Marty Schoch c9310b906d introduced new collector store impl based on slice
counter-intuitively the list impl was faster than the heap
the theory was the heap did more comparisons and swapping
so even though it benefited from no interface and some cache
locality, it was still slower

the idea was to just use a raw slice kept in order
this avoids the need for interface, but can take same comparison
approach as the list

it seems to work out:

 go test -run=xxx -bench=. -benchmem -cpuprofile=cpu.out
BenchmarkTop10of100000Scores-4     	    5000	    299959 ns/op	    2600 B/op	      36 allocs/op
BenchmarkTop100of100000Scores-4    	    2000	    601104 ns/op	   20720 B/op	     216 allocs/op
BenchmarkTop10of1000000Scores-4    	     500	   3450196 ns/op	    2616 B/op	      36 allocs/op
BenchmarkTop100of1000000Scores-4   	     500	   3874276 ns/op	   20856 B/op	     216 allocs/op
ok  	github.com/blevesearch/bleve/search/collectors	7.440s
2016-08-26 11:52:49 -04:00

251 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014 Couchbase, Inc.
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
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package collectors
import (
type collectorCompare func(i, j *search.DocumentMatch) int
type collectorFixup func(d *search.DocumentMatch) error
// TopNCollector collects the top N hits, optionally skipping some results
type TopNCollector struct {
size int
skip int
total uint64
maxScore float64
took time.Duration
sort search.SortOrder
results search.DocumentMatchCollection
facetsBuilder *search.FacetsBuilder
store *collectStoreSlice
needDocIds bool
neededFields []string
cachedScoring []bool
cachedDesc []bool
lowestMatchOutsideResults *search.DocumentMatch
// CheckDoneEvery controls how frequently we check the context deadline
const CheckDoneEvery = uint64(1024)
// NewTopNCollector builds a collector to find the top 'size' hits
// skipping over the first 'skip' hits
// ordering hits by the provided sort order
func NewTopNCollector(size int, skip int, sort search.SortOrder) *TopNCollector {
hc := &TopNCollector{size: size, skip: skip, sort: sort}
// pre-allocate space on the heap, we need size+skip results
// +1 additional while figuring out which to evict
hc.store = newStoreSlice(size+skip+1, func(i, j *search.DocumentMatch) int {
return hc.sort.Compare(hc.cachedScoring, hc.cachedDesc, i, j)
// these lookups traverse an interface, so do once up-front
if sort.RequiresDocID() {
hc.needDocIds = true
hc.neededFields = sort.RequiredFields()
hc.cachedScoring = sort.CacheIsScore()
hc.cachedDesc = sort.CacheDescending()
return hc
// Collect goes to the index to find the matching documents
func (hc *TopNCollector) Collect(ctx context.Context, searcher search.Searcher, reader index.IndexReader) error {
startTime := time.Now()
var err error
var next *search.DocumentMatch
// search context with enough pre-allocated document matches
// we keep references to size+skip ourselves
// plus possibly one extra for the highestMatchOutsideResults
// plus the amount required by the searcher tree
searchContext := &search.SearchContext{
DocumentMatchPool: search.NewDocumentMatchPool(hc.size+hc.skip+1+searcher.DocumentMatchPoolSize(), len(hc.sort)),
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
next, err = searcher.Next(searchContext)
for err == nil && next != nil {
if hc.total%CheckDoneEvery == 0 {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
if hc.facetsBuilder != nil {
err = hc.facetsBuilder.Update(next)
if err != nil {
err = hc.collectSingle(searchContext, reader, next)
if err != nil {
next, err = searcher.Next(searchContext)
// compute search duration
hc.took = time.Since(startTime)
if err != nil {
return err
// finalize actual results
err = hc.finalizeResults(reader)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
var sortByScoreOpt = []string{"_score"}
func (hc *TopNCollector) collectSingle(ctx *search.SearchContext, reader index.IndexReader, d *search.DocumentMatch) error {
// increment total hits
d.HitNumber = hc.total
// update max score
if d.Score > hc.maxScore {
hc.maxScore = d.Score
var err error
// see if we need to load ID (at this early stage, for example to sort on it)
if hc.needDocIds {
d.ID, err = reader.FinalizeDocID(d.IndexInternalID)
if err != nil {
return err
// see if we need to load the stored fields
if len(hc.neededFields) > 0 {
// find out which fields haven't been loaded yet
fieldsToLoad := d.CachedFieldTerms.FieldsNotYetCached(hc.neededFields)
// look them up
fieldTerms, err := reader.DocumentFieldTerms(d.IndexInternalID, fieldsToLoad)
if err != nil {
return err
// cache these as well
if d.CachedFieldTerms == nil {
d.CachedFieldTerms = make(map[string][]string)
// compute this hits sort value
if len(hc.sort) == 1 && hc.cachedScoring[0] {
d.Sort = sortByScoreOpt
} else {
// optimization, we track lowest sorting hit already removed from heap
// with this one comparision, we can avoid all heap operations if
// this hit would have been added and then immediately removed
if hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults != nil {
cmp := hc.sort.Compare(hc.cachedScoring, hc.cachedDesc, d, hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults)
if cmp >= 0 {
// this hit can't possibly be in the result set, so avoid heap ops
return nil
if hc.store.Len() > hc.size+hc.skip {
removed := hc.store.RemoveLast()
if hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults == nil {
hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults = removed
} else {
cmp := hc.sort.Compare(hc.cachedScoring, hc.cachedDesc, removed, hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults)
if cmp < 0 {
tmp := hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults
hc.lowestMatchOutsideResults = removed
return nil
// SetFacetsBuilder registers a facet builder for this collector
func (hc *TopNCollector) SetFacetsBuilder(facetsBuilder *search.FacetsBuilder) {
hc.facetsBuilder = facetsBuilder
// finalizeResults starts with the heap containing the final top size+skip
// it now throws away the results to be skipped
// and does final doc id lookup (if necessary)
func (hc *TopNCollector) finalizeResults(r index.IndexReader) error {
var err error
hc.results, err = hc.store.Final(hc.skip, func(doc *search.DocumentMatch) error {
if doc.ID == "" {
// look up the id since we need it for lookup
var err error
doc.ID, err = r.FinalizeDocID(doc.IndexInternalID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return err
// Results returns the collected hits
func (hc *TopNCollector) Results() search.DocumentMatchCollection {
return hc.results
// Total returns the total number of hits
func (hc *TopNCollector) Total() uint64 {
return hc.total
// MaxScore returns the maximum score seen across all the hits
func (hc *TopNCollector) MaxScore() float64 {
return hc.maxScore
// Took returns the time spent collecting hits
func (hc *TopNCollector) Took() time.Duration {
return hc.took
// FacetResults returns the computed facets results
func (hc *TopNCollector) FacetResults() search.FacetResults {
if hc.facetsBuilder != nil {
return hc.facetsBuilder.Results()
return search.FacetResults{}