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2011-06-10 10:55:53 +02:00
* implement stemmer for strings
* build an abstract stemmer class
* implement a simple stemmer
* build an analyzer to split the strings
* the analyzer uses tokens to split the stream
* it can throw out string parts, which have no meaning
* builds an array of strings with number of occurences (needed for scoring)
* IndexSearcher
* build indexes for attributes
* implement tree structures for index
* binary tree
* b-tree
* word tree for strings
* index has only the position of document in storage
* add scoring for findings
* could be implemented as per document score stored in the index
* findings of string in the document in relation to findings in all documents
* info should be accessible after building the index
* implement resultset
* should be streamlined to gather resultset from multiple queries
* sorts the result if needed
* returns only the top x documents