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{"name":"Dos Perros","abv":3.5,"ibu":0.0,"srm":0.0,"upc":0,"type":"beer","brewery_id":"yazoo_brewing","updated":"2010-07-22 20:00:20","description":"Many Mexican beer styles today are descendants of old Austrian styles, from when Austria ruled Mexico in the late 19th century. Our Dos Perros is made with German Munich malt, English Pale malt, and Chocolate malt, and hopped with Perle and Saaz hops. To lighten the body, as many Mexican brewers do, we add a small portion of flaked maize. The result is a wonderfully bready malt aroma, balanced with some maize sweetness and a noble hop finish.\r\n\r\nFood Pairings: The toasty malt flavors go great with barbeque, grilled salmon, carmelized onions, and most hot and spicy foods. Try it with Mexican or Thai dishes.\r\n\r\nOG: 10.4 Plato\r\nFG: 3.3 Plato\r\nIBUs: 21\r\nSRM: 13\r\n3.5% abv","style":"Dark American-Belgo-Style Ale","category":"North American Ale"}