Steve Yen c09e2a08ca scorch zap chunkedContentCoder reuses chunk metadata slice memory
And, renamed the chunk MetaData.DocID field to DocNum for naming
correctness, where much of this commit is the mechanical effect of
that rename.
2018-02-05 07:39:16 -08:00

214 lines
6.2 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package zap
import (
type docValueIterator struct {
field string
curChunkNum uint64
numChunks uint64
chunkLens []uint64
dvDataLoc uint64
curChunkHeader []MetaData
curChunkData []byte // compressed data cache
func (di *docValueIterator) sizeInBytes() uint64 {
// curChunkNum, numChunks, dvDataLoc --> uint64
sizeInBytes := 24
// field
sizeInBytes += (len(di.field) + int(segment.SizeOfString))
// chunkLens, curChunkHeader
sizeInBytes += len(di.chunkLens)*8 +
len(di.curChunkHeader)*24 +
int(segment.SizeOfSlice*2) /* overhead from slices */
// curChunkData is mmap'ed, not included
return uint64(sizeInBytes)
func (di *docValueIterator) fieldName() string {
return di.field
func (di *docValueIterator) curChunkNumber() uint64 {
return di.curChunkNum
func (s *SegmentBase) loadFieldDocValueIterator(field string,
fieldDvLoc uint64) (*docValueIterator, error) {
// get the docValue offset for the given fields
if fieldDvLoc == fieldNotUninverted {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loadFieldDocValueIterator: "+
"no docValues found for field: %s", field)
// read the number of chunks, chunk lengths
var offset, clen uint64
numChunks, read := binary.Uvarint(s.mem[fieldDvLoc : fieldDvLoc+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
if read <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read the field "+
"doc values for field %s", field)
offset += uint64(read)
fdvIter := &docValueIterator{
curChunkNum: math.MaxUint64,
field: field,
chunkLens: make([]uint64, int(numChunks)),
for i := 0; i < int(numChunks); i++ {
clen, read = binary.Uvarint(s.mem[fieldDvLoc+offset : fieldDvLoc+offset+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
if read <= 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("corrupted chunk length during segment load")
fdvIter.chunkLens[i] = clen
offset += uint64(read)
fdvIter.dvDataLoc = fieldDvLoc + offset
return fdvIter, nil
func (di *docValueIterator) loadDvChunk(chunkNumber,
localDocNum uint64, s *SegmentBase) error {
// advance to the chunk where the docValues
// reside for the given docNum
destChunkDataLoc := di.dvDataLoc
for i := 0; i < int(chunkNumber); i++ {
destChunkDataLoc += di.chunkLens[i]
curChunkSize := di.chunkLens[chunkNumber]
// read the number of docs reside in the chunk
numDocs, read := binary.Uvarint(s.mem[destChunkDataLoc : destChunkDataLoc+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
if read <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to read the chunk")
chunkMetaLoc := destChunkDataLoc + uint64(read)
offset := uint64(0)
di.curChunkHeader = make([]MetaData, int(numDocs))
for i := 0; i < int(numDocs); i++ {
di.curChunkHeader[i].DocNum, read = binary.Uvarint(s.mem[chunkMetaLoc+offset : chunkMetaLoc+offset+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
offset += uint64(read)
di.curChunkHeader[i].DocDvLoc, read = binary.Uvarint(s.mem[chunkMetaLoc+offset : chunkMetaLoc+offset+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
offset += uint64(read)
di.curChunkHeader[i].DocDvLen, read = binary.Uvarint(s.mem[chunkMetaLoc+offset : chunkMetaLoc+offset+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
offset += uint64(read)
compressedDataLoc := chunkMetaLoc + offset
dataLength := destChunkDataLoc + curChunkSize - compressedDataLoc
di.curChunkData = s.mem[compressedDataLoc : compressedDataLoc+dataLength]
di.curChunkNum = chunkNumber
return nil
func (di *docValueIterator) visitDocValues(docNum uint64,
visitor index.DocumentFieldTermVisitor) error {
// binary search the term locations for the docNum
start, length := di.getDocValueLocs(docNum)
if start == math.MaxUint64 || length == math.MaxUint64 {
return nil
// uncompress the already loaded data
uncompressed, err := snappy.Decode(nil, di.curChunkData)
if err != nil {
return err
// pick the terms for the given docNum
uncompressed = uncompressed[start : start+length]
for {
i := bytes.Index(uncompressed, termSeparatorSplitSlice)
if i < 0 {
visitor(di.field, uncompressed[0:i])
uncompressed = uncompressed[i+1:]
return nil
func (di *docValueIterator) getDocValueLocs(docNum uint64) (uint64, uint64) {
i := sort.Search(len(di.curChunkHeader), func(i int) bool {
return di.curChunkHeader[i].DocNum >= docNum
if i < len(di.curChunkHeader) && di.curChunkHeader[i].DocNum == docNum {
return di.curChunkHeader[i].DocDvLoc, di.curChunkHeader[i].DocDvLen
return math.MaxUint64, math.MaxUint64
// VisitDocumentFieldTerms is an implementation of the
// DocumentFieldTermVisitable interface
func (s *SegmentBase) VisitDocumentFieldTerms(localDocNum uint64, fields []string,
visitor index.DocumentFieldTermVisitor) error {
fieldIDPlus1 := uint16(0)
ok := true
for _, field := range fields {
if fieldIDPlus1, ok = s.fieldsMap[field]; !ok {
// find the chunkNumber where the docValues are stored
docInChunk := localDocNum / uint64(s.chunkFactor)
if dvIter, exists := s.fieldDvIterMap[fieldIDPlus1-1]; exists &&
dvIter != nil {
// check if the chunk is already loaded
if docInChunk != dvIter.curChunkNumber() {
err := dvIter.loadDvChunk(docInChunk, localDocNum, s)
if err != nil {
_ = dvIter.visitDocValues(localDocNum, visitor)
return nil
// VisitableDocValueFields returns the list of fields with
// persisted doc value terms ready to be visitable using the
// VisitDocumentFieldTerms method.
func (s *Segment) VisitableDocValueFields() ([]string, error) {
var rv []string
for fieldID, field := range s.fieldsInv {
if dvIter, ok := s.fieldDvIterMap[uint16(fieldID)]; ok &&
dvIter != nil {
rv = append(rv, field)
return rv, nil