Marty Schoch 1dc466a800 modified token filters to avoid creating new token stream
often the result stream was the same length, so can reuse the
existing token stream
also, in cases where a new stream was required, set capacity to
the length of the input stream.  most output stream are at least
as long as the input, so this may avoid some subsequent resizing
2014-09-23 18:41:32 -04:00

167 lines
4.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
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package cjk
import (
const BigramName = "cjk_bigram"
type CJKBigramFilter struct {
outputUnigram bool
func NewCJKBigramFilter(outputUnigram bool) *CJKBigramFilter {
return &CJKBigramFilter{
outputUnigram: outputUnigram,
func (s *CJKBigramFilter) Filter(input analysis.TokenStream) analysis.TokenStream {
r := ring.New(2)
itemsInRing := 0
rv := make(analysis.TokenStream, 0, len(input))
for _, token := range input {
if token.Type == analysis.Ideographic {
if itemsInRing > 0 {
// if items already buffered
// check to see if this is aligned
curr := r.Value.(*analysis.Token)
if token.Start-curr.End != 0 {
// not aligned flush
flushToken := s.flush(r, &itemsInRing)
if flushToken != nil {
rv = append(rv, flushToken)
// now we can add this token to the buffer
r = r.Next()
r.Value = token
if itemsInRing < 2 {
if itemsInRing > 1 && s.outputUnigram {
unigram := s.buildUnigram(r, &itemsInRing)
if unigram != nil {
rv = append(rv, unigram)
bigramToken := s.outputBigram(r, &itemsInRing)
if bigramToken != nil {
rv = append(rv, bigramToken)
} else {
// flush anything already buffered
flushToken := s.flush(r, &itemsInRing)
if flushToken != nil {
rv = append(rv, flushToken)
// output this token as is
rv = append(rv, token)
// deal with possible trailing unigram
if itemsInRing == 1 || s.outputUnigram {
if itemsInRing == 2 {
r = r.Next()
unigram := s.buildUnigram(r, &itemsInRing)
if unigram != nil {
rv = append(rv, unigram)
return rv
func (s *CJKBigramFilter) flush(r *ring.Ring, itemsInRing *int) *analysis.Token {
var rv *analysis.Token
if *itemsInRing == 1 {
rv = s.buildUnigram(r, itemsInRing)
r.Value = nil
*itemsInRing = 0
return rv
func (s *CJKBigramFilter) outputBigram(r *ring.Ring, itemsInRing *int) *analysis.Token {
if *itemsInRing == 2 {
thisShingleRing := r.Move(-1)
shingledBytes := make([]byte, 0)
// do first token
prev := thisShingleRing.Value.(*analysis.Token)
shingledBytes = append(shingledBytes, prev.Term...)
// do second token
thisShingleRing = thisShingleRing.Next()
curr := thisShingleRing.Value.(*analysis.Token)
shingledBytes = append(shingledBytes, curr.Term...)
token := analysis.Token{
Type: analysis.Double,
Term: shingledBytes,
Position: prev.Position,
Start: prev.Start,
End: curr.End,
return &token
return nil
func (s *CJKBigramFilter) buildUnigram(r *ring.Ring, itemsInRing *int) *analysis.Token {
if *itemsInRing == 2 {
thisShingleRing := r.Move(-1)
// do first token
prev := thisShingleRing.Value.(*analysis.Token)
token := analysis.Token{
Type: analysis.Single,
Term: prev.Term,
Position: prev.Position,
Start: prev.Start,
End: prev.End,
return &token
} else if *itemsInRing == 1 {
// do first token
prev := r.Value.(*analysis.Token)
token := analysis.Token{
Type: analysis.Single,
Term: prev.Term,
Position: prev.Position,
Start: prev.Start,
End: prev.End,
return &token
return nil
func CJKBigramFilterConstructor(config map[string]interface{}, cache *registry.Cache) (analysis.TokenFilter, error) {
outputUnigram := false
outVal, ok := config["output_unigram"].(bool)
if ok {
outputUnigram = outVal
return NewCJKBigramFilter(outputUnigram), nil
func init() {
registry.RegisterTokenFilter(BigramName, CJKBigramFilterConstructor)