Fork 0

596 lines
19 KiB

package main
// This file handles the complete parameter assignment, as some parameters are
// often used by multiple functions.
import (
const (
RsaLowerLength = 2048
RsaUpperLength = 16384
var (
// the possible ecdsa curves allowed to be used
EcdsaCurves = []int{224, 256, 384, 521}
// the possible valid key usages to check against the commandline
ValidKeyUsages = map[string]x509.KeyUsage{
"digitalsignature": x509.KeyUsageDigitalSignature,
"contentcommitment": x509.KeyUsageContentCommitment,
"keyencipherment": x509.KeyUsageKeyEncipherment,
"dataencipherment": x509.KeyUsageDataEncipherment,
"keyagreement": x509.KeyUsageKeyAgreement,
"certsign": x509.KeyUsageCertSign,
"crlsign": x509.KeyUsageCRLSign,
"encipheronly": x509.KeyUsageEncipherOnly,
"decipheronly": x509.KeyUsageDecipherOnly,
// the valid extended key usages, to check against the commandline
ValidExtKeyUsages = map[string]x509.ExtKeyUsage{
"any": x509.ExtKeyUsageAny,
"serverauth": x509.ExtKeyUsageServerAuth,
"clientauth": x509.ExtKeyUsageClientAuth,
"codesigning": x509.ExtKeyUsageCodeSigning,
"emailprotection": x509.ExtKeyUsageEmailProtection,
"ipsecendsystem": x509.ExtKeyUsageIPSECEndSystem,
"ipsectunnel": x509.ExtKeyUsageIPSECTunnel,
"ipsecuser": x509.ExtKeyUsageIPSECUser,
"timestamping": x509.ExtKeyUsageTimeStamping,
"ocspsigning": x509.ExtKeyUsageOCSPSigning,
"microsoftservergatedcrypto": x509.ExtKeyUsageMicrosoftServerGatedCrypto,
"netscapeservergatedcrypto": x509.ExtKeyUsageNetscapeServerGatedCrypto,
type (
// holds all certificate related flags, which need parsing afterwards
certiticateRequestRawFlags struct {
manual struct {
serialNumber string // the serial number for the cert
commonName string // the common name used in the cert
dnsNames string // all alternative names in the certificate (comma separated list)
ipAddresses string // all IP addresses in the certificate (comma separated list)
emailAddresses string // alternative email addresses
automatic struct {
Country string // the country names which should end up in the cert (comma separated list)
Organization string // the organization names (comma separated list)
OrganizationalUnit string // the organizational units (comma separated list)
Locality string // the city or locality (comma separated list)
Province string // the province name (comma separated list)
StreetAddress string // the street addresses of the organization (comma separated list)
PostalCode string // the postal codes of the locality
// a container go gather all incoming flags for further processing
paramContainer struct {
outputPath string // path to output whatever is generated
inputPath string // path to an input resource
cryptType string // type of something (private key)
length int // the length of something (private key)
privateKeyPath string // path to the private key
publicKeyPath string // path to the public key
signRequestPath string // path to the certificate sign request
certificateFlags certiticateRequestRawFlags // container for certificate related flags
signature string // a base64 encoded signature
certGeneration certGenerationRaw // all certificate generation flags
certificatePath string // path to a certificate
privateKeyGenerationFlags struct {
Type string // type of the private key (rsa, ecdsa)
Curve elliptic.Curve // curve for ecdsa
Size int // bitsize for rsa
certGenerationRaw struct {
serial int64
notBefore string
notAfter string
isCA bool
length int
caPath string // path to the ca file if isCA is false
keyUsage string // comma separated list of key usages
extKeyUsage string // comma separated list of extended key usages
flagCheck func() error
var (
CmdRoot = &Command{
Short: "A tool to manage keys and certificates.",
Long: `This tool provides a way to manage private and public keys, create
certificate requests and certificates and sign/verify messages.`,
CmdCreatePrivateKey = &Command{
Use: "create-private",
Short: "create a private key",
Long: "Create an ecdsa or rsa key with this command",
Example: "create-private -type=ecdsa -length=521",
Run: create_private_key,
CmdCreatePublicKey = &Command{
Use: "create-public",
Short: "create a public key from a private key",
Long: "Create a public key derived from a private key.",
Example: "create-public -private-key=foo.ecdsa",
Run: create_public_key,
CmdSignInput = &Command{
Use: "sign-input",
Short: "sign a text using a private key",
Long: "Create a signature using a private key",
Example: "sign-input -private-key=foo.ecdsa -input=textfile",
Run: sign_input,
CmdVerifyInput = &Command{
Use: "verify-input",
Short: "verify a text using a signature",
Long: "Verify a text using a signature and a public key.",
Example: "verify-input -public-key=foo.ecdsa.pub -input=textfile -signature=abc456",
Run: verify_input,
CmdCreateSignRequest = &Command{
Use: "create-sign-request",
Short: "create a certificate sign request",
Long: "Create a certificate sign request.",
Example: "create-sign-request -private-key=foo.ecdsa -common-name=foo -serial=1",
Run: create_sign_request,
CmdCreateCert = &Command{
Use: "create-cert",
Short: "create a certificate from a sign request",
Long: "Create a certificate based on a certificate sign request.",
Example: "create-cert -private-key=foo.ecdsa -csr-path=foo.csr",
Run: create_cert,
// variable to hold the raw arguments before checking
flagContainer *paramContainer
// loaded private key
FlagPrivateKey pki.PrivateKey
// loaded public key
FlagPublicKey pki.PublicKey
// the IO handler for input
FlagInput io.ReadCloser
// the IO handler for output
FlagOutput io.WriteCloser
// signature from the args
FlagSignature []byte
// private key specific stuff
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration privateKeyGenerationFlags
// a certificate filled with the parameters
FlagCertificateRequestData *pki.CertificateData
// the certificate sign request
FlagCertificateSignRequest *pki.CertificateRequest
// certificate specific creation stuff
FlagCertificateGeneration pki.CertificateOptions
func InitFlags() {
flagContainer = &paramContainer{}
// private-key
// public-key
// sign-input
// verify-input
// create-sign-request
// create-certificate
func checkFlags(checks ...flagCheck) error {
for _, check := range checks {
if err := check(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
//// print a message with the usage part
//func (f *Flags) Usagef(message string, args ...interface{}) {
// fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: " + message + "\n", args...)
// f.flagset.Flags().Usage()
// add the private key option to the requested flags
func InitFlagPrivateKey(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.privateKeyPath, "private-key", "", "path to the private key (required)")
// check the private key flag and load the private key
func checkPrivateKey() error {
if flagContainer.privateKeyPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("No private key given!")
// check permissions of private key file
info, err := os.Stat(flagContainer.privateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading private key: %s", err)
if info.Mode().Perm().String()[4:] != "------" {
return fmt.Errorf("private key file modifyable by others!")
pk, err := ReadPrivateKeyFile(flagContainer.privateKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading private key: %s", err)
FlagPrivateKey = pk
return nil
// add the public key flag
func InitFlagPublicKey(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.publicKeyPath, "public-key", "", "path to the public key (required)")
// parse public key flag
func checkPublicKey() error {
if flagContainer.publicKeyPath == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("No public key given!")
pu, err := ReadPublicKeyFile(flagContainer.publicKeyPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading public key: %s", err)
FlagPublicKey = pu
return nil
// add flag to load certificate flags
func InitFlagCert(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().Int64Var(&flagContainer.certGeneration.serial, "serial", 0, "serial number of all certificates")
cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&flagContainer.certGeneration.isCA, "ca", false, "check if the resulting certificate is a ca")
"the number of certificates allowed in the chain between this cert and the end certificate",
"time before the certificate is not valid in RFC3339 format (default now)",
"time after which the certificate is not valid in RFC3339 format (default now + 180 days)",
"key-usage", "",
"comma separated list of key usages",
"ext-key-usage", "",
"comma separated list of extended key usage flags",
// parse the certificate data
func checkCertFlags() error {
FlagCertificateGeneration.IsCA = flagContainer.certGeneration.isCA
FlagCertificateGeneration.CALength = flagContainer.certGeneration.length
FlagCertificateGeneration.SerialNumber = big.NewInt(flagContainer.certGeneration.serial)
var err error
if notbefore := flagContainer.certGeneration.notBefore; notbefore != "" {
FlagCertificateGeneration.NotBefore, err = parseTimeRFC3339(notbefore)
if err != nil {
return err
if notafter := flagContainer.certGeneration.notAfter; notafter != "" {
FlagCertificateGeneration.NotAfter, err = parseTimeRFC3339(notafter)
if err != nil {
return err
// parse the key usage string
if keyUstr := flagContainer.certGeneration.keyUsage; keyUstr != "" {
keyUarr := strings.Split(keyUstr, ",")
var keyUresult x509.KeyUsage
for _, usage := range keyUarr {
if value, ok := ValidKeyUsages[strings.ToLower(usage)]; ok {
keyUresult = keyUresult | value
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported key usage '%s'", usage)
FlagCertificateGeneration.KeyUsage = keyUresult
// parse the extended key usage flags
if eKeyUstr := flagContainer.certGeneration.extKeyUsage; eKeyUstr != "" {
eKeyUarr := strings.Split(eKeyUstr, ",")
eKeyUResult := make([]x509.ExtKeyUsage, 0)
for _, usage := range eKeyUarr {
if value, ok := ValidExtKeyUsages[strings.ToLower(usage)]; ok {
eKeyUResult = append(eKeyUResult, value)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("unsupported extended key usage '%s'", usage)
FlagCertificateGeneration.KeyExtendedUsage = eKeyUResult
return nil
func parseTimeRFC3339(tr string) (time.Time, error) {
return time.Parse(time.RFC3339, tr)
// add flag to load certificate sign request
func InitFlagCSR(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.signRequestPath, "csr-path", "", "path to the certificate sign request")
// parse the certificate sign request
func checkCSR() error {
rest, err := ioutil.ReadFile(flagContainer.signRequestPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error reading certificate sign request: %s", err)
var csr_asn1 []byte
var block *pem.Block
for len(rest) > 0 {
block, rest = pem.Decode(rest)
if block.Type == "CERTIFICATE REQUEST" {
csr_asn1 = block.Bytes
if len(csr_asn1) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(
"No certificate sign request found in %s",
csr, err := pki.LoadCertificateSignRequest(csr_asn1)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid certificate sign request: %s", err)
FlagCertificateSignRequest = csr
return nil
func InitFlagOutput(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.outputPath, "output", "STDOUT", "path to the output or STDOUT")
// parse the output parameter and open the file handle
func checkOutput() error {
if flagContainer.outputPath == "STDOUT" {
FlagOutput = os.Stdout
return nil
var err error
FlagOutput, err = os.OpenFile(
os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE, // do not kill users files!
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// add the input parameter to load resources from
func InitFlagInput(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.inputPath, "input", "STDIN", "path to the input or STDIN")
// parse the input parameter and open the file handle
func checkInput() error {
if flagContainer.inputPath == "STDIN" {
FlagInput = os.Stdin
return nil
var err error
FlagInput, err = os.Open(flagContainer.inputPath)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// This function adds the private key generation flags.
func InitFlagPrivateKeyGeneration(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.cryptType, "type", "ecdsa", "the type of the private key (ecdsa, rsa)")
"length", 521,
fmt.Sprintf("%d - %d for rsa; one of %v for ecdsa", RsaLowerLength, RsaUpperLength, EcdsaCurves),
// check the private key generation variables and move them to the work space
func checkPrivateKeyGeneration() error {
pk_type := flagContainer.cryptType
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration.Type = pk_type
switch pk_type {
case "ecdsa":
switch flagContainer.length {
case 224:
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration.Curve = elliptic.P224()
case 256:
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration.Curve = elliptic.P256()
case 384:
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration.Curve = elliptic.P384()
case 521:
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration.Curve = elliptic.P521()
return fmt.Errorf("Curve %d unknown!", flagContainer.length)
case "rsa":
size := flagContainer.length
if RsaLowerLength <= size && size <= RsaUpperLength {
FlagPrivateKeyGeneration.Size = size
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Length of %d is not allowed for rsa!", size)
return fmt.Errorf("Type %s is unknown!", pk_type)
return nil
// add the signature flag to load a signature from a signing process
func InitFlagSignature(cmd *Command) {
cmd.Flags().StringVar(&flagContainer.signature, "signature", "", "the base64 encoded signature to use for verification")
// parse the signature flag
func checkSignature() error {
var err error
FlagSignature, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(flagContainer.signature)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// add the certificate fields to the flags
func InitFlagCertificateFields(cmd *Command) {
"serial", "1", "unique serial number of the CA")
"common-name", "", "common name of the entity to certify")
"dns-names", "", "comma separated list of alternative fqdn entries for the entity")
"email-address", "", "comma separated list of alternative email entries for the entity")
"ip-address", "", "comma separated list of alternative ip entries for the entity")
"country", "", "comma separated list of countries the entitiy resides in")
"organization", "", "comma separated list of organizations the entity belongs to")
"organization-unit", "", "comma separated list of organization units or departments the entity belongs to")
"locality", "", "comma separated list of localities or cities the entity resides in")
"province", "", "comma separated list of provinces the entity resides in")
"street-address", "", "comma separated list of street addresses the entity resides in")
"postal-code", "", "comma separated list of postal codes of the localities")
// parse the certificate fields into a raw certificate
func checkCertificateFields() error {
FlagCertificateRequestData = pki.NewCertificateData()
// convert the automatic flags
container_type := reflect.ValueOf(&flagContainer.certificateFlags.automatic).Elem()
cert_data_type := reflect.ValueOf(&FlagCertificateRequestData.Subject).Elem()
for _, field := range []string{"Country", "Organization", "OrganizationalUnit",
"Locality", "Province", "StreetAddress", "PostalCode"} {
field_value := container_type.FieldByName(field).String()
if field_value == "" {
target := cert_data_type.FieldByName(field)
target.Set(reflect.ValueOf(strings.Split(field_value, ",")))
// convert the manual flags
data := FlagCertificateRequestData
raw_data := flagContainer.certificateFlags.manual
data.Subject.SerialNumber = raw_data.serialNumber
data.Subject.CommonName = raw_data.commonName
if raw_data.dnsNames != "" {
data.DNSNames = strings.Split(raw_data.dnsNames, ",")
if raw_data.emailAddresses != "" {
data.EmailAddresses = strings.Split(raw_data.emailAddresses, ",")
if raw_data.ipAddresses == "" {
return nil
raw_ips := strings.Split(raw_data.ipAddresses, ",")
data.IPAddresses = make([]net.IP, len(raw_ips))
for i, ip := range raw_ips {
data.IPAddresses[i] = net.ParseIP(ip)
if data.IPAddresses[i] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("'%s' is not a valid IP", ip)
return nil