Marty Schoch 198ca1ad4d major refactor of kvstore/index internals, see below
In the index/store package
introduce KVReader
  creates snapshot
  all read operations consistent from this snapshot
  must close to release

introduce KVWriter
  only one writer active
  access to all operations
  allows for consisten read-modify-write
  must close to release

introduce AssociativeMerge operation on batch
  allows efficient read-modify-write
  for associative operations
  used to consolidate updates to the term summary rows
  saves 1 set and 1 get op per shared instance of term in field

In the index package
introduced an IndexReader
  exposes a consisten snapshot of the index for searching

At top level
  All searches now operate on a consisten snapshot of the index
2014-09-12 17:21:35 -04:00

603 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
package upside_down
import (
var VersionKey = []byte{'v'}
const Version uint8 = 1
type UpsideDownCouch struct {
version uint8
path string
store store.KVStore
fieldIndexes map[string]uint16
lastFieldIndex int
analyzer map[string]*analysis.Analyzer
docCount uint64
func NewUpsideDownCouch(s store.KVStore) *UpsideDownCouch {
return &UpsideDownCouch{
version: Version,
analyzer: make(map[string]*analysis.Analyzer),
fieldIndexes: make(map[string]uint16),
store: s,
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) init(kvwriter store.KVWriter) (err error) {
// prepare a list of rows
rows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
// version marker
rows = append(rows, NewVersionRow(udc.version))
return udc.batchRows(kvwriter, nil, rows, nil)
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) loadSchema(kvreader store.KVReader) (err error) {
keyPrefix := []byte{'f'}
it := kvreader.Iterator(keyPrefix)
defer it.Close()
key, val, valid := it.Current()
for valid {
// stop when
if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, keyPrefix) {
fieldRow, err := NewFieldRowKV(key, val)
if err != nil {
return err
udc.fieldIndexes[fieldRow.name] = fieldRow.index
if int(fieldRow.index) > udc.lastFieldIndex {
udc.lastFieldIndex = int(fieldRow.index)
key, val, valid = it.Current()
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) batchRows(writer store.KVWriter, addRows []UpsideDownCouchRow, updateRows []UpsideDownCouchRow, deleteRows []UpsideDownCouchRow) (err error) {
// prepare batch
wb := writer.NewBatch()
// add
for _, row := range addRows {
tfr, ok := row.(*TermFrequencyRow)
if ok {
// need to increment counter
summaryKey := tfr.SummaryKey()
wb.Merge(summaryKey, newTermSummaryIncr())
wb.Set(row.Key(), row.Value())
// update
for _, row := range updateRows {
wb.Set(row.Key(), row.Value())
// delete
for _, row := range deleteRows {
tfr, ok := row.(*TermFrequencyRow)
if ok {
// need to decrement counter
summaryKey := tfr.SummaryKey()
wb.Merge(summaryKey, newTermSummaryDecr())
// write out the batch
err = wb.Execute()
if err != nil {
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) DocCount() uint64 {
return udc.docCount
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) Open() error {
// start a writer for the open process
kvwriter := udc.store.Writer()
defer kvwriter.Close()
value, err := kvwriter.Get(VersionKey)
if err != nil {
return err
// init new index OR load schema
if value == nil {
err = udc.init(kvwriter)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err = udc.loadSchema(kvwriter)
if err != nil {
return err
// set doc count
udc.docCount = udc.countDocs(kvwriter)
return nil
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) countDocs(kvreader store.KVReader) uint64 {
it := kvreader.Iterator([]byte{'b'})
defer it.Close()
var rv uint64
key, _, valid := it.Current()
for valid {
if !bytes.HasPrefix(key, []byte{'b'}) {
key, _, valid = it.Current()
return rv
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) rowCount() uint64 {
// start an isolated reader for use during the rowcount
kvreader := udc.store.Reader()
defer kvreader.Close()
it := kvreader.Iterator([]byte{0})
defer it.Close()
var rv uint64
_, _, valid := it.Current()
for valid {
_, _, valid = it.Current()
return rv
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) Close() {
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) Update(doc *document.Document) error {
// start a writer for this update
kvwriter := udc.store.Writer()
defer kvwriter.Close()
// first we lookup the backindex row for the doc id if it exists
// lookup the back index row
backIndexRow, err := udc.backIndexRowForDoc(kvwriter, doc.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
// prepare a list of rows
addRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
updateRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
deleteRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
addRows, updateRows, deleteRows = udc.updateSingle(doc, backIndexRow, addRows, updateRows, deleteRows)
err = udc.batchRows(kvwriter, addRows, updateRows, deleteRows)
if err == nil && backIndexRow == nil {
return err
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) updateSingle(doc *document.Document, backIndexRow *BackIndexRow, addRows, updateRows, deleteRows []UpsideDownCouchRow) ([]UpsideDownCouchRow, []UpsideDownCouchRow, []UpsideDownCouchRow) {
existingTermKeys := make(map[string]bool)
for _, key := range backIndexRow.AllTermKeys() {
existingTermKeys[string(key)] = true
existingStoredKeys := make(map[string]bool)
for _, key := range backIndexRow.AllStoredKeys() {
existingStoredKeys[string(key)] = true
// track our back index entries
backIndexTermEntries := make([]*BackIndexTermEntry, 0)
backIndexStoredEntries := make([]*BackIndexStoreEntry, 0)
for _, field := range doc.Fields {
fieldIndex, newFieldRow := udc.fieldNameToFieldIndex(field.Name())
if newFieldRow != nil {
updateRows = append(updateRows, newFieldRow)
if field.Options().IsIndexed() {
fieldLength, tokenFreqs := field.Analyze()
// see if any of the composite fields need this
for _, compositeField := range doc.CompositeFields {
compositeField.Compose(field.Name(), fieldLength, tokenFreqs)
// encode this field
indexAddRows, indexUpdateRows, indexBackIndexTermEntries := udc.indexField(doc.ID, field, fieldIndex, fieldLength, tokenFreqs, existingTermKeys)
addRows = append(addRows, indexAddRows...)
updateRows = append(updateRows, indexUpdateRows...)
backIndexTermEntries = append(backIndexTermEntries, indexBackIndexTermEntries...)
if field.Options().IsStored() {
storeAddRows, storeUpdateRows, indexBackIndexStoreEntries := udc.storeField(doc.ID, field, fieldIndex, existingStoredKeys)
addRows = append(addRows, storeAddRows...)
updateRows = append(updateRows, storeUpdateRows...)
backIndexStoredEntries = append(backIndexStoredEntries, indexBackIndexStoreEntries...)
// now index the composite fields
for _, compositeField := range doc.CompositeFields {
fieldIndex, newFieldRow := udc.fieldNameToFieldIndex(compositeField.Name())
if newFieldRow != nil {
updateRows = append(updateRows, newFieldRow)
if compositeField.Options().IsIndexed() {
fieldLength, tokenFreqs := compositeField.Analyze()
// encode this field
indexAddRows, indexUpdateRows, indexBackIndexTermEntries := udc.indexField(doc.ID, compositeField, fieldIndex, fieldLength, tokenFreqs, existingTermKeys)
addRows = append(addRows, indexAddRows...)
updateRows = append(updateRows, indexUpdateRows...)
backIndexTermEntries = append(backIndexTermEntries, indexBackIndexTermEntries...)
// build the back index row
backIndexRow = NewBackIndexRow(doc.ID, backIndexTermEntries, backIndexStoredEntries)
updateRows = append(updateRows, backIndexRow)
// any of the existing rows that weren't updated need to be deleted
for existingTermKey := range existingTermKeys {
termFreqRow, err := NewTermFrequencyRowK([]byte(existingTermKey))
if err == nil {
deleteRows = append(deleteRows, termFreqRow)
// any of the existing stored fields that weren't updated need to be deleted
for existingStoredKey := range existingStoredKeys {
storedRow, err := NewStoredRowK([]byte(existingStoredKey))
if err == nil {
deleteRows = append(deleteRows, storedRow)
return addRows, updateRows, deleteRows
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) storeField(docID string, field document.Field, fieldIndex uint16, existingKeys map[string]bool) ([]UpsideDownCouchRow, []UpsideDownCouchRow, []*BackIndexStoreEntry) {
updateRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
addRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
backIndexStoredEntries := make([]*BackIndexStoreEntry, 0)
fieldType := encodeFieldType(field)
storedRow := NewStoredRow(docID, fieldIndex, field.ArrayPositions(), fieldType, field.Value())
// record the back index entry
backIndexStoredEntry := BackIndexStoreEntry{Field: proto.Uint32(uint32(fieldIndex)), ArrayPositions: field.ArrayPositions()}
backIndexStoredEntries = append(backIndexStoredEntries, &backIndexStoredEntry)
storedRowKey := string(storedRow.Key())
_, existed := existingKeys[storedRowKey]
if existed {
// this is an update
updateRows = append(updateRows, storedRow)
// this field was stored last time, delete it from that map
delete(existingKeys, storedRowKey)
} else {
addRows = append(addRows, storedRow)
return addRows, updateRows, backIndexStoredEntries
func encodeFieldType(f document.Field) byte {
fieldType := byte('x')
switch f.(type) {
case *document.TextField:
fieldType = 't'
case *document.NumericField:
fieldType = 'n'
case *document.DateTimeField:
fieldType = 'd'
case *document.CompositeField:
fieldType = 'c'
return fieldType
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) indexField(docID string, field document.Field, fieldIndex uint16, fieldLength int, tokenFreqs analysis.TokenFrequencies, existingKeys map[string]bool) ([]UpsideDownCouchRow, []UpsideDownCouchRow, []*BackIndexTermEntry) {
updateRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
addRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
backIndexTermEntries := make([]*BackIndexTermEntry, 0)
fieldNorm := float32(1.0 / math.Sqrt(float64(fieldLength)))
for _, tf := range tokenFreqs {
var termFreqRow *TermFrequencyRow
if field.Options().IncludeTermVectors() {
tv, newFieldRows := udc.termVectorsFromTokenFreq(fieldIndex, tf)
updateRows = append(updateRows, newFieldRows...)
termFreqRow = NewTermFrequencyRowWithTermVectors(tf.Term, fieldIndex, docID, uint64(frequencyFromTokenFreq(tf)), fieldNorm, tv)
} else {
termFreqRow = NewTermFrequencyRow(tf.Term, fieldIndex, docID, uint64(frequencyFromTokenFreq(tf)), fieldNorm)
// record the back index entry
backIndexTermEntry := BackIndexTermEntry{Term: proto.String(string(tf.Term)), Field: proto.Uint32(uint32(fieldIndex))}
backIndexTermEntries = append(backIndexTermEntries, &backIndexTermEntry)
tfrKeyString := string(termFreqRow.Key())
_, existed := existingKeys[tfrKeyString]
if existed {
// this is an update
updateRows = append(updateRows, termFreqRow)
// this term existed last time, delete it from that map
delete(existingKeys, tfrKeyString)
} else {
// this is an add
addRows = append(addRows, termFreqRow)
return addRows, updateRows, backIndexTermEntries
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) fieldNameToFieldIndex(fieldName string) (uint16, *FieldRow) {
var fieldRow *FieldRow
fieldIndex, fieldExists := udc.fieldIndexes[fieldName]
if !fieldExists {
// assign next field id
fieldIndex = uint16(udc.lastFieldIndex + 1)
udc.fieldIndexes[fieldName] = fieldIndex
// ensure this batch adds a row for this field
fieldRow = NewFieldRow(uint16(fieldIndex), fieldName)
udc.lastFieldIndex = int(fieldIndex)
return fieldIndex, fieldRow
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) Delete(id string) error {
// start a writer for this delete
kvwriter := udc.store.Writer()
defer kvwriter.Close()
// lookup the back index row
backIndexRow, err := udc.backIndexRowForDoc(kvwriter, id)
if err != nil {
return err
if backIndexRow == nil {
return nil
deleteRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
deleteRows = udc.deleteSingle(id, backIndexRow, deleteRows)
err = udc.batchRows(kvwriter, nil, nil, deleteRows)
if err == nil {
return err
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) deleteSingle(id string, backIndexRow *BackIndexRow, deleteRows []UpsideDownCouchRow) []UpsideDownCouchRow {
for _, backIndexEntry := range backIndexRow.termEntries {
tfr := NewTermFrequencyRow([]byte(*backIndexEntry.Term), uint16(*backIndexEntry.Field), id, 0, 0)
deleteRows = append(deleteRows, tfr)
for _, se := range backIndexRow.storedEntries {
sf := NewStoredRow(id, uint16(*se.Field), se.ArrayPositions, 'x', nil)
deleteRows = append(deleteRows, sf)
// also delete the back entry itself
deleteRows = append(deleteRows, backIndexRow)
return deleteRows
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) backIndexRowForDoc(kvreader store.KVReader, docID string) (*BackIndexRow, error) {
// use a temporary row structure to build key
tempRow := &BackIndexRow{
doc: []byte(docID),
key := tempRow.Key()
value, err := kvreader.Get(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if value == nil {
return nil, nil
backIndexRow, err := NewBackIndexRowKV(key, value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return backIndexRow, nil
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) backIndexRowsForBatch(kvreader store.KVReader, batch index.Batch) (map[string]*BackIndexRow, error) {
// FIXME faster to order the ids and scan sequentially
// for now just get it working
rv := make(map[string]*BackIndexRow, 0)
for docID := range batch {
backIndexRow, err := udc.backIndexRowForDoc(kvreader, docID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv[docID] = backIndexRow
return rv, nil
func decodeFieldType(typ byte, name string, value []byte) document.Field {
switch typ {
case 't':
return document.NewTextField(name, []uint64{}, value)
case 'n':
return document.NewNumericFieldFromBytes(name, []uint64{}, value)
case 'd':
return document.NewDateTimeFieldFromBytes(name, []uint64{}, value)
return nil
func frequencyFromTokenFreq(tf *analysis.TokenFreq) int {
return len(tf.Locations)
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) termVectorsFromTokenFreq(field uint16, tf *analysis.TokenFreq) ([]*TermVector, []UpsideDownCouchRow) {
rv := make([]*TermVector, len(tf.Locations))
newFieldRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
for i, l := range tf.Locations {
var newFieldRow *FieldRow
fieldIndex := field
if l.Field != "" {
// lookup correct field
fieldIndex, newFieldRow = udc.fieldNameToFieldIndex(l.Field)
if newFieldRow != nil {
newFieldRows = append(newFieldRows, newFieldRow)
tv := TermVector{
field: fieldIndex,
pos: uint64(l.Position),
start: uint64(l.Start),
end: uint64(l.End),
rv[i] = &tv
return rv, newFieldRows
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) termFieldVectorsFromTermVectors(in []*TermVector) []*index.TermFieldVector {
rv := make([]*index.TermFieldVector, len(in))
for i, tv := range in {
fieldName := udc.fieldIndexToName(tv.field)
tfv := index.TermFieldVector{
Field: fieldName,
Pos: tv.pos,
Start: tv.start,
End: tv.end,
rv[i] = &tfv
return rv
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) fieldIndexToName(i uint16) string {
for fieldName, fieldIndex := range udc.fieldIndexes {
if i == fieldIndex {
return fieldName
return ""
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) Batch(batch index.Batch) error {
// start a writer for this batch
kvwriter := udc.store.Writer()
defer kvwriter.Close()
// first lookup all the back index rows
backIndexRows, err := udc.backIndexRowsForBatch(kvwriter, batch)
if err != nil {
return err
// prepare a list of rows
addRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
updateRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
deleteRows := make([]UpsideDownCouchRow, 0)
docsAdded := uint64(0)
docsDeleted := uint64(0)
for docID, doc := range batch {
backIndexRow := backIndexRows[docID]
if doc == nil && backIndexRow != nil {
deleteRows = udc.deleteSingle(docID, backIndexRow, deleteRows)
} else if doc != nil {
addRows, updateRows, deleteRows = udc.updateSingle(doc, backIndexRow, addRows, updateRows, deleteRows)
if backIndexRow == nil {
err = udc.batchRows(kvwriter, addRows, updateRows, deleteRows)
if err == nil {
udc.docCount += docsAdded
udc.docCount -= docsDeleted
return err
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) SetInternal(key, val []byte) error {
internalRow := NewInternalRow(key, val)
writer := udc.store.Writer()
defer writer.Close()
return writer.Set(internalRow.Key(), internalRow.Value())
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) DeleteInternal(key []byte) error {
internalRow := NewInternalRow(key, nil)
writer := udc.store.Writer()
defer writer.Close()
return writer.Delete(internalRow.Key())
func (udc *UpsideDownCouch) Reader() index.IndexReader {
return &IndexReader{
index: udc,
kvreader: udc.store.Reader(),
docCount: udc.docCount,