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{"name":"Blithering Idiot","abv":11.1,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"weyerbacher_brewing_company","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"At Weyerbacher, we prefer to brew things true to European style guidelines. Consequently our barley wine is on the malty side, yet not overly sweet. Notes of date or perhaps fig on the palate follow a pleasurably malty aroma to your taste buds. The finish is warm and fruity, and begs for the next sip.\r\n\r\nEnjoy Blithering Idiot in a brandy snifter or wine glass, preferably in front of the fire, or accompanying a literary classic. This is the finest life has to offer and should be treated as such. Moments of reflection make all the toil worthwhile, and Blithering Idiot is for moments like these. Share it with your family over the holiday dinner. Lay a few down, aging only helps a barley wine develop more class. At 11.1 % ABV (alcohol by volume) this fine ale will keep for years. Our expected maximum shelf-life is 2 to 3 years. Although it might see a decade, beyond the 3rd year most barley-wines have a tendency to decrease in complexity, so don't wait too long","style":"American-Style Barley Wine Ale","category":"North American Ale"}