This is the first major container draft and implements most of the functions to create containers, remove them, show and set attributes on them. It also implements the special case in dim, that a list of all containers and their free space is returned. It currently does not implement a partial output when a subnet or layer3domain is returned. First I want to know how well it actually scales and works as this is a major pain point in the python implementation. At the moment the output also has the problem that it can grow quite large in memory as the tree is built in the middleware. A better way would be to build the json directly in the database so it can be returned directly. We will have to see when this becomes a major issue.
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package main
import (
// ContainerCreate will create a new container.
func containerCreate(c *Context, req Request, res *Response) error {
subnet := types.Subnet{}
options := struct {
Attributes types.FieldMap `json:"attributes"`
DisallowChildren bool `json:"disallow_children"`
Layer3Domain string `json:"layer3domain"`
AllowOverlap bool `json:"allow_overlap"`
Attributes: types.FieldMap{},
if err := req.ParseAtLeast(1, &subnet, &options); err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not parse options: %s", err)
return nil
if options.Layer3Domain == "" {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "layer3domain name is empty")
return nil
attrs, err := options.Attributes.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not encode attributes to json: %s", err)
return nil
l3id := 0
err = c.tx.QueryRow(`select id from layer3domains where name = $1`, options.Layer3Domain).Scan(&l3id)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not resolve layer3domain")
return fmt.Errorf("could not resolve layer3domain '%s': %#v", options.Layer3Domain, err)
_, err = c.tx.Exec(`insert into containers(layer3domain_id, subnet, created_by, modified_by, attributes)
values ($1, $2, $3, $3, $4)`, l3id, subnet.String(), c.username, attrs)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not create new container")
return fmt.Errorf("could not create new container '%s': %#v", subnet.String(), err)
res.AddMessage(LevelInfo, "created container '%s'", subnet.String())
return nil
// ContainerDelete deletes a container.
func containerDelete(c *Context, req Request, res *Response) error {
subnet := types.Subnet{}
options := struct {
Layer3Domain string `json:"layer3domain"`
Recursive bool `json:"recursive"`
if err := req.ParseAtLeast(1, &subnet, &options); err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not parse options: %s", err)
return nil
l3id := 0
err := c.tx.QueryRow(`select id from layer3domains where name = $1 for update`, options.Layer3Domain).
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "layer3domain '%s' does not exist", options.Layer3Domain)
return nil
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not fetch layer3domain '%s'", options.Layer3Domain)
return fmt.Errorf("could not fetch layer3domain '%s': %#v", options.Layer3Domain, err)
// TODO implement Recursive (delete all containers and IPs in this subnet)
_, err = c.tx.Exec(`delete from containers where subnet = $1 and layer3domain_id = $2`, subnet.String(), l3id)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not delete container '%s' in layer3domain '%s'", subnet.String(), options.Layer3Domain)
return fmt.Errorf("could not delete subnets for container '%s': %#v", subnet.String(), err)
res.AddMessage(LevelInfo, "deleted container '%s' in layer3domain '%s'", subnet.String(), options.Layer3Domain)
return nil
// ContainerList lists all containers with the requested fields.
func containerList(c *Context, req Request, res *Response) error {
options := struct {
Attributes types.FieldList `json:"attributes"`
Layer3Domain string `json:"layer3domain"`
IPBlock types.Subnet `json:"ipblock"`
IPVersion types.IPVersion `json:"version"`
Depth int `json:"depth"`
Status string `json:"status"` // TODO not supported yet
Attributes: types.NewFieldList("subnet", "", "subnets"),
if err := req.ParseAtLeast(0, &options); err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not parse options")
return nil
rawQuery := `select cfl.layer3domain_id, cfl.subnet, cfl.parents, c.attributes, cfl.state
from containers_free_list cfl
left join containers c on cfl.layer3domain_id = c.layer3domain_id and cfl.subnet = c.subnet`
args := []interface{}{}
if options.Layer3Domain != "" {
l3id := 0
err := c.tx.QueryRow(`select id from layer3domains where name = $1`, options.Layer3Domain).Scan(&l3id)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not resolve layer3domain")
return fmt.Errorf("could not resolve layer3domain '%s': %#v", options.Layer3Domain, err)
args = append(args, l3id)
rawQuery += " where layer3domain_id = $1"
rows, err := c.tx.Query(rawQuery, args...)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not fetch containers")
return fmt.Errorf("could not fetch container tree: %#v", err)
defer rows.Close()
type (
Container struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Attributes json.RawMessage `json:"attributes"`
Containers map[string]Container `json:"containers"`
result := map[int]Container{}
for rows.Next() {
cont := Container{Containers: map[string]Container{}}
parents := &[]string{}
l3id := 0
subnet := ""
attr := sql.NullString{}
if err := rows.Scan(&l3id, &subnet, pq.Array(parents), &attr, &cont.Status); err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not scan containers")
return fmt.Errorf("could not scan containers: %#v", err)
if _, found := result[l3id]; !found {
result[l3id] = Container{Status: "layer3domain", Containers: map[string]Container{}}
current := result[l3id]
for _, parent := range *parents {
if _, found := current.Containers[parent]; !found {
current.Containers[parent] = Container{Status: "container", Containers: map[string]Container{}}
current = current.Containers[parent]
if attr.Valid {
cont.Attributes = json.RawMessage(attr.String)
current.Containers[subnet] = cont
res.Result = result
return nil
func containerGetAttr(c *Context, req Request, res *Response) error {
subnet := types.Subnet{}
options := struct {
Layer3Domain string
if err := req.ParseAtLeast(2, &subnet, &options); err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not parse options: %s", err)
return nil
result := json.RawMessage{}
selClause := query.FieldsToJSON("c", map[string]string{
"subnet": "c.subnet",
"modified_by": "c.modified_by",
"modified_at": "c.modified_at",
"created_by": "c.created_by",
"created_at": "c.created_at",
"layer3domain": "",
queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(`select %s from containers c join layer3domains l
on c.layer3domain_id =
where c.subnet = $1 and = $2`, selClause)
err := c.tx.QueryRow(queryStr, subnet, options.Layer3Domain).Scan(&result)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not return result")
return fmt.Errorf("could not get container '%s': %s - query: %s", subnet, err, queryStr)
res.Result = result
return nil
func containerSetAttr(c *Context, req Request, res *Response) error {
subnet := types.Subnet{}
attrs := types.FieldMap{}
options := struct {
Layer3Domain string
if err := req.ParseAtLeast(3, &subnet, &attrs, &options); err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not parse options: %s", err)
return nil
if attrs.Size() == 0 {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "no key/value pairs provided to update")
return nil
if options.Layer3Domain == "" {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "layer3domain is required")
return nil
if attrs.Contains("layer3domain") {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "can't change the layer3domain of a subnet")
return nil
// TODO this is ugly. Can we have better API somehow?
fieldMap := map[string]string{
"layer3domain_id": "",
"subnet": "",
"modified_by": "",
"modified_at": "",
"created_by": "",
"created_at": "",
if attrs.Contains("subnets") {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "can not set subnets as attributes")
return nil
l3name := options.Layer3Domain
l3id := 0
err := c.tx.QueryRow(`select id from layer3domains where name = $1`, l3name).Scan(&l3id)
if err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "layer3domain '%s' does not exist", l3name)
return nil
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not get layer3domain")
return fmt.Errorf("could not fetch layer3domain id for name '%s': %#v", l3name, err)
setClause, args, err := query.FieldMapToUpdate(attrs, fieldMap)
if err != nil {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not encode requested attributes: %s", err)
return nil
queryStr := fmt.Sprintf("update containers p set %s where subnet = $%d::cidr and layer3domain_id = $%d returning subnet", setClause, len(args)+1, len(args)+2)
args = append(args, subnet) // don't forget to add the where clause parameter
args = append(args, l3id) // don't forget to add the layer3domain to the where clause
c.Debugf(LevelInfo, "query: %s - args: %#v", queryStr, args)
changed := ""
if err := c.tx.QueryRow(queryStr, args...).Scan(&changed); err != nil {
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "subnet '%s' in layer3domain '%s' does not exist", subnet.String(), l3name)
return nil
res.AddMessage(LevelError, "could not set attributes")
c.Logf(LevelError, "could not set attributes on subnet '%s': %s - query: `%s` - args: `%#v`", subnet, err, queryStr, args)
return nil
return nil