+++ title = "filter program logs in freebsd syslog" date = "2013-02-19T08:30:37+00:00" author = "Gibheer" draft = false +++ I had the need to filter logs from different programs into different places - in this case the postgres and nginx logs. The man page of `syslog.conf` describes it pretty good, but misses some examples to make it more clear. So here is how I configured it, to make it easier. First, I edited the `syslog.conf` # filter everything apart from postgres and nginx !-postgres,nginx *.err;kern.warning;auth.notice;mail.crit /dev/console # and all the other stuff # filter only postgres !postgres *.* /var/log/postgresql.log # filter only nginx !nginx *.* /var/log/nginx.log The next step is to setup the log rotate. This happens in `/etc/newsyslog.conf`. The man page is very helpful, so if you want to adjust something, take a peek into it. # postgresql /var/log/postgresql.log 640 5 100 * JC # nginx /var/log/nginx.log 640 5 100 * JC And that is all. If you want to add more program filtes, you have to define them in the `syslog.conf` as *notfilter* and *filter* and add the rotate to `newsyslog.conf`.