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{"name":"Hopfen Weisse","abv":8.2,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"private_weissbierbrauerei_g_schneider_sohn_gmbh","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"Schneider & Brooklyner Hopfen-Weisse is a collaboration between brewmasters Hans-Peter Drexler of the Schneider Weissbier Brewery and Garrett Oliver of the Brooklyn Brewery. Garrett and Hans-Peter have long admired each others beers. Now together they bring you a new sensation, a pale weissbock robustly dry-hopped with the Hallertauer Saphir variety grown in the fields near the Schneider brewery. Hoppy, zesty and supremely refreshing, Scheider & Brooklyner Hopfen-Weisse is a delicious blend of Bavarian craftsmanship and American ingenuity.","style":"South German-Style Hefeweizen","category":"German Ale"}