2014-08-02 19:05:58 -04:00

342 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
// and limitations under the License.
package bleve
import (
var tRUE = true
var fALSE = false
var DEFAULT_ID_FIELD = "_id"
var DEFAULT_TYPE_FIELD = "_type"
var DEFAULT_TYPE = "_default"
type IndexMapping struct {
TypeMapping map[string]*DocumentMapping `json:"types"`
DefaultMapping *DocumentMapping `json:"default_mapping"`
IdField *string `json:"id_field"`
TypeField *string `json:"type_field"`
DefaultType *string `json:"default_type"`
DefaultAnalyzer *string `json:"default_analyzer"`
func (im *IndexMapping) GoString() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("&bleve.IndexMapping{TypeMapping:%#v, TypeField:%s, DefaultType:%s}", im.TypeMapping, *im.TypeField, *im.DefaultType)
func NewIndexMapping() *IndexMapping {
return &IndexMapping{
TypeMapping: make(map[string]*DocumentMapping),
DefaultMapping: NewDocumentMapping(),
DefaultType: &DEFAULT_TYPE,
func (im *IndexMapping) AddDocumentMapping(doctype string, dm *DocumentMapping) *IndexMapping {
im.TypeMapping[doctype] = dm
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) SetTypeField(typeField string) *IndexMapping {
im.TypeField = &typeField
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) SetDefaultAnalyzer(analyzer string) *IndexMapping {
im.DefaultAnalyzer = &analyzer
return im
func (im *IndexMapping) MappingForType(docType string) *DocumentMapping {
docMapping := im.TypeMapping[docType]
if docMapping == nil {
docMapping = im.DefaultMapping
return docMapping
func (im *IndexMapping) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
var tmp struct {
TypeMapping map[string]*DocumentMapping `json:"types"`
DefaultMapping *DocumentMapping `json:"default_mapping"`
IdField *string `json:"id_field"`
TypeField *string `json:"type_field"`
DefaultType *string `json:"default_type"`
DefaultAnalyzer *string `json:"default_analyzer"`
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &tmp)
if err != nil {
return err
if tmp.IdField != nil {
im.IdField = tmp.IdField
if tmp.TypeField != nil {
im.TypeField = tmp.TypeField
im.DefaultType = &DEFAULT_TYPE
if tmp.DefaultType != nil {
im.DefaultType = tmp.DefaultType
im.DefaultMapping = NewDocumentMapping()
if tmp.DefaultMapping != nil {
im.DefaultMapping = tmp.DefaultMapping
if tmp.DefaultAnalyzer != nil {
im.DefaultAnalyzer = tmp.DefaultAnalyzer
im.TypeMapping = make(map[string]*DocumentMapping, len(tmp.TypeMapping))
for typeName, typeDocMapping := range tmp.TypeMapping {
im.TypeMapping[typeName] = typeDocMapping
return nil
func (im *IndexMapping) determineType(data interface{}) (string, bool) {
// first see if the object implements Identifier
classifier, ok := data.(Classifier)
if ok {
return classifier.Type(), true
// now see if we can find type using the mapping
if im.TypeField != nil {
typ, ok := mustString(lookupPropertyPath(data, *im.TypeField))
if ok {
return typ, true
// fall back to default type if there was one
if im.DefaultType != nil {
return *im.DefaultType, true
return "", false
func (im *IndexMapping) MapDocument(doc *document.Document, data interface{}) error {
docType, ok := im.determineType(data)
if !ok {
docMapping := im.MappingForType(docType)
walkContext := newWalkContext(doc, docMapping)
im.walkDocument(data, []string{}, walkContext)
// see if the _all field was disabled
allMapping := docMapping.DocumentMappingForPath("_all")
if allMapping == nil || (allMapping.Enabled != nil && *allMapping.Enabled != false) {
field := document.NewCompositeFieldWithIndexingOptions("_all", true, []string{}, walkContext.excludedFromAll, document.INDEX_FIELD|document.INCLUDE_TERM_VECTORS)
return nil
type walkContext struct {
doc *document.Document
dm *DocumentMapping
excludedFromAll []string
func newWalkContext(doc *document.Document, dm *DocumentMapping) *walkContext {
return &walkContext{
doc: doc,
dm: dm,
excludedFromAll: []string{},
func (im *IndexMapping) walkDocument(data interface{}, path []string, context *walkContext) {
val := reflect.ValueOf(data)
typ := val.Type()
switch typ.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
// FIXME can add support for other map keys in the future
if typ.Key().Kind() == reflect.String {
for _, key := range val.MapKeys() {
fieldName := key.String()
fieldVal := val.MapIndex(key).Interface()
im.processProperty(fieldVal, append(path, fieldName), context)
case reflect.Struct:
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
field := typ.Field(i)
fieldName := field.Name
// if the field has a JSON name, prefer that
jsonTag := field.Tag.Get("json")
jsonFieldName := parseJSONTagName(jsonTag)
if jsonFieldName != "" {
fieldName = jsonFieldName
if val.Field(i).CanInterface() {
fieldVal := val.Field(i).Interface()
im.processProperty(fieldVal, append(path, fieldName), context)
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
for i := 0; i < val.Len(); i++ {
if val.Index(i).CanInterface() {
fieldVal := val.Index(i).Interface()
im.processProperty(fieldVal, path, context)
case reflect.Ptr:
ptrElem := val.Elem()
if ptrElem.CanInterface() {
im.walkDocument(ptrElem.Interface(), path, context)
func (im *IndexMapping) processProperty(property interface{}, path []string, context *walkContext) {
pathString := encodePath(path)
// look to see if there is a mapping for this field
subDocMapping := context.dm.DocumentMappingForPath(pathString)
// check tos see if we even need to do further processing
if subDocMapping != nil && subDocMapping.Enabled != nil && !*subDocMapping.Enabled {
propertyValue := reflect.ValueOf(property)
propertyType := propertyValue.Type()
switch propertyType.Kind() {
case reflect.String:
propertyValueString := propertyValue.String()
if subDocMapping != nil {
// index by explicit mapping
for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
if *fieldMapping.Type == "text" {
fieldName := pathString
if fieldMapping.Name != nil && *fieldMapping.Name != "" {
parentName := ""
if len(path) > 1 {
parentName = encodePath(path[:len(path)-1]) + PATH_SEPARATOR
fieldName = parentName + *fieldMapping.Name
options := fieldMapping.Options()
analyzer := Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*fieldMapping.Analyzer]
if analyzer != nil {
field := document.NewTextFieldCustom(fieldName, []byte(propertyValueString), options, analyzer)
if fieldMapping.IncludeInAll != nil && !*fieldMapping.IncludeInAll {
context.excludedFromAll = append(context.excludedFromAll, fieldName)
} else {
// automatic indexing behavior
options := document.STORE_FIELD | document.INDEX_FIELD | document.INCLUDE_TERM_VECTORS
analyzer := im.defaultAnalyzer(context.dm, path)
field := document.NewTextFieldCustom(pathString, []byte(propertyValueString), options, analyzer)
case reflect.Float64:
propertyValFloat := propertyValue.Float()
if subDocMapping != nil {
// index by explicit mapping
for _, fieldMapping := range subDocMapping.Fields {
if *fieldMapping.Type == "number" {
fieldName := pathString
if fieldMapping.Name != nil && *fieldMapping.Name != "" {
parentName := ""
if len(path) > 1 {
parentName = encodePath(path[:len(path)-1]) + PATH_SEPARATOR
fieldName = parentName + *fieldMapping.Name
options := fieldMapping.Options()
field := document.NewNumericFieldWithIndexingOptions(fieldName, propertyValFloat, options)
} else {
// automatic indexing behavior
field := document.NewNumericField(pathString, propertyValFloat)
im.walkDocument(property, path, context)
func (im *IndexMapping) defaultAnalyzer(dm *DocumentMapping, path []string) *analysis.Analyzer {
// first see if the document mapping has an analyzer
rv := dm.defaultAnalyzer(path)
if rv == nil {
if im.DefaultAnalyzer != nil {
rv = Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*im.DefaultAnalyzer]
} else if Config.DefaultAnalyzer != nil {
rv = Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*Config.DefaultAnalyzer]
return rv
// attempts to find the best analyzer to use with only a field name
// will walk all the document types, look for field mappings at the
// provided path, if one exists and it has an explicit analyzer
// that is returned
// nil should be an acceptable return value meaning we don't know
func (im *IndexMapping) analyzerForPath(path string) *analysis.Analyzer {
// first we look for explicit mapping on the field
for _, docMapping := range im.TypeMapping {
pathMapping := docMapping.DocumentMappingForPath(path)
if pathMapping != nil {
if len(pathMapping.Fields) > 0 {
if pathMapping.Fields[0].Analyzer != nil {
return Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*pathMapping.Fields[0].Analyzer]
// next we will try default analyzers for the path
for _, docMapping := range im.TypeMapping {
rv := im.defaultAnalyzer(docMapping, decodePath(path))
if rv != nil {
return rv
// finally just return the system-wide default analyzer
return Config.Analysis.Analyzers[*Config.DefaultAnalyzer]