Marty Schoch c526a38369 major refactor of analysis files, now wired up to registry
ultimately this is make it more convenient for us to wire up
different elements of the analysis pipeline, without having to
preload everything into memory before we need it

separately the index layer now has a mechanism for storing
internal key/value pairs.  this is expected to be used to
store the mapping, and possibly other pieces of data by the
top layer, but not exposed to the user at the top.
2014-08-13 21:14:47 -04:00

158 lines
4.0 KiB

package sv
import (
const StopName = "stop_sv"
// this content was obtained from:
// lucene-4.7.2/analysis/common/src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/snowball/
// ` was changed to ' to allow for literal string
var SwedishStopWords = []byte(` | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/swedish/stop.txt
| This file is distributed under the BSD License.
| See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
| Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
| - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
| - This notice was added.
| NOTE: To use this file with StopFilterFactory, you must specify format="snowball"
| A Swedish stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
| word is at the start of a line.
| This is a ranked list (commonest to rarest) of stopwords derived from
| a large text sample.
| Swedish stop words occasionally exhibit homonym clashes. For example
| så = so, but also seed. These are indicated clearly below.
och | and
det | it, this/that
att | to (with infinitive)
i | in, at
en | a
jag | I
hon | she
som | who, that
han | he
på | on
den | it, this/that
med | with
var | where, each
sig | him(self) etc
för | for
så | so (also: seed)
till | to
är | is
men | but
ett | a
om | if; around, about
hade | had
de | they, these/those
av | of
icke | not, no
mig | me
du | you
henne | her
då | then, when
sin | his
nu | now
har | have
inte | inte någon = no one
hans | his
honom | him
skulle | 'sake'
hennes | her
där | there
min | my
man | one (pronoun)
ej | nor
vid | at, by, on (also: vast)
kunde | could
något | some etc
från | from, off
ut | out
när | when
efter | after, behind
upp | up
vi | we
dem | them
vara | be
vad | what
över | over
än | than
dig | you
kan | can
sina | his
här | here
ha | have
mot | towards
alla | all
under | under (also: wonder)
någon | some etc
eller | or (else)
allt | all
mycket | much
sedan | since
ju | why
denna | this/that
själv | myself, yourself etc
detta | this/that
åt | to
utan | without
varit | was
hur | how
ingen | no
mitt | my
ni | you
bli | to be, become
blev | from bli
oss | us
din | thy
dessa | these/those
några | some etc
deras | their
blir | from bli
mina | my
samma | (the) same
vilken | who, that
er | you, your
sådan | such a
vår | our
blivit | from bli
dess | its
inom | within
mellan | between
sådant | such a
varför | why
varje | each
vilka | who, that
ditt | thy
vem | who
vilket | who, that
sitta | his
sådana | such a
vart | each
dina | thy
vars | whose
vårt | our
våra | our
ert | your
era | your
vilkas | whose
func TokenMapConstructor(config map[string]interface{}, cache *registry.Cache) (analysis.TokenMap, error) {
rv := analysis.NewTokenMap()
err := rv.LoadBytes(SwedishStopWords)
return rv, err
func init() {
registry.RegisterTokenMap(StopName, TokenMapConstructor)