monzero ======= Monzero is a collection of tools with the purpose of running monitoring checks and triggering notifications. requirements ------------ runtime requirements: * PostgreSQL >= 10.0 build requirements: * Go >= 1.11 components ---------- The following components exist: ### moncheck Moncheck is the daemon that runs the checks and generates notifications in the database. It is possible to run multiple instances of moncheck, as it uses PostgreSQL as a coordinator through the PostgreSQL internal locking mechanism. Moncheck uses the table `active_checks` to detect which checks to run. ### monfront Monfront is a webfrontend to view the current state of all checks, configure hosts, groups, checks and view current notifications. It is possible to run multiple instances. ### monwork Monwork is a small server that does all the maintenance work in the background. It is responsible to cleanup the history and generate the configuration. The configuration is generated into `active_checks` when an entry in `nodes`, `command` or `checks` was changed (detected through the updated column).