#!/bin/sh if [ ! -f "/etc/certmgmt.conf" ]; then echo "config file '/etc/certmgmt/certmgmt.conf' not found" exit 1 fi . /etc/certmgmt.conf if [ -z "${ACCOUNT_FILE}" ]; then echo "ACCOUNT_FILE was not found in config file" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "${ACCOUNT_FILE}" ]; then echo "account file was not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "no domain given to check" exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "/opt/certmgmt/certs/${1}/csr" ]; then echo "certificate request is missing" exit 1 fi age="$(find "/opt/certmgmt/certs/${1}/crt" -mtime -60 | wc -l)" if [ "${age}" -gt "0" ]; then echo "certificate exists and is not old enough for renewal" exit 0 fi acme-tiny \ --account-key "${ACCOUNT_FILE}" \ --csr "/opt/certmgmt/certs/${1}/csr" \ --acme-dir '/opt/certmgmt/challenges' \ > "/opt/certmgmt/certs/${1}/crt" #--directory-url https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory \ if [ "$?" -gt "0" ]; then rm "/opt/certmgmt/certs/${1}/crt" exit 1 fi