Marty Schoch 8096d9fb90 remove use of float64 to represent int things
this originated from a misunderstanding of mine going back
several years.  the values need not be float64 just because
we plan to serialize them as json.

there are still larger questions about what the right type should
be, and where should any conversions go.  but, this commit
simply attempts to address the most egregious problems
2017-02-09 20:15:59 -05:00

183 lines
5.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package scorer
import (
type TermQueryScorer struct {
queryTerm string
queryField string
queryBoost float64
docTerm uint64
docTotal uint64
idf float64
options search.SearcherOptions
idfExplanation *search.Explanation
queryNorm float64
queryWeight float64
queryWeightExplanation *search.Explanation
func NewTermQueryScorer(queryTerm string, queryField string, queryBoost float64, docTotal, docTerm uint64, options search.SearcherOptions) *TermQueryScorer {
rv := TermQueryScorer{
queryTerm: queryTerm,
queryField: queryField,
queryBoost: queryBoost,
docTerm: docTerm,
docTotal: docTotal,
idf: 1.0 + math.Log(float64(docTotal)/float64(docTerm+1.0)),
options: options,
queryWeight: 1.0,
if options.Explain {
rv.idfExplanation = &search.Explanation{
Value: rv.idf,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("idf(docFreq=%d, maxDocs=%d)", docTerm, docTotal),
return &rv
func (s *TermQueryScorer) Weight() float64 {
sum := s.queryBoost * s.idf
return sum * sum
func (s *TermQueryScorer) SetQueryNorm(qnorm float64) {
s.queryNorm = qnorm
// update the query weight
s.queryWeight = s.queryBoost * s.idf * s.queryNorm
if s.options.Explain {
childrenExplanations := make([]*search.Explanation, 3)
childrenExplanations[0] = &search.Explanation{
Value: s.queryBoost,
Message: "boost",
childrenExplanations[1] = s.idfExplanation
childrenExplanations[2] = &search.Explanation{
Value: s.queryNorm,
Message: "queryNorm",
s.queryWeightExplanation = &search.Explanation{
Value: s.queryWeight,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("queryWeight(%s:%s^%f), product of:", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), s.queryBoost),
Children: childrenExplanations,
func (s *TermQueryScorer) Score(ctx *search.SearchContext, termMatch *index.TermFieldDoc) *search.DocumentMatch {
var scoreExplanation *search.Explanation
// need to compute score
var tf float64
if termMatch.Freq < MaxSqrtCache {
tf = SqrtCache[int(termMatch.Freq)]
} else {
tf = math.Sqrt(float64(termMatch.Freq))
score := tf * termMatch.Norm * s.idf
if s.options.Explain {
childrenExplanations := make([]*search.Explanation, 3)
childrenExplanations[0] = &search.Explanation{
Value: tf,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("tf(termFreq(%s:%s)=%d", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), termMatch.Freq),
childrenExplanations[1] = &search.Explanation{
Value: termMatch.Norm,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("fieldNorm(field=%s, doc=%s)", s.queryField, termMatch.ID),
childrenExplanations[2] = s.idfExplanation
scoreExplanation = &search.Explanation{
Value: score,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("fieldWeight(%s:%s in %s), product of:", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), termMatch.ID),
Children: childrenExplanations,
// if the query weight isn't 1, multiply
if s.queryWeight != 1.0 {
score = score * s.queryWeight
if s.options.Explain {
childExplanations := make([]*search.Explanation, 2)
childExplanations[0] = s.queryWeightExplanation
childExplanations[1] = scoreExplanation
scoreExplanation = &search.Explanation{
Value: score,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("weight(%s:%s^%f in %s), product of:", s.queryField, string(s.queryTerm), s.queryBoost, termMatch.ID),
Children: childExplanations,
rv := ctx.DocumentMatchPool.Get()
rv.IndexInternalID = append(rv.IndexInternalID, termMatch.ID...)
rv.Score = score
if s.options.Explain {
rv.Expl = scoreExplanation
if termMatch.Vectors != nil && len(termMatch.Vectors) > 0 {
locs := make([]search.Location, len(termMatch.Vectors))
locsUsed := 0
totalPositions := 0
for _, v := range termMatch.Vectors {
totalPositions += len(v.ArrayPositions)
positions := make(search.ArrayPositions, totalPositions)
positionsUsed := 0
rv.Locations = make(search.FieldTermLocationMap)
for _, v := range termMatch.Vectors {
tlm := rv.Locations[v.Field]
if tlm == nil {
tlm = make(search.TermLocationMap)
rv.Locations[v.Field] = tlm
loc := &locs[locsUsed]
loc.Pos = v.Pos
loc.Start = v.Start
loc.End = v.End
if len(v.ArrayPositions) > 0 {
loc.ArrayPositions = positions[positionsUsed : positionsUsed+len(v.ArrayPositions)]
for i, ap := range v.ArrayPositions {
loc.ArrayPositions[i] = ap
positionsUsed += len(v.ArrayPositions)
tlm[s.queryTerm] = append(tlm[s.queryTerm], loc)
return rv