Marty Schoch 42895649de further streamlined the API
introduced concept of byte array converters
right now only wired up to top-level index mapping
allowing the removal of the JSON methods, now at the top level
we default to parsing []byte as JSON, override if thats not
the behavior you want.

future enhancements will allow use of these byte array converters
to control how byte arrays are handled elsewhere in documents
this would allow for handing binary attachments, etc in the future

closes #59
2014-08-11 12:47:29 -04:00

449 lines
14 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
package bleve
import (
var tRUE = true
var fALSE = false
var DEFAULT_ID_FIELD = "_id"
var DEFAULT_TYPE_FIELD = "_type"
var DEFAULT_TYPE = "_default"
var DEFAULT_FIELD = "_all"
type IndexMapping struct {
TypeMapping map[string]*DocumentMapping `json:"types"`
DefaultMapping *DocumentMapping `json:"default_mapping"`
IdField *string `json:"id_field"`
TypeField *string `json:"type_field"`
DefaultType *string `json:"default_type"`
DefaultAnalyzer *string `json:"default_analyzer"`
DefaultField *string `json:"default_field"`
ByteArrayConverter *string `json:"byte_array_converter"`
func (im *IndexMapping) GoString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("&bleve.IndexMapping{TypeMapping:%#v, TypeField:%s, DefaultType:%s}", im.TypeMapping, *im.TypeField, *im.DefaultType)
func NewIndexMapping() *IndexMapping {
return &IndexMapping{
TypeMapping: make(map[string]*DocumentMapping),
DefaultMapping: NewDocumentMapping(),
DefaultType: &DEFAULT_TYPE,
DefaultField: &DEFAULT_FIELD,
func (im *IndexMapping) AddDocumentMapping(doctype string, dm *DocumentMapping) *IndexMapping {
im.TypeMapping[doctype] = dm
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) SetTypeField(typeField string) *IndexMapping {
im.TypeField = &typeField
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) SetDefaultAnalyzer(analyzer string) *IndexMapping {
im.DefaultAnalyzer = &analyzer
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) SetDefaultField(field string) *IndexMapping {
im.DefaultField = &field
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) MappingForType(docType string) *DocumentMapping {
docMapping := im.TypeMapping[docType]
if docMapping == nil {
docMapping = im.DefaultMapping
return docMapping
func (im *IndexMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var tmp struct {
TypeMapping map[string]*DocumentMapping `json:"types"`
DefaultMapping *DocumentMapping `json:"default_mapping"`
IdField *string `json:"id_field"`
TypeField *string `json:"type_field"`
DefaultType *string `json:"default_type"`
DefaultAnalyzer *string `json:"default_analyzer"`
DefaultField *string `json:"default_field"`
ByteArrayConverter *string `json:"byte_array_converter"`
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
if err != nil {
return err
if tmp.IdField != nil {
im.IdField = tmp.IdField
if tmp.TypeField != nil {
im.TypeField = tmp.TypeField
im.DefaultType = &DEFAULT_TYPE
if tmp.DefaultType != nil {
im.DefaultType = tmp.DefaultType
im.DefaultMapping = NewDocumentMapping()
if tmp.DefaultMapping != nil {
im.DefaultMapping = tmp.DefaultMapping
if tmp.DefaultAnalyzer != nil {
im.DefaultAnalyzer = tmp.DefaultAnalyzer
im.DefaultField = &DEFAULT_FIELD
if tmp.DefaultField != nil {
im.DefaultField = tmp.DefaultField
if tmp.ByteArrayConverter != nil {
im.ByteArrayConverter = tmp.ByteArrayConverter
im.TypeMapping = make(map[string]*DocumentMapping, len(tmp.TypeMapping))
for typeName, typeDocMapping := range tmp.TypeMapping {
im.TypeMapping[typeName] = typeDocMapping
return nil
func (im *IndexMapping) determineType(data interface{}) (string, bool) {
// first see if the object implements Identifier
classifier, ok := data.(Classifier)
if ok {
return classifier.Type(), true
// now see if we can find type using the mapping
if im.TypeField != nil {
typ, ok := mustString(lookupPropertyPath(data, *im.TypeField))
if ok {
return typ, true
// fall back to default type if there was one
if im.DefaultType != nil {
return *im.DefaultType, true
return "", false
func (im *IndexMapping) MapDocument(doc *document.Document, data interface{}) error {
// see if the top level object is a byte array, and possibly run through conveter
byteArrayData, ok := data.([]byte)
if ok && im.ByteArrayConverter != nil {
byteArrayConverter, valid := Config.ByteArrayConverters[*im.ByteArrayConverter]
if valid {
convertedData, err := byteArrayConverter.Convert(byteArrayData)
if err != nil {
return err
data = convertedData
docType, ok := im.determineType(data)
if !ok {
docMapping := im.MappingForType(docType)
walkContext := newWalkContext(doc, docMapping)
im.walkDocument(data, []string{}, walkContext)
// see if the _all field was disabled
allMapping := docMapping.DocumentMappingForPath("_all")
if allMapping == nil || (allMapping.Enabled != nil && *allMapping.Enabled != false) {
field := document.NewCompositeFieldWithIndexingOptions("_all", true, []string{}, walkContext.excludedFromAll, document.INDEX_FIELD|document.INCLUDE_TERM_VECTORS)
return nil
type walkContext struct {
doc *document.Document
dm *DocumentMapping
excludedFromAll []string
func newWalkContext(doc *document.Document, dm *DocumentMapping) *walkContext {
return &walkContext{
doc: doc,
dm: dm,
excludedFromAll: []string{},
func (im *IndexMapping) walkDocument(data interface{}, path []string, context *walkContext) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(data)
typ := val.Type()
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
// FIXME can add support for other map keys in the future
if typ.Key().Kind() == reflect.String {
for _, key := range val.MapKeys() {
fieldName := key.String()
fieldVal := val.MapIndex(key).Interface()
im.processProperty(fieldVal, append(path, fieldName), context)
case reflect.Struct:
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
fieldName := field.Name
// if the field has a JSON name, prefer that
jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json")
jsonFieldName := parseJSONTagName(jsonTag)
if jsonFieldName != "" {
fieldName = jsonFieldName
if val.Field(i).CanInterface() {
fieldVal := val.Field(i).Interface()
im.processProperty(fieldVal, append(path, fieldName), context)
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
if val.Index(i).CanInterface() {
fieldVal := val.Index(i).Interface()
im.processProperty(fieldVal, path, context)
case reflect.Ptr:
ptrElem := val.Elem()
if ptrElem.CanInterface() {
im.walkDocument(ptrElem.Interface(), path, context)
func (im *IndexMapping) processProperty(property interface{}, path []string, context *walkContext) {
pathString := encodePath(path)
// look to see if there is a mapping for this field
subDocMapping := context.dm.DocumentMappingForPath(pathString)
// check tos see if we even need to do further processing
if subDocMapping != nil && subDocMapping.Enabled != nil && !*subDocMapping.Enabled {
propertyValue := reflect.ValueOf(property)
propertyType := propertyValue.Type()
switch propertyType.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
propertyValueString := propertyValue.String()
if subDocMapping != nil {
// index by explicit mapping
for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
fieldName := getFieldName(pathString, path, fieldMapping)
if *fieldMapping.Type == "text" {
options := fieldMapping.Options()
analyzer := Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*fieldMapping.Analyzer]
if analyzer != nil {
field := document.NewTextFieldCustom(fieldName, []byte(propertyValueString), options, analyzer)
if fieldMapping.IncludeInAll != nil && !*fieldMapping.IncludeInAll {
context.excludedFromAll = append(context.excludedFromAll, fieldName)
} else if *fieldMapping.Type == "datetime" {
options := fieldMapping.Options()
dateTimeFormat := *Config.DefaultDateTimeFormat
if fieldMapping.DateFormat != nil {
dateTimeFormat = *fieldMapping.DateFormat
dateTimeParser := Config.Analysis.DateTimeParsers[dateTimeFormat]
parsedDateTime, err := dateTimeParser.ParseDateTime(propertyValueString)
if err != nil {
field := document.NewDateTimeFieldWithIndexingOptions(fieldName, parsedDateTime, options)
} else {
// automatic indexing behavior
// first see if it can be parsed by the default date parser
// FIXME add support for index mapping overriding defaults
dateTimeParser := Config.Analysis.DateTimeParsers[*Config.DefaultDateTimeFormat]
parsedDateTime, err := dateTimeParser.ParseDateTime(propertyValueString)
if err != nil {
// index as plain text
options := document.STORE_FIELD | document.INDEX_FIELD | document.INCLUDE_TERM_VECTORS
analyzer := im.defaultAnalyzer(context.dm, path)
field := document.NewTextFieldCustom(pathString, []byte(propertyValueString), options, analyzer)
} else {
// index as datetime
field := document.NewDateTimeField(pathString, parsedDateTime)
case reflect.Float64:
propertyValFloat := propertyValue.Float()
if subDocMapping != nil {
// index by explicit mapping
for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
fieldName := getFieldName(pathString, path, fieldMapping)
if *fieldMapping.Type == "number" {
options := fieldMapping.Options()
field := document.NewNumericFieldWithIndexingOptions(fieldName, propertyValFloat, options)
} else {
// automatic indexing behavior
field := document.NewNumericField(pathString, propertyValFloat)
case reflect.Struct:
switch property := property.(type) {
case time.Time:
// don't descend into the time struct
if subDocMapping != nil {
// index by explicit mapping
for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
fieldName := getFieldName(pathString, path, fieldMapping)
if *fieldMapping.Type == "datetime" {
options := fieldMapping.Options()
field := document.NewDateTimeFieldWithIndexingOptions(fieldName, property, options)
} else {
// automatic indexing behavior
field := document.NewDateTimeField(pathString, property)
im.walkDocument(property, path, context)
im.walkDocument(property, path, context)
func (im *IndexMapping) defaultAnalyzer(dm *DocumentMapping, path []string) *analysis.Analyzer {
// first see if the document mapping has an analyzer
rv := dm.defaultAnalyzer(path)
if rv == nil {
if im.DefaultAnalyzer != nil {
rv = Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*im.DefaultAnalyzer]
} else if Config.DefaultAnalyzer != nil {
rv = Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*Config.DefaultAnalyzer]
return rv
// attempts to find the best analyzer to use with only a field name
// will walk all the document types, look for field mappings at the
// provided path, if one exists and it has an explicit analyzer
// that is returned
// nil should be an acceptable return value meaning we don't know
func (im *IndexMapping) analyzerForPath(path string) *analysis.Analyzer {
// first we look for explicit mapping on the field
for _, docMapping := range im.TypeMapping {
pathMapping := docMapping.DocumentMappingForPath(path)
if pathMapping != nil {
if len(pathMapping.Fields) > 0 {
if pathMapping.Fields[0].Analyzer != nil {
return Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*pathMapping.Fields[0].Analyzer]
// next we will try default analyzers for the path
for _, docMapping := range im.TypeMapping {
rv := im.defaultAnalyzer(docMapping, decodePath(path))
if rv != nil {
return rv
// finally just return the system-wide default analyzer
return Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*Config.DefaultAnalyzer]
func (im *IndexMapping) datetimeParserForPath(path string) analysis.DateTimeParser {
// first we look for explicit mapping on the field
for _, docMapping := range im.TypeMapping {
pathMapping := docMapping.DocumentMappingForPath(path)
if pathMapping != nil {
if len(pathMapping.Fields) > 0 {
if pathMapping.Fields[0].Analyzer != nil {
return Config.Analysis.DateTimeParsers[*pathMapping.Fields[0].DateFormat]
// next we will try default analyzers for the path
// FIXME introduce default date time parsers at mapping leves
// finally just return the system-wide default analyzer
return Config.Analysis.DateTimeParsers[*Config.DefaultDateTimeFormat]
func (im *IndexMapping) defaultField() string {
if im.DefaultField != nil {
return *im.DefaultField
} else if Config.DefaultField != nil {
return *Config.DefaultField
return ""
func getFieldName(pathString string, path []string, fieldMapping *FieldMapping) string {
fieldName := pathString
if fieldMapping.Name != nil && *fieldMapping.Name != "" {
parentName := ""
if len(path) > 1 {
parentName = encodePath(path[:len(path)-1]) + PATH_SEPARATOR
fieldName = parentName + *fieldMapping.Name
return fieldName