Marty Schoch 9f31ea6805 standardize behavior of mapping anonymous fields
the behavior has been defined in a way that is compatible with
encoding/json.  this behavior is as follows:

anonymous fields which are structs will have struct fields get
field names as if they were directly in the parent struct.

anonymous fields which are not structs, or which are interfaces
which may or may not point to structs will get field names that
correspond to the name of the type

the exception to the rules above is that you can always override
this behavior by using a JSON struct tag

fixes #101
2016-06-16 16:27:24 -04:00

727 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
package bleve
import (
var mappingSource = []byte(`{
"types": {
"beer": {
"properties": {
"name": {
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"type": "text",
"analyzer": "standard",
"store": true,
"index": true,
"include_term_vectors": true,
"include_in_all": true
"brewery": {
"type_field": "_type",
"default_type": "_default"
func buildMapping() *IndexMapping {
nameFieldMapping := NewTextFieldMapping()
nameFieldMapping.Name = "name"
nameFieldMapping.Analyzer = "standard"
beerMapping := NewDocumentMapping()
beerMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("name", nameFieldMapping)
breweryMapping := NewDocumentMapping()
mapping := NewIndexMapping()
mapping.AddDocumentMapping("beer", beerMapping)
mapping.AddDocumentMapping("brewery", breweryMapping)
return mapping
func TestUnmarshalMappingJSON(t *testing.T) {
mapping := buildMapping()
var indexMapping IndexMapping
err := json.Unmarshal(mappingSource, &indexMapping)
if err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(&indexMapping, mapping) {
t.Errorf("expected %#v,\n got %#v", mapping, &indexMapping)
func TestMappingStructWithJSONTags(t *testing.T) {
mapping := buildMapping()
x := struct {
NoJSONTag string
Name string `json:"name"`
Name: "marty",
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
err := mapping.mapDocument(doc, x)
if err != nil {
foundJSONName := false
foundNoJSONName := false
count := 0
for _, f := range doc.Fields {
if f.Name() == "name" {
foundJSONName = true
if f.Name() == "NoJSONTag" {
foundNoJSONName = true
if !foundJSONName {
t.Errorf("expected to find field named 'name'")
if !foundNoJSONName {
t.Errorf("expected to find field named 'NoJSONTag'")
if count != 2 {
t.Errorf("expected to find 2 find, found %d", count)
func TestMappingStructWithJSONTagsOneDisabled(t *testing.T) {
mapping := buildMapping()
x := struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Title string `json:"-"`
NoJSONTag string
Name: "marty",
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
err := mapping.mapDocument(doc, x)
if err != nil {
foundJSONName := false
foundNoJSONName := false
count := 0
for _, f := range doc.Fields {
if f.Name() == "name" {
foundJSONName = true
if f.Name() == "NoJSONTag" {
foundNoJSONName = true
if !foundJSONName {
t.Errorf("expected to find field named 'name'")
if !foundNoJSONName {
t.Errorf("expected to find field named 'NoJSONTag'")
if count != 2 {
t.Errorf("expected to find 2 find, found %d", count)
func TestMappingStructWithPointerToString(t *testing.T) {
mapping := buildMapping()
name := "marty"
x := struct {
Name *string
Name: &name,
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
err := mapping.mapDocument(doc, x)
if err != nil {
found := false
count := 0
for _, f := range doc.Fields {
if f.Name() == "Name" {
found = true
if !found {
t.Errorf("expected to find field named 'Name'")
if count != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected to find 1 find, found %d", count)
func TestMappingJSONWithNull(t *testing.T) {
mapping := NewIndexMapping()
jsonbytes := []byte(`{"name":"marty", "age": null}`)
var jsondoc interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonbytes, &jsondoc)
if err != nil {
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
err = mapping.mapDocument(doc, jsondoc)
if err != nil {
found := false
count := 0
for _, f := range doc.Fields {
if f.Name() == "name" {
found = true
if !found {
t.Errorf("expected to find field named 'name'")
if count != 1 {
t.Errorf("expected to find 1 find, found %d", count)
func TestMappingForPath(t *testing.T) {
enFieldMapping := NewTextFieldMapping()
enFieldMapping.Analyzer = "en"
docMappingA := NewDocumentMapping()
docMappingA.AddFieldMappingsAt("name", enFieldMapping)
customMapping := NewTextFieldMapping()
customMapping.Analyzer = "xyz"
customMapping.Name = "nameCustom"
subDocMappingB := NewDocumentMapping()
customFieldX := NewTextFieldMapping()
customFieldX.Analyzer = "analyzerx"
subDocMappingB.AddFieldMappingsAt("desc", customFieldX)
docMappingA.AddFieldMappingsAt("author", enFieldMapping, customMapping)
docMappingA.AddSubDocumentMapping("child", subDocMappingB)
mapping := NewIndexMapping()
mapping.AddDocumentMapping("a", docMappingA)
analyzerName := mapping.analyzerNameForPath("name")
if analyzerName != enFieldMapping.Analyzer {
t.Errorf("expected '%s' got '%s'", enFieldMapping.Analyzer, analyzerName)
analyzerName = mapping.analyzerNameForPath("nameCustom")
if analyzerName != customMapping.Analyzer {
t.Errorf("expected '%s' got '%s'", customMapping.Analyzer, analyzerName)
analyzerName = mapping.analyzerNameForPath("child.desc")
if analyzerName != customFieldX.Analyzer {
t.Errorf("expected '%s' got '%s'", customFieldX.Analyzer, analyzerName)
func TestMappingWithTokenizerDeps(t *testing.T) {
tokNoDeps := map[string]interface{}{
"type": regexp_tokenizer.Name,
"regexp": "",
tokDepsL1 := map[string]interface{}{
"type": exception.Name,
"tokenizer": "a",
"exceptions": []string{".*"},
// this tests a 1-level dependency
// it is run 100 times to increase the
// likelihood that it fails along time way
// (depends on key order iteration in map)
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
m := NewIndexMapping()
ca := customAnalysis{
Tokenizers: map[string]map[string]interface{}{
"a": tokNoDeps,
"b": tokDepsL1,
err := ca.registerAll(m)
if err != nil {
tokDepsL2 := map[string]interface{}{
"type": "exception",
"tokenizer": "b",
"exceptions": []string{".*"},
// now test a second-level dependency
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
m := NewIndexMapping()
ca := customAnalysis{
Tokenizers: map[string]map[string]interface{}{
"a": tokNoDeps,
"b": tokDepsL1,
"c": tokDepsL2,
err := ca.registerAll(m)
if err != nil {
tokUnsatisfied := map[string]interface{}{
"type": "exception",
"tokenizer": "e",
// now make sure an unsatisfied dep still
// results in an error
m := NewIndexMapping()
ca := customAnalysis{
Tokenizers: map[string]map[string]interface{}{
"a": tokNoDeps,
"b": tokDepsL1,
"c": tokDepsL2,
"d": tokUnsatisfied,
err := ca.registerAll(m)
if err == nil {
func TestEnablingDisablingStoringDynamicFields(t *testing.T) {
// first verify that with system defaults, dynamic field is stored
data := map[string]interface{}{
"name": "bleve",
doc := document.NewDocument("x")
mapping := NewIndexMapping()
err := mapping.mapDocument(doc, data)
if err != nil {
for _, field := range doc.Fields {
if field.Name() == "name" && !field.Options().IsStored() {
t.Errorf("expected field 'name' to be stored, isn't")
// now change system level defaults, verify dynamic field is not stored
StoreDynamic = false
defer func() {
StoreDynamic = true
mapping = NewIndexMapping()
doc = document.NewDocument("y")
err = mapping.mapDocument(doc, data)
if err != nil {
for _, field := range doc.Fields {
if field.Name() == "name" && field.Options().IsStored() {
t.Errorf("expected field 'name' to be not stored, is")
// now override the system level defaults inside the index mapping
mapping = NewIndexMapping()
mapping.StoreDynamic = true
doc = document.NewDocument("y")
err = mapping.mapDocument(doc, data)
if err != nil {
for _, field := range doc.Fields {
if field.Name() == "name" && !field.Options().IsStored() {
t.Errorf("expected field 'name' to be stored, isn't")
func TestMappingBool(t *testing.T) {
boolMapping := NewBooleanFieldMapping()
docMapping := NewDocumentMapping()
docMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("prop", boolMapping)
mapping := NewIndexMapping()
mapping.AddDocumentMapping("doc", docMapping)
pprop := false
x := struct {
Prop bool `json:"prop"`
PProp *bool `json:"pprop"`
Prop: true,
PProp: &pprop,
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
err := mapping.mapDocument(doc, x)
if err != nil {
foundProp := false
foundPProp := false
count := 0
for _, f := range doc.Fields {
if f.Name() == "prop" {
foundProp = true
if f.Name() == "pprop" {
foundPProp = true
if !foundProp {
t.Errorf("expected to find bool field named 'prop'")
if !foundPProp {
t.Errorf("expected to find pointer to bool field named 'pprop'")
if count != 2 {
t.Errorf("expected to find 2 fields, found %d", count)
func TestDisableDefaultMapping(t *testing.T) {
indexMapping := NewIndexMapping()
indexMapping.DefaultMapping.Enabled = false
data := map[string]string{
"name": "bleve",
doc := document.NewDocument("x")
err := indexMapping.mapDocument(doc, data)
if err != nil {
if len(doc.Fields) > 0 {
t.Errorf("expected no fields, got %d", len(doc.Fields))
func TestInvalidFieldMappingStrict(t *testing.T) {
mappingBytes := []byte(`{"includeInAll":true,"name":"a parsed name"}`)
// first unmarhsal it without strict
var fm FieldMapping
err := json.Unmarshal(mappingBytes, &fm)
if err != nil {
if fm.Name != "a parsed name" {
t.Fatalf("expect to find field mapping name 'a parsed name', got '%s'", fm.Name)
// reset
fm.Name = ""
// now enable strict
MappingJSONStrict = true
defer func() {
MappingJSONStrict = false
expectedInvalidKeys := []string{"includeInAll"}
expectedErr := fmt.Errorf("field mapping contains invalid keys: %v", expectedInvalidKeys)
err = json.Unmarshal(mappingBytes, &fm)
if err.Error() != expectedErr.Error() {
t.Fatalf("expected err: %v, got err: %v", expectedErr, err)
if fm.Name != "a parsed name" {
t.Fatalf("expect to find field mapping name 'a parsed name', got '%s'", fm.Name)
func TestInvalidDocumentMappingStrict(t *testing.T) {
mappingBytes := []byte(`{"defaultAnalyzer":true,"enabled":false}`)
// first unmarhsal it without strict
var dm DocumentMapping
err := json.Unmarshal(mappingBytes, &dm)
if err != nil {
if dm.Enabled != false {
t.Fatalf("expect to find document mapping enabled false, got '%t'", dm.Enabled)
// reset
dm.Enabled = true
// now enable strict
MappingJSONStrict = true
defer func() {
MappingJSONStrict = false
expectedInvalidKeys := []string{"defaultAnalyzer"}
expectedErr := fmt.Errorf("document mapping contains invalid keys: %v", expectedInvalidKeys)
err = json.Unmarshal(mappingBytes, &dm)
if err.Error() != expectedErr.Error() {
t.Fatalf("expected err: %v, got err: %v", expectedErr, err)
if dm.Enabled != false {
t.Fatalf("expect to find document mapping enabled false, got '%t'", dm.Enabled)
func TestInvalidIndexMappingStrict(t *testing.T) {
mappingBytes := []byte(`{"typeField":"type","default_field":"all"}`)
// first unmarhsal it without strict
var im IndexMapping
err := json.Unmarshal(mappingBytes, &im)
if err != nil {
if im.DefaultField != "all" {
t.Fatalf("expect to find index mapping default field 'all', got '%s'", im.DefaultField)
// reset
im.DefaultField = "_all"
// now enable strict
MappingJSONStrict = true
defer func() {
MappingJSONStrict = false
expectedInvalidKeys := []string{"typeField"}
expectedErr := fmt.Errorf("index mapping contains invalid keys: %v", expectedInvalidKeys)
err = json.Unmarshal(mappingBytes, &im)
if err.Error() != expectedErr.Error() {
t.Fatalf("expected err: %v, got err: %v", expectedErr, err)
if im.DefaultField != "all" {
t.Fatalf("expect to find index mapping default field 'all', got '%s'", im.DefaultField)
func TestMappingBug353(t *testing.T) {
dataBytes := `{
"Reviews": [
"ReviewID": "RX16692001",
"Content": "Usually stay near the airport..."
"Other": {
"Inside": "text"
"Name": "The Inn at Baltimore White Marsh"
var data map[string]interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataBytes), &data)
if err != nil {
reviewContentFieldMapping := NewTextFieldMapping()
reviewContentFieldMapping.Analyzer = "crazy"
reviewsMapping := NewDocumentMapping()
reviewsMapping.Dynamic = false
reviewsMapping.AddFieldMappingsAt("Content", reviewContentFieldMapping)
otherMapping := NewDocumentMapping()
otherMapping.Dynamic = false
mapping := NewIndexMapping()
mapping.DefaultMapping.AddSubDocumentMapping("Reviews", reviewsMapping)
mapping.DefaultMapping.AddSubDocumentMapping("Other", otherMapping)
doc := document.NewDocument("x")
err = mapping.mapDocument(doc, data)
if err != nil {
// expect doc has only 2 fields
if len(doc.Fields) != 2 {
t.Errorf("expected doc with 2 fields, got: %d", len(doc.Fields))
for _, f := range doc.Fields {
t.Logf("field named: %s", f.Name())
func TestAnonymousStructFields(t *testing.T) {
type Contact0 string
type Contact1 struct {
Name string
type Contact2 interface{}
type Contact3 interface{}
type Thing struct {
x := Thing{
Contact0: "hello",
Contact1: Contact1{
Name: "marty",
Contact2: Contact1{
Name: "will",
Contact3: "steve",
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
m := NewIndexMapping()
err := m.mapDocument(doc, x)
if err != nil {
if len(doc.Fields) != 4 {
t.Fatalf("expected 4 fields, got %d", len(doc.Fields))
if doc.Fields[0].Name() != "Contact0" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Contact0', got '%s'", doc.Fields[0].Name())
if doc.Fields[1].Name() != "Name" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Name', got '%s'", doc.Fields[1].Name())
if doc.Fields[2].Name() != "Contact2.Name" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Contact2.Name', got '%s'", doc.Fields[2].Name())
if doc.Fields[3].Name() != "Contact3" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Contact3', got '%s'", doc.Fields[3].Name())
type AnotherThing struct {
Contact0 `json:"Alternate0"`
Contact1 `json:"Alternate1"`
Contact2 `json:"Alternate2"`
Contact3 `json:"Alternate3"`
y := AnotherThing{
Contact0: "hello",
Contact1: Contact1{
Name: "marty",
Contact2: Contact1{
Name: "will",
Contact3: "steve",
doc2 := document.NewDocument("2")
err = m.mapDocument(doc2, y)
if err != nil {
if len(doc2.Fields) != 4 {
t.Fatalf("expected 4 fields, got %d", len(doc2.Fields))
if doc2.Fields[0].Name() != "Alternate0" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Alternate0', got '%s'", doc2.Fields[0].Name())
if doc2.Fields[1].Name() != "Alternate1.Name" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Name', got '%s'", doc2.Fields[1].Name())
if doc2.Fields[2].Name() != "Alternate2.Name" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Alternate2.Name', got '%s'", doc2.Fields[2].Name())
if doc2.Fields[3].Name() != "Alternate3" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'Alternate3', got '%s'", doc2.Fields[3].Name())
func TestAnonymousStructFieldWithJSONStructTagEmptString(t *testing.T) {
type InterfaceThing interface{}
type Thing struct {
InterfaceThing `json:""`
x := Thing{
InterfaceThing: map[string]interface{}{
"key": "value",
doc := document.NewDocument("1")
m := NewIndexMapping()
err := m.mapDocument(doc, x)
if err != nil {
if len(doc.Fields) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 field, got %d", len(doc.Fields))
if doc.Fields[0].Name() != "key" {
t.Errorf("expected field named 'key', got '%s'", doc.Fields[0].Name())