Fork 0

196 lines
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package main
// This file handles the complete parameter assignment, as some parameters are
// often used by multiple functions.
import (
const (
RsaLowerLength = 2048
RsaUpperLength = 16384
var (
EcdsaCurves = []int{224, 256, 384, 521}
type (
// holds all certificate related flags, which need parsing afterwards
certFlagsContainer struct {
serialNumber int // the serial number for the cert
commonName string // the common name used in the cert
dnsNames string // all alternative names in the certificate (comma separated list)
ipAddresses string // all IP addresses in the certificate (comma separated list)
country string // the country names which should end up in the cert (comma separated list)
organization string // the organization names (comma separated list)
organizationalUnit string // the organizational units (comma separated list)
locality string // the city or locality (comma separated list)
province string // the province name (comma separated list)
streetAddress string // the street addresses of the organization (comma separated list)
postalCode string // the postal codes of the locality
// a container go gather all incoming flags for further processing
paramContainer struct {
outputPath string // path to output whatever is generated
cryptType string // type of something (private key)
length int // the length of something (private key)
privateKeyPath string // path to the private key
publicKeyPath string // path to the public key
signRequestPath string // path to the certificate sign request
certificateFlags *certFlagsContainer // container for certificate related flags
// a container for the refined flags
flagSet struct {
PrivateKey pki.PrivateKey
Output io.WriteCloser
// private key specific stuff
PrivateKeyGenerationFlags privateKeyGenerationFlags
privateKeyGenerationFlags struct {
Type string // type of the private key (rsa, ecdsa)
Curve elliptic.Curve // curve for ecdsa
Size int // bitsize for rsa
Flags struct {
Name string // name of the sub function
flagset *flag.FlagSet // the flagset reference for printing the help
flag_container *paramContainer
Flags *flagSet // the end result of the flag setting
check_list []flagCheck // list of all checks
flagCheck func()(error)
// create a new flag handler with the name of the subfunction
func NewFlags(method_name string) *Flags {
flagset := flag.NewFlagSet(method_name, flag.ExitOnError)
flags := &Flags{
Name: method_name,
Flags: &flagSet{},
flagset: flagset,
check_list: make([]flagCheck, 0),
flag_container: &paramContainer{},
flagset.Usage = flags.Usage
return flags
// check all parameters for validity
func (f *Flags) Parse(options []string) error {
for _, check := range f.check_list {
// TODO handle error in a betetr way (output specific help, not command help)
if err := check(); err != nil {
f.Usagef("%s", err)
return err
return nil
// print a message with the usage part
func (f *Flags) Usagef(message string, args ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: " + message + "\n", args...)
// print the usage of the current flag set
func (f *Flags) Usage() {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: %s %s [options]\n", os.Args[0], f.Name)
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, "where options are:\n")
// add the private key option to the requested flags
func (f *Flags) AddPrivateKey() {
f.check_list = append(f.check_list, f.parsePrivateKey)
f.flagset.StringVar(&f.flag_container.privateKeyPath, "private-key", "", "path to the private key")
// check the private key flag and load the private key
func (f *Flags) parsePrivateKey() error {
// check permissions of private key file
info, err := os.Stat(f.flag_container.privateKeyPath)
if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading private key: %s", err) }
if info.Mode().Perm().String()[4:] != "------" {
return fmt.Errorf("private key file modifyable by others!")
pk, err := ReadPrivateKeyFile(f.flag_container.privateKeyPath)
if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Error reading private key: %s", err) }
f.Flags.PrivateKey = pk
return nil
// add the output parameter to the checklist
func (f *Flags) AddOutput() {
f.check_list = append(f.check_list, f.parseOutput)
f.flagset.StringVar(&f.flag_container.outputPath, "output", "STDOUT", "path to the output or STDOUT")
// parse the output parameter and open the file handle
func (f *Flags) parseOutput() error {
if f.flag_container.outputPath == "STDOUT" {
f.Flags.Output = os.Stdout
return nil
var err error
f.Flags.Output, err = os.OpenFile(
os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREATE, // do not kill users files!
if err != nil { return err }
return nil
// This function adds the private key generation flags.
func (f *Flags) AddPrivateKeyGenerationFlags() {
f.check_list = append(f.check_list, f.parsePrivateKeyGenerationFlags)
f.flagset.StringVar(&f.flag_container.cryptType, "type", "ecdsa", "the type of the private key (ecdsa, rsa)")
"length", 521,
fmt.Sprintf("%d - %d for rsa; %v for ecdsa", RsaLowerLength, RsaUpperLength, EcdsaCurves),
func (f *Flags) parsePrivateKeyGenerationFlags() error {
pk_type := f.flag_container.cryptType
f.Flags.PrivateKeyGenerationFlags.Type = pk_type
switch pk_type {
case "ecdsa":
switch f.flag_container.length {
case 224: f.Flags.PrivateKeyGenerationFlags.Curve = elliptic.P224()
case 256: f.Flags.PrivateKeyGenerationFlags.Curve = elliptic.P256()
case 384: f.Flags.PrivateKeyGenerationFlags.Curve = elliptic.P384()
case 521: f.Flags.PrivateKeyGenerationFlags.Curve = elliptic.P521()
default: return fmt.Errorf("Curve %d unknown!", f.flag_container.length)
case "rsa":
size := f.flag_container.length
if RsaLowerLength <= size && size <= RsaUpperLength {
f.Flags.PrivateKeyGenerationFlags.Size = size
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("Length of %d is not allowed for rsa!", size)
default: return fmt.Errorf("Type %s is unknown!", pk_type)
return nil