Marty Schoch 45e0e5c666 memoize the size of an entire index snapshot
by memoizing the size of index snapshots and their
constituent parts, we significantly reduce the amount
of time that the lock is held in the app_herder, when
calculating the total memory used
2018-03-15 17:25:05 -04:00

462 lines
11 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017 Couchbase, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package zap
import (
mmap "github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go"
var reflectStaticSizeSegmentBase int
func init() {
var sb SegmentBase
reflectStaticSizeSegmentBase = int(reflect.TypeOf(sb).Size())
// Open returns a zap impl of a segment
func Open(path string) (segment.Segment, error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mm, err := mmap.Map(f, mmap.RDONLY, 0)
if err != nil {
// mmap failed, try to close the file
_ = f.Close()
return nil, err
rv := &Segment{
SegmentBase: SegmentBase{
mem: mm[0 : len(mm)-FooterSize],
fieldsMap: make(map[string]uint16),
fieldDvIterMap: make(map[uint16]*docValueIterator),
f: f,
mm: mm,
path: path,
refs: 1,
err = rv.loadConfig()
if err != nil {
_ = rv.Close()
return nil, err
err = rv.loadFields()
if err != nil {
_ = rv.Close()
return nil, err
err = rv.loadDvIterators()
if err != nil {
_ = rv.Close()
return nil, err
return rv, nil
// SegmentBase is a memory only, read-only implementation of the
// segment.Segment interface, using zap's data representation.
type SegmentBase struct {
mem []byte
memCRC uint32
chunkFactor uint32
fieldsMap map[string]uint16 // fieldName -> fieldID+1
fieldsInv []string // fieldID -> fieldName
numDocs uint64
storedIndexOffset uint64
fieldsIndexOffset uint64
docValueOffset uint64
dictLocs []uint64
fieldDvIterMap map[uint16]*docValueIterator // naive chunk cache per field
size uint64
func (sb *SegmentBase) Size() int {
return int(sb.size)
func (sb *SegmentBase) updateSize() {
sizeInBytes := reflectStaticSizeSegmentBase +
// fieldsMap
for k, _ := range sb.fieldsMap {
sizeInBytes += (len(k) + size.SizeOfString) + size.SizeOfUint16
// fieldsInv, dictLocs
for _, entry := range sb.fieldsInv {
sizeInBytes += len(entry) + size.SizeOfString
sizeInBytes += len(sb.dictLocs) * size.SizeOfUint64
// fieldDvIterMap
for _, v := range sb.fieldDvIterMap {
sizeInBytes += size.SizeOfUint16 + size.SizeOfPtr
if v != nil {
sizeInBytes += v.size()
sb.size = uint64(sizeInBytes)
func (sb *SegmentBase) AddRef() {}
func (sb *SegmentBase) DecRef() (err error) { return nil }
func (sb *SegmentBase) Close() (err error) { return nil }
// Segment implements a persisted segment.Segment interface, by
// embedding an mmap()'ed SegmentBase.
type Segment struct {
f *os.File
mm mmap.MMap
path string
version uint32
crc uint32
m sync.Mutex // Protects the fields that follow.
refs int64
func (s *Segment) Size() int {
// 8 /* size of file pointer */
// 4 /* size of version -> uint32 */
// 4 /* size of crc -> uint32 */
sizeOfUints := 16
sizeInBytes := (len(s.path) + size.SizeOfString) + sizeOfUints
// mutex, refs -> int64
sizeInBytes += 16
// do not include the mmap'ed part
return sizeInBytes + s.SegmentBase.Size() - len(s.mem)
func (s *Segment) AddRef() {
func (s *Segment) DecRef() (err error) {
if s.refs == 0 {
err = s.closeActual()
return err
func (s *Segment) loadConfig() error {
crcOffset := len(s.mm) - 4
s.crc = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(s.mm[crcOffset : crcOffset+4])
verOffset := crcOffset - 4
s.version = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(s.mm[verOffset : verOffset+4])
if s.version != version {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported version %d", s.version)
chunkOffset := verOffset - 4
s.chunkFactor = binary.BigEndian.Uint32(s.mm[chunkOffset : chunkOffset+4])
docValueOffset := chunkOffset - 8
s.docValueOffset = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s.mm[docValueOffset : docValueOffset+8])
fieldsIndexOffset := docValueOffset - 8
s.fieldsIndexOffset = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s.mm[fieldsIndexOffset : fieldsIndexOffset+8])
storedIndexOffset := fieldsIndexOffset - 8
s.storedIndexOffset = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s.mm[storedIndexOffset : storedIndexOffset+8])
numDocsOffset := storedIndexOffset - 8
s.numDocs = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s.mm[numDocsOffset : numDocsOffset+8])
return nil
func (s *SegmentBase) loadFields() error {
// NOTE for now we assume the fields index immediately preceeds
// the footer, and if this changes, need to adjust accordingly (or
// store explicit length), where s.mem was sliced from s.mm in Open().
fieldsIndexEnd := uint64(len(s.mem))
// iterate through fields index
var fieldID uint64
for s.fieldsIndexOffset+(8*fieldID) < fieldsIndexEnd {
addr := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(s.mem[s.fieldsIndexOffset+(8*fieldID) : s.fieldsIndexOffset+(8*fieldID)+8])
dictLoc, read := binary.Uvarint(s.mem[addr:fieldsIndexEnd])
n := uint64(read)
s.dictLocs = append(s.dictLocs, dictLoc)
var nameLen uint64
nameLen, read = binary.Uvarint(s.mem[addr+n : fieldsIndexEnd])
n += uint64(read)
name := string(s.mem[addr+n : addr+n+nameLen])
s.fieldsInv = append(s.fieldsInv, name)
s.fieldsMap[name] = uint16(fieldID + 1)
return nil
// Dictionary returns the term dictionary for the specified field
func (s *SegmentBase) Dictionary(field string) (segment.TermDictionary, error) {
dict, err := s.dictionary(field)
if err == nil && dict == nil {
return &segment.EmptyDictionary{}, nil
return dict, err
func (sb *SegmentBase) dictionary(field string) (rv *Dictionary, err error) {
fieldIDPlus1 := sb.fieldsMap[field]
if fieldIDPlus1 > 0 {
rv = &Dictionary{
sb: sb,
field: field,
fieldID: fieldIDPlus1 - 1,
dictStart := sb.dictLocs[rv.fieldID]
if dictStart > 0 {
// read the length of the vellum data
vellumLen, read := binary.Uvarint(sb.mem[dictStart : dictStart+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
fstBytes := sb.mem[dictStart+uint64(read) : dictStart+uint64(read)+vellumLen]
if fstBytes != nil {
rv.fst, err = vellum.Load(fstBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("dictionary field %s vellum err: %v", field, err)
return rv, nil
// VisitDocument invokes the DocFieldValueVistor for each stored field
// for the specified doc number
func (s *SegmentBase) VisitDocument(num uint64, visitor segment.DocumentFieldValueVisitor) error {
// first make sure this is a valid number in this segment
if num < s.numDocs {
meta, compressed := s.getDocStoredMetaAndCompressed(num)
uncompressed, err := snappy.Decode(nil, compressed)
if err != nil {
return err
// now decode meta and process
reader := bytes.NewReader(meta)
decoder := govarint.NewU64Base128Decoder(reader)
keepGoing := true
for keepGoing {
field, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err == io.EOF {
if err != nil {
return err
typ, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err != nil {
return err
offset, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err != nil {
return err
l, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err != nil {
return err
numap, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err != nil {
return err
var arrayPos []uint64
if numap > 0 {
arrayPos = make([]uint64, numap)
for i := 0; i < int(numap); i++ {
ap, err := decoder.GetU64()
if err != nil {
return err
arrayPos[i] = ap
value := uncompressed[offset : offset+l]
keepGoing = visitor(s.fieldsInv[field], byte(typ), value, arrayPos)
return nil
// Count returns the number of documents in this segment.
func (s *SegmentBase) Count() uint64 {
return s.numDocs
// DocNumbers returns a bitset corresponding to the doc numbers of all the
// provided _id strings
func (s *SegmentBase) DocNumbers(ids []string) (*roaring.Bitmap, error) {
rv := roaring.New()
if len(s.fieldsMap) > 0 {
idDict, err := s.dictionary("_id")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var postingsList *PostingsList
for _, id := range ids {
postingsList, err = idDict.postingsList([]byte(id), nil, postingsList)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rv, nil
// Fields returns the field names used in this segment
func (s *SegmentBase) Fields() []string {
return s.fieldsInv
// Path returns the path of this segment on disk
func (s *Segment) Path() string {
return s.path
// Close releases all resources associated with this segment
func (s *Segment) Close() (err error) {
return s.DecRef()
func (s *Segment) closeActual() (err error) {
if s.mm != nil {
err = s.mm.Unmap()
// try to close file even if unmap failed
if s.f != nil {
err2 := s.f.Close()
if err == nil {
// try to return first error
err = err2
// some helpers i started adding for the command-line utility
// Data returns the underlying mmaped data slice
func (s *Segment) Data() []byte {
return s.mm
// CRC returns the CRC value stored in the file footer
func (s *Segment) CRC() uint32 {
return s.crc
// Version returns the file version in the file footer
func (s *Segment) Version() uint32 {
return s.version
// ChunkFactor returns the chunk factor in the file footer
func (s *Segment) ChunkFactor() uint32 {
return s.chunkFactor
// FieldsIndexOffset returns the fields index offset in the file footer
func (s *Segment) FieldsIndexOffset() uint64 {
return s.fieldsIndexOffset
// StoredIndexOffset returns the stored value index offset in the file footer
func (s *Segment) StoredIndexOffset() uint64 {
return s.storedIndexOffset
// DocValueOffset returns the docValue offset in the file footer
func (s *Segment) DocValueOffset() uint64 {
return s.docValueOffset
// NumDocs returns the number of documents in the file footer
func (s *Segment) NumDocs() uint64 {
return s.numDocs
// DictAddr is a helper function to compute the file offset where the
// dictionary is stored for the specified field.
func (s *Segment) DictAddr(field string) (uint64, error) {
fieldIDPlus1, ok := s.fieldsMap[field]
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no such field '%s'", field)
return s.dictLocs[fieldIDPlus1-1], nil
func (s *SegmentBase) loadDvIterators() error {
if s.docValueOffset == fieldNotUninverted {
return nil
var read uint64
for fieldID, field := range s.fieldsInv {
fieldLoc, n := binary.Uvarint(s.mem[s.docValueOffset+read : s.docValueOffset+read+binary.MaxVarintLen64])
if n <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("loadDvIterators: failed to read the docvalue offsets for field %d", fieldID)
s.fieldDvIterMap[uint16(fieldID)], _ = s.loadFieldDocValueIterator(field, fieldLoc)
read += uint64(n)
return nil