2017-11-29 11:33:35 -05:00

67 lines
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package segment
import (
// DocumentFieldValueVisitor defines a callback to be visited for each
// stored field value. The return value determines if the visitor
// should keep going. Returning true continues visiting, false stops.
type DocumentFieldValueVisitor func(field string, typ byte, value []byte, pos []uint64) bool
type Segment interface {
Dictionary(field string) TermDictionary
VisitDocument(num uint64, visitor DocumentFieldValueVisitor) error
Count() uint64
DocNumbers([]string) *roaring.Bitmap
Fields() []string
type TermDictionary interface {
PostingsList(term string, except *roaring.Bitmap) PostingsList
Iterator() DictionaryIterator
PrefixIterator(prefix string) DictionaryIterator
RangeIterator(start, end string) DictionaryIterator
type DictionaryIterator interface {
Next() (*index.DictEntry, error)
type PostingsList interface {
Iterator() PostingsIterator
Count() uint64
// NOTE deferred for future work
// And(other PostingsList) PostingsList
// Or(other PostingsList) PostingsList
type PostingsIterator interface {
Next() Posting
type Posting interface {
Number() uint64
Frequency() uint64
Norm() float64
Locations() []Location
type Location interface {
Field() string
Start() uint64
End() uint64
Pos() uint64
ArrayPositions() []uint64