
102 lines
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package ensure
import (
type (
// Runner takes a list of ensurers and enforces their state.
// The runner is not transactional.
Runner struct {
// Is is checked before enforcing all states.
// The states will not be enforced when the function is returning true.
Is Enforced
// Parallel defines if the states are ensured in parallel. There is no
// dependency management at work. The requirements must already be met
// beforehand.
// When parallel is set to true the processing will not be halted on the
// first error. Instead all errors will be collected and returned.
Parallel bool
// States is the list of states to ensure when Ensure() is called.
States []Ensurer
// When parallel mode is used, the number of threads to spawn can be set.
// When not set, every state will spawn a thread.
Workers int
// Ensure will call Ensure() on every state.
// When Parallel is true, all states will be ensured in parallel. The number of
// threads that will be spawned can be controlled by the Workers attribute.
// In case of an error the processing will be aborted. When Parallel is true
// all errors are collected and returned as one and the processing will not be
// halted.
func (r *Runner) Ensure() error {
if r.Is != nil && r.Is() {
return nil
if r.Parallel {
return r.ensureParallel()
return r.ensureSequence()
func (r *Runner) ensureSequence() error {
for i, state := range r.States {
if err := state.Ensure(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not ensure resource with index %d: %w", i, err)
return nil
func (r *Runner) ensureParallel() error {
if len(r.States) == 0 {
return nil
threads := r.Workers
if threads == 0 {
threads = len(r.States)
work := make(chan Ensurer, threads)
results := make(chan error, threads)
var err error
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
go func() {
for _, state := range r.States {
work <- state
go func() {
c := 0
for result := range results {
if result != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("%s\n%s", err, result)
if c == len(r.States) {
for i := 0; i < threads; i++ {
go func() {
for state := range work {
err := state.Ensure()
results <- err
return err