# install http files into this directory HTTPDIR=/tmp/zblog # give all files to this owner after copy OWNER != id -u # give all files to this group after copy GROUP != id -g # set this mode on all directories DIRMODE = 554 # set this mode on all files FILEMODE = 444 .PHONY: clean install all: clean build dev: go run main.go --content-dir content --template-dir templates --static-dir static --listen "" build: go run main.go --content-dir content --template-dir templates --static-dir static --output-dir $(HTTPDIR) clean: -rm -r public/* install: rsync --delete -r public/ $(HTTPDIR)/ find $(HTTPDIR) ! -path $(HTTPDIR) -type d -exec chmod $(DIRMODE) {} + find $(HTTPDIR) ! -path $(HTTPDIR) -type f -exec chmod $(FILEMODE) {} + chown -R $(OWNER):$(GROUP) $(HTTPDIR)/