Steve Yen b241242465 firestorm.Analyze() preallocs rows, with analyzeField() func
The new analyzeField() helper func is used for both regular fields and
for composite fields.

With this change, all analysis is done up front, for both regular
fields and composite fields.

After analysis, this change counts up all the row capacity needed and
extends the AnalysisResult.Rows in one shot, as opposed to the
previous approach of dynamically growing the array as needed during

Also, in this change, the TermFreqRow for _id is added first, which
seems more correct.
2016-01-02 12:21:25 -08:00

166 lines
5.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2015 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
// except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
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// and limitations under the License.
package firestorm
import (
func (f *Firestorm) Analyze(d *document.Document) *index.AnalysisResult {
rv := &index.AnalysisResult{
DocID: d.ID,
Rows: make([]index.IndexRow, 0, 100),
docIDBytes := []byte(d.ID)
// add the _id row
rv.Rows = append(rv.Rows, NewTermFreqRow(0, nil, docIDBytes, d.Number, 0, 0, nil))
// information we collate as we merge fields with same name
fieldTermFreqs := make(map[uint16]analysis.TokenFrequencies)
fieldLengths := make(map[uint16]int)
fieldIncludeTermVectors := make(map[uint16]bool)
fieldNames := make(map[uint16]string)
analyzeField := func(field document.Field, storable bool) {
fieldIndex, newFieldRow := f.fieldIndexOrNewRow(field.Name())
if newFieldRow != nil {
rv.Rows = append(rv.Rows, newFieldRow)
fieldNames[fieldIndex] = field.Name()
if field.Options().IsIndexed() {
fieldLength, tokenFreqs := field.Analyze()
existingFreqs := fieldTermFreqs[fieldIndex]
if existingFreqs == nil {
fieldTermFreqs[fieldIndex] = tokenFreqs
} else {
existingFreqs.MergeAll(field.Name(), tokenFreqs)
fieldTermFreqs[fieldIndex] = existingFreqs
fieldLengths[fieldIndex] += fieldLength
fieldIncludeTermVectors[fieldIndex] = field.Options().IncludeTermVectors()
if storable && field.Options().IsStored() {
storeRow := f.storeField(docIDBytes, d.Number, field, fieldIndex)
rv.Rows = append(rv.Rows, storeRow)
for _, field := range d.Fields {
analyzeField(field, true)
for fieldIndex, tokenFreqs := range fieldTermFreqs {
// see if any of the composite fields need this
for _, compositeField := range d.CompositeFields {
compositeField.Compose(fieldNames[fieldIndex], fieldLengths[fieldIndex], tokenFreqs)
for _, compositeField := range d.CompositeFields {
analyzeField(compositeField, false)
rowsCapNeeded := len(rv.Rows)
for _, tokenFreqs := range fieldTermFreqs {
rowsCapNeeded += len(tokenFreqs)
rows := make([]index.IndexRow, 0, rowsCapNeeded)
rv.Rows = append(rows, rv.Rows...)
// walk through the collated information and proccess
// once for each indexed field (unique name)
for fieldIndex, tokenFreqs := range fieldTermFreqs {
fieldLength := fieldLengths[fieldIndex]
includeTermVectors := fieldIncludeTermVectors[fieldIndex]
rv.Rows = f.indexField(docIDBytes, d.Number, includeTermVectors, fieldIndex, fieldLength, tokenFreqs, rv.Rows)
return rv
func (f *Firestorm) indexField(docID []byte, docNum uint64, includeTermVectors bool, fieldIndex uint16, fieldLength int, tokenFreqs analysis.TokenFrequencies, rows []index.IndexRow) []index.IndexRow {
tfrs := make([]TermFreqRow, len(tokenFreqs))
fieldNorm := float32(1.0 / math.Sqrt(float64(fieldLength)))
if !includeTermVectors {
i := 0
for _, tf := range tokenFreqs {
rows = append(rows, InitTermFreqRow(&tfrs[i], fieldIndex, tf.Term, docID, docNum, uint64(tf.Frequency()), fieldNorm, nil))
return rows
i := 0
for _, tf := range tokenFreqs {
var tv []*TermVector
tv, rows = f.termVectorsFromTokenFreq(fieldIndex, tf, rows)
rows = append(rows, InitTermFreqRow(&tfrs[i], fieldIndex, tf.Term, docID, docNum, uint64(tf.Frequency()), fieldNorm, tv))
return rows
func (f *Firestorm) termVectorsFromTokenFreq(field uint16, tf *analysis.TokenFreq, rows []index.IndexRow) ([]*TermVector, []index.IndexRow) {
rv := make([]*TermVector, len(tf.Locations))
for i, l := range tf.Locations {
var newFieldRow *FieldRow
fieldIndex := field
if l.Field != "" {
// lookup correct field
fieldIndex, newFieldRow = f.fieldIndexOrNewRow(l.Field)
if newFieldRow != nil {
rows = append(rows, newFieldRow)
tv := NewTermVector(fieldIndex, uint64(l.Position), uint64(l.Start), uint64(l.End), l.ArrayPositions)
rv[i] = tv
return rv, rows
func (f *Firestorm) storeField(docID []byte, docNum uint64, field document.Field, fieldIndex uint16) index.IndexRow {
fieldValue := make([]byte, 1+len(field.Value()))
fieldValue[0] = encodeFieldType(field)
copy(fieldValue[1:], field.Value())
storedRow := NewStoredRow(docID, docNum, fieldIndex, field.ArrayPositions(), fieldValue)
return storedRow
func encodeFieldType(f document.Field) byte {
fieldType := byte('x')
switch f.(type) {
case *document.TextField:
fieldType = 't'
case *document.NumericField:
fieldType = 'n'
case *document.DateTimeField:
fieldType = 'd'
case *document.CompositeField:
fieldType = 'c'
return fieldType