([]string, 0, 1)
h.Fields = append(h.Fields, field)
// A SearchRequest describes all the parameters
// needed to search the index.
// Query is required.
// Size/From describe how much and which part of the
// result set to return.
// Highlight describes optional search result
// highlighting.
// Fields describes a list of field values which
// should be retrieved for result documents, provided they
// were stored while indexing.
// Facets describe the set of facets to be computed.
// Explain triggers inclusion of additional search
// result score explanations.
// Sort describes the desired order for the results to be returned.
// A special field named "*" can be used to return all fields.
type SearchRequest struct {
Query Query `json:"query"`
Size int `json:"size"`
From int `json:"from"`
Highlight *HighlightRequest `json:"highlight"`
Fields []string `json:"fields"`
Facets FacetsRequest `json:"facets"`
Explain bool `json:"explain"`
Sort search.SortOrder `json:"sort"`
func (sr *SearchRequest) Validate() error {
err := sr.Query.Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
return sr.Facets.Validate()
// AddFacet adds a FacetRequest to this SearchRequest
func (r *SearchRequest) AddFacet(facetName string, f *FacetRequest) {
if r.Facets == nil {
r.Facets = make(FacetsRequest, 1)
r.Facets[facetName] = f
// SortBy changes the request to use the requested sort order
func (r *SearchRequest) SortBy(order search.SortOrder) {
r.Sort = order
// UnmarshalJSON deserializes a JSON representation of
// a SearchRequest
func (r *SearchRequest) UnmarshalJSON(input []byte) error {
var temp struct {
Q json.RawMessage `json:"query"`
Size *int `json:"size"`
From int `json:"from"`
Highlight *HighlightRequest `json:"highlight"`
Fields []string `json:"fields"`
Facets FacetsRequest `json:"facets"`
Explain bool `json:"explain"`
Sort []json.RawMessage `json:"sort"`
err := json.Unmarshal(input, &temp)
if err != nil {
return err
if temp.Size == nil {
r.Size = 10
} else {
r.Size = *temp.Size
if temp.Sort == nil {
r.Sort = search.SortOrder{&search.SortScore{Descending: true}}
} else {
r.Sort, err = search.ParseSortOrder(temp.Sort)
if err != nil {
return err
r.From = temp.From
r.Explain = temp.Explain
r.Highlight = temp.Highlight
r.Fields = temp.Fields
r.Facets = temp.Facets
r.Query, err = ParseQuery(temp.Q)
if err != nil {
return err
if r.Size < 0 {
r.Size = 10
if r.From < 0 {
r.From = 0
return nil
// NewSearchRequest creates a new SearchRequest
// for the Query, using default values for all
// other search parameters.
func NewSearchRequest(q Query) *SearchRequest {
return NewSearchRequestOptions(q, 10, 0, false)
// NewSearchRequestOptions creates a new SearchRequest
// for the Query, with the requested size, from
// and explanation search parameters.
// By default results are ordered by score, descending.
func NewSearchRequestOptions(q Query, size, from int, explain bool) *SearchRequest {
return &SearchRequest{
Query: q,
Size: size,
From: from,
Explain: explain,
Sort: search.SortOrder{&search.SortScore{Descending: true}},
// IndexErrMap tracks errors with the name of the index where it occurred
type IndexErrMap map[string]error
// MarshalJSON seralizes the error into a string for JSON consumption
func (iem IndexErrMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
tmp := make(map[string]string, len(iem))
for k, v := range iem {
tmp[k] = v.Error()
return json.Marshal(tmp)
func (iem IndexErrMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var tmp map[string]string
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range tmp {
iem[k] = fmt.Errorf("%s", v)
return nil
// SearchStatus is a secion in the SearchResult reporting how many
// underlying indexes were queried, how many were successful/failed
// and a map of any errors that were encountered
type SearchStatus struct {
Total int `json:"total"`
Failed int `json:"failed"`
Successful int `json:"successful"`
Errors IndexErrMap `json:"errors,omitempty"`
// Merge will merge together multiple SearchStatuses during a MultiSearch
func (ss *SearchStatus) Merge(other *SearchStatus) {
ss.Total += other.Total
ss.Failed += other.Failed
ss.Successful += other.Successful
if len(other.Errors) > 0 {
if ss.Errors == nil {
ss.Errors = make(map[string]error)
for otherIndex, otherError := range other.Errors {
ss.Errors[otherIndex] = otherError
// A SearchResult describes the results of executing
// a SearchRequest.
type SearchResult struct {
Status *SearchStatus `json:"status"`
Request *SearchRequest `json:"request"`
Hits search.DocumentMatchCollection `json:"hits"`
Total uint64 `json:"total_hits"`
MaxScore float64 `json:"max_score"`
Took time.Duration `json:"took"`
Facets search.FacetResults `json:"facets"`
func (sr *SearchResult) String() string {
rv := ""
if sr.Total > 0 {
if sr.Request.Size > 0 {
rv = fmt.Sprintf("%d matches, showing %d through %d, took %s\n", sr.Total, sr.Request.From+1, sr.Request.From+len(sr.Hits), sr.Took)
for i, hit := range sr.Hits {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("%5d. %s (%f)\n", i+sr.Request.From+1, hit.ID, hit.Score)
for fragmentField, fragments := range hit.Fragments {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", fragmentField)
for _, fragment := range fragments {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%s\n", fragment)
for otherFieldName, otherFieldValue := range hit.Fields {
if _, ok := hit.Fragments[otherFieldName]; !ok {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s\n", otherFieldName)
rv += fmt.Sprintf("\t\t%v\n", otherFieldValue)
} else {
rv = fmt.Sprintf("%d matches, took %s\n", sr.Total, sr.Took)
} else {
rv = "No matches"
if len(sr.Facets) > 0 {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("Facets:\n")
for fn, f := range sr.Facets {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d)\n", fn, f.Total)
for _, t := range f.Terms {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("\t%s(%d)\n", t.Term, t.Count)
if f.Other != 0 {
rv += fmt.Sprintf("\tOther(%d)\n", f.Other)
return rv
// Merge will merge together multiple SearchResults during a MultiSearch
func (sr *SearchResult) Merge(other *SearchResult) {
sr.Hits = append(sr.Hits, other.Hits...)
sr.Total += other.Total
if other.MaxScore > sr.MaxScore {
sr.MaxScore = other.MaxScore