Marty Schoch c526a38369 major refactor of analysis files, now wired up to registry
ultimately this is make it more convenient for us to wire up
different elements of the analysis pipeline, without having to
preload everything into memory before we need it

separately the index layer now has a mechanism for storing
internal key/value pairs.  this is expected to be used to
store the mapping, and possibly other pieces of data by the
top layer, but not exposed to the user at the top.
2014-08-13 21:14:47 -04:00

219 lines
5.4 KiB

package no
import (
const StopName = "stop_no"
// this content was obtained from:
// lucene-4.7.2/analysis/common/src/resources/org/apache/lucene/analysis/snowball/
// ` was changed to ' to allow for literal string
var NorwegianStopWords = []byte(` | From svn.tartarus.org/snowball/trunk/website/algorithms/norwegian/stop.txt
| This file is distributed under the BSD License.
| See http://snowball.tartarus.org/license.php
| Also see http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html
| - Encoding was converted to UTF-8.
| - This notice was added.
| NOTE: To use this file with StopFilterFactory, you must specify format="snowball"
| A Norwegian stop word list. Comments begin with vertical bar. Each stop
| word is at the start of a line.
| This stop word list is for the dominant bokmål dialect. Words unique
| to nynorsk are marked *.
| Revised by Jan Bruusgaard <Jan.Bruusgaard@ssb.no>, Jan 2005
og | and
i | in
jeg | I
det | it/this/that
at | to (w. inf.)
en | a/an
et | a/an
den | it/this/that
til | to
er | is/am/are
som | who/that
på | on
de | they / you(formal)
med | with
han | he
av | of
ikke | not
ikkje | not *
der | there
så | so
var | was/were
meg | me
seg | you
men | but
ett | one
har | have
om | about
vi | we
min | my
mitt | my
ha | have
hadde | had
hun | she
nå | now
over | over
da | when/as
ved | by/know
fra | from
du | you
ut | out
sin | your
dem | them
oss | us
opp | up
man | you/one
kan | can
hans | his
hvor | where
eller | or
hva | what
skal | shall/must
selv | self (reflective)
sjøl | self (reflective)
her | here
alle | all
vil | will
bli | become
ble | became
blei | became *
blitt | have become
kunne | could
inn | in
når | when
være | be
kom | come
noen | some
noe | some
ville | would
dere | you
som | who/which/that
deres | their/theirs
kun | only/just
ja | yes
etter | after
ned | down
skulle | should
denne | this
for | for/because
deg | you
si | hers/his
sine | hers/his
sitt | hers/his
mot | against
å | to
meget | much
hvorfor | why
dette | this
disse | these/those
uten | without
hvordan | how
ingen | none
din | your
ditt | your
blir | become
samme | same
hvilken | which
hvilke | which (plural)
sånn | such a
inni | inside/within
mellom | between
vår | our
hver | each
hvem | who
vors | us/ours
hvis | whose
både | both
bare | only/just
enn | than
fordi | as/because
før | before
mange | many
også | also
slik | just
vært | been
være | to be
båe | both *
begge | both
siden | since
dykk | your *
dykkar | yours *
dei | they *
deira | them *
deires | theirs *
deim | them *
di | your (fem.) *
då | as/when *
eg | I *
ein | a/an *
eit | a/an *
eitt | a/an *
elles | or *
honom | he *
hjå | at *
ho | she *
hoe | she *
henne | her
hennar | her/hers
hennes | hers
hoss | how *
hossen | how *
ikkje | not *
ingi | noone *
inkje | noone *
korleis | how *
korso | how *
kva | what/which *
kvar | where *
kvarhelst | where *
kven | who/whom *
kvi | why *
kvifor | why *
me | we *
medan | while *
mi | my *
mine | my *
mykje | much *
no | now *
nokon | some (masc./neut.) *
noka | some (fem.) *
nokor | some *
noko | some *
nokre | some *
si | his/hers *
sia | since *
sidan | since *
so | so *
somt | some *
somme | some *
um | about*
upp | up *
vere | be *
vore | was *
verte | become *
vort | become *
varte | became *
vart | became *
func TokenMapConstructor(config map[string]interface{}, cache *registry.Cache) (analysis.TokenMap, error) {
rv := analysis.NewTokenMap()
err := rv.LoadBytes(NorwegianStopWords)
return rv, err
func init() {
registry.RegisterTokenMap(StopName, TokenMapConstructor)