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{"name":"Oat Imperial Oatmeal Stout","abv":12.5,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"southern_tier_brewing_co","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"It is beer #2 in our \"Blackwater Series\" of original Imperial Stouts. The first in the Series was \"Is\", a dark and bitter Russian Imperial Stout. \"Oat\" is the follow up; an Oatmeal Stout with major alcohol volume and tons of body to back it up. The cloying character of the oats in this brew lends itself to a chewy and almost oily mouthfeel. ABV. is off the charts at about 12.5%. Note, that this is an all malt beer fermented with our house ale strain of yeast. Judicious hopping with Columbus and Chinook produce a hoppy aroma that mingles nicely with the chocolate and de-bittered black barley from Belgium.","style":"American-Style Imperial Stout","category":"North American Ale"}