Marty Schoch 2968d3538a major refactor, apologies for the large commit
removed analyzers (these are now built as needed through config)
removed html chacter filter (now built as needed through config)
added missing license header
changed constructor signature of filters that cannot return errors
filter constructors that can have errors, now have Must variant which panics
change cdl2 tokenizer into filter (should only see lower-case input)
new top level index api, closes #5
refactored index tests to not rely directly on analyzers
moved query objects to top-level
new top level search api, closes #12
top score collector allows skipping results
index mapping supports _all by default, closes #3 and closes #6
index mapping supports disabled sections, closes #7
new http sub package with reusable http.Handler's, closes #22
2014-07-30 12:30:38 -04:00

466 lines
8.1 KiB

//line query_syntax.y:2
package bleve
import __yyfmt__ "fmt"
//line query_syntax.y:2
import "log"
func logDebugGrammar(format string, v ...interface{}) {
if debugParser {
log.Printf(format, v...)
//line query_syntax.y:12
type yySymType struct {
yys int
s string
n int
f float64
const STRING = 57346
const PHRASE = 57347
const PLUS = 57348
const MINUS = 57349
const COLON = 57350
const BOOST = 57351
const LPAREN = 57352
const RPAREN = 57353
const INT = 57354
var yyToknames = []string{
var yyStatenames = []string{}
const yyEofCode = 1
const yyErrCode = 2
const yyMaxDepth = 200
//line yacctab:1
var yyExca = []int{
-1, 1,
1, -1,
-2, 0,
-1, 3,
1, 3,
-2, 5,
const yyNprod = 16
const yyPrivate = 57344
var yyTokenNames []string
var yyStates []string
const yyLast = 18
var yyAct = []int{
16, 14, 15, 6, 7, 17, 18, 10, 11, 2,
13, 5, 12, 8, 9, 4, 3, 1,
var yyPact = []int{
-3, -1000, -1000, -3, 3, -1000, -1000, -1000, -1000, -8,
-6, -1000, -1000, -1000, -12, 1, -1000, -1000, -1000,
var yyPgo = []int{
0, 17, 9, 16, 15, 14, 12, 11, 10,
var yyR1 = []int{
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 7, 7, 5,
5, 5, 5, 8, 6, 6,
var yyR2 = []int{
0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 3, 3, 2, 0, 1,
var yyChk = []int{
-1000, -1, -2, -3, -4, -7, 6, 7, -2, -5,
4, 5, -6, -8, 9, 8, 12, 4, 5,
var yyDef = []int{
5, -2, 1, -2, 0, 6, 7, 8, 2, 14,
9, 10, 4, 15, 0, 0, 13, 11, 12,
var yyTok1 = []int{
var yyTok2 = []int{
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
var yyTok3 = []int{
//line yaccpar:1
/* parser for yacc output */
var yyDebug = 0
type yyLexer interface {
Lex(lval *yySymType) int
Error(s string)
const yyFlag = -1000
func yyTokname(c int) string {
// 4 is TOKSTART above
if c >= 4 && c-4 < len(yyToknames) {
if yyToknames[c-4] != "" {
return yyToknames[c-4]
return __yyfmt__.Sprintf("tok-%v", c)
func yyStatname(s int) string {
if s >= 0 && s < len(yyStatenames) {
if yyStatenames[s] != "" {
return yyStatenames[s]
return __yyfmt__.Sprintf("state-%v", s)
func yylex1(lex yyLexer, lval *yySymType) int {
c := 0
char := lex.Lex(lval)
if char <= 0 {
c = yyTok1[0]
goto out
if char < len(yyTok1) {
c = yyTok1[char]
goto out
if char >= yyPrivate {
if char < yyPrivate+len(yyTok2) {
c = yyTok2[char-yyPrivate]
goto out
for i := 0; i < len(yyTok3); i += 2 {
c = yyTok3[i+0]
if c == char {
c = yyTok3[i+1]
goto out
if c == 0 {
c = yyTok2[1] /* unknown char */
if yyDebug >= 3 {
__yyfmt__.Printf("lex %s(%d)\n", yyTokname(c), uint(char))
return c
func yyParse(yylex yyLexer) int {
var yyn int
var yylval yySymType
var yyVAL yySymType
yyS := make([]yySymType, yyMaxDepth)
Nerrs := 0 /* number of errors */
Errflag := 0 /* error recovery flag */
yystate := 0
yychar := -1
yyp := -1
goto yystack
return 0
return 1
/* put a state and value onto the stack */
if yyDebug >= 4 {
__yyfmt__.Printf("char %v in %v\n", yyTokname(yychar), yyStatname(yystate))
if yyp >= len(yyS) {
nyys := make([]yySymType, len(yyS)*2)
copy(nyys, yyS)
yyS = nyys
yyS[yyp] = yyVAL
yyS[yyp].yys = yystate
yyn = yyPact[yystate]
if yyn <= yyFlag {
goto yydefault /* simple state */
if yychar < 0 {
yychar = yylex1(yylex, &yylval)
yyn += yychar
if yyn < 0 || yyn >= yyLast {
goto yydefault
yyn = yyAct[yyn]
if yyChk[yyn] == yychar { /* valid shift */
yychar = -1
yyVAL = yylval
yystate = yyn
if Errflag > 0 {
goto yystack
/* default state action */
yyn = yyDef[yystate]
if yyn == -2 {
if yychar < 0 {
yychar = yylex1(yylex, &yylval)
/* look through exception table */
xi := 0
for {
if yyExca[xi+0] == -1 && yyExca[xi+1] == yystate {
xi += 2
for xi += 2; ; xi += 2 {
yyn = yyExca[xi+0]
if yyn < 0 || yyn == yychar {
yyn = yyExca[xi+1]
if yyn < 0 {
goto ret0
if yyn == 0 {
/* error ... attempt to resume parsing */
switch Errflag {
case 0: /* brand new error */
yylex.Error("syntax error")
if yyDebug >= 1 {
__yyfmt__.Printf("%s", yyStatname(yystate))
__yyfmt__.Printf(" saw %s\n", yyTokname(yychar))
case 1, 2: /* incompletely recovered error ... try again */
Errflag = 3
/* find a state where "error" is a legal shift action */
for yyp >= 0 {
yyn = yyPact[yyS[yyp].yys] + yyErrCode
if yyn >= 0 && yyn < yyLast {
yystate = yyAct[yyn] /* simulate a shift of "error" */
if yyChk[yystate] == yyErrCode {
goto yystack
/* the current p has no shift on "error", pop stack */
if yyDebug >= 2 {
__yyfmt__.Printf("error recovery pops state %d\n", yyS[yyp].yys)
/* there is no state on the stack with an error shift ... abort */
goto ret1
case 3: /* no shift yet; clobber input char */
if yyDebug >= 2 {
__yyfmt__.Printf("error recovery discards %s\n", yyTokname(yychar))
if yychar == yyEofCode {
goto ret1
yychar = -1
goto yynewstate /* try again in the same state */
/* reduction by production yyn */
if yyDebug >= 2 {
__yyfmt__.Printf("reduce %v in:\n\t%v\n", yyn, yyStatname(yystate))
yynt := yyn
yypt := yyp
_ = yypt // guard against "declared and not used"
yyp -= yyR2[yyn]
yyVAL = yyS[yyp+1]
/* consult goto table to find next state */
yyn = yyR1[yyn]
yyg := yyPgo[yyn]
yyj := yyg + yyS[yyp].yys + 1
if yyj >= yyLast {
yystate = yyAct[yyg]
} else {
yystate = yyAct[yyj]
if yyChk[yystate] != -yyn {
yystate = yyAct[yyg]
// dummy call; replaced with literal code
switch yynt {
case 1:
//line query_syntax.y:22
case 2:
//line query_syntax.y:27
logDebugGrammar("SEARCH PARTS")
case 3:
//line query_syntax.y:31
logDebugGrammar("SEARCH PART")
case 4:
//line query_syntax.y:36
case 5:
//line query_syntax.y:42
case 6:
//line query_syntax.y:45
case 7:
//line query_syntax.y:51
parsingMust = true
case 8:
//line query_syntax.y:56
parsingMustNot = true
case 9:
//line query_syntax.y:62
str := yyS[yypt-0].s
logDebugGrammar("STRING - %s", str)
q := NewMatchQuery(str).SetField(parsingDefaultField)
if parsingMust {
parsingMust = false
} else if parsingMustNot {
parsingMustNot = false
} else {
case 10:
//line query_syntax.y:77
phrase := yyS[yypt-0].s
logDebugGrammar("PHRASE - %s", phrase)
q := NewMatchPhraseQuery(phrase).SetField(parsingDefaultField)
if parsingMust {
parsingMust = false
} else if parsingMustNot {
parsingMustNot = false
} else {
case 11:
//line query_syntax.y:92
field := yyS[yypt-2].s
str := yyS[yypt-0].s
logDebugGrammar("FIELD - %s STRING - %s", field, str)
q := NewMatchQuery(str).SetField(field)
if parsingMust {
parsingMust = false
} else if parsingMustNot {
parsingMustNot = false
} else {
case 12:
//line query_syntax.y:108
field := yyS[yypt-2].s
phrase := yyS[yypt-0].s
logDebugGrammar("FIELD - %s PHRASE - %s", field, phrase)
q := NewMatchPhraseQuery(phrase).SetField(field)
if parsingMust {
parsingMust = false
} else if parsingMustNot {
parsingMustNot = false
} else {
case 13:
//line query_syntax.y:126
boost := yyS[yypt-1].n
logDebugGrammar("BOOST %d", boost)
case 14:
//line query_syntax.y:132
case 15:
//line query_syntax.y:136
goto yystack /* stack new state and value */