+++ title = "blog" author = "gibheer" url = "/" template = "index.html" +++ This blog is maintained by [Gibheer](/author/Gibheer) and [Stormwind](/author/Stormwind) about various topics. * [link summary 2016/07/08](post/127.md) * [poudriere in jails with zfs](post/126.md) * [gotchas with IPs and Jails](post/125.md) * [link summary 2016/04/09](post/124.md) * [json/curl to go](post/123.md) * [configuring raids on freebsd](post/122.md) * [fast application locks](post/121.md) * [new blog engine](post/120.md) * [ssh certificates part 2](post/119.md) * [ssh certificates part 1](post/118.md) * [S.M.A.R.T. values](post/117.md) * [minimal nginx configuration](post/115.md) * [pgstats - vmstat like stats for postgres](post/114.md) * [setting zpool features](post/113.md) * [using unbound and dnsmasq](post/112.md) * [common table expressions in postgres](post/111.md) * [range types in postgres](post/110.md) * [learning the ansible way](post/109.md) * [playing with go](post/108.md) * [no cfengine anymore](post/107.md) * [scan to samba share with HP Officejet pro 8600](post/106.md) * [\[cfengine\] log to syslog](post/105.md) * [overhaul of the blog](post/104.md) * [block mails for unknown users](post/103.md) * [choosing a firewall on freebsd](post/102.md) * [use dovecot to store mails with lmtp](post/100.md) * [grub can't read zpool](post/99.md) * [sysidcfg replacement on omnios](post/98.md) * [filter program logs in freebsd syslog](post/97.md) * [moving a zone between zpools](post/96.md) * [compile errors on omnios with llvm](post/95.md) * [inner and natural joins](post/94.md) * [release of zero 0.1.0](post/93.md) * [building a multi instance postgres systemd service](post/92.md) * [automatic locking of the screen](post/91.md) * [rotate log files with logadm](post/90.md) * [Solaris SMF on linux with systemd](post/89.md) * [create encrypted password for postgresql](post/88.md) * [extend PATH in Makefile](post/87.md) * [touchpad keeps scrolling](post/86.md) * [Schwarze Seelen brauchen bunte Socken 2012.1](post/85.md) * [Backups with ZFS over the wire](post/84.md) * [the Illumos eco system](post/83.md) * [archlinux + rubygems = gem executables will not run](post/82.md) * [Lustige Gehversuche mit... verschlüsselten Festplatten](post/81.md) * [find cycle detected](post/80.md) * [openindiana - getting rubinius to work](post/79.md) * [openindiana - curl CA failure](post/78.md) * [openindiana - set up ssh with kerberos authentication](post/77.md) * [great resource to ipfilter](post/76.md) * [openindiana - ntpd does not start](post/75.md) * [openindiana - how to configure a zone](post/74.md) * [openindiana - how to get routing working](post/73.md) * [How to use sysidcfg for zone deployment](post/72.md) * [set environment variables in smf manifests](post/71.md) * [get pfexec back in Solaris](post/70.md) * [Solaris - a new way to 'ifconfig'](post/69.md) * [OpenIndiana 151a released](post/68.md) * [PostgreSQL 9.1 was released](post/67.md) * [SmartOS - hype and a demo iso](post/66.md) * [SmartOS - a new Solaris](post/65.md) * [neues Lebenszeichen - neuer Blog](post/64.md) * [Accesslogs in die Datenbank](post/63.md) * [Schwarze Seelen brauchen bunte Socken - Teil 3](post/62.md) * [Technik hinter dem neuen Blog](post/61.md) * [jede Menge Umzuege](post/60.md) * [DTrace fuer den Linuxlator in FreeBSD](post/59.md) * [daily zfs snapshots](post/58.md) * [Dokumentation in Textile schreiben](post/57.md) * [Shells in anderen Sprachen](post/56.md) * [ZFS Versionen](post/55.md) * [Spielwahn mit Wasser](post/54.md) * [FreeBSD Status Report Juli - September 2010](post/53.md) * [Spass mit test-driven development](post/52.md) * [dtrace userland in FreeBSD head](post/51.md) * [Alle Tabellen einer DB loeschen mit PostgreSQL 9.0](post/50.md) * [Shellbefehle im Vim ausfuehren](post/49.md) * [zero-knowledge mit IPv6 Teil 2](post/48.md) * [[Rubyconf 2009] Worst Ideas Ever](post/47.md) * [Nachfolger von Tex](post/46.md) * [Linux und Windows im Auto](post/45.md) * [zero-knowledge jetzt auch per IPv6](post/44.md) * [Der Drackenzackenschal](post/43.md) * [Kalender auf der Konsole](post/42.md) * [NetBeans 6.9 released](post/41.md) * [Das Wollefest in Nierstein](post/40.md) * [PostgreSQL - mehrere Werte aus einer Funktion](post/39.md) * [Schwarze Seelen brauchen bunte Socken - Teil 2](post/38.md) * [Serverumzug vollendet](post/37.md) * [MySQL kann Datensaetze \"zerreissen\"](post/36.md) * [Umzug mit OpenSolaris 20x0.xx](post/35.md) * [Blub gibt es ab sofort auch fuer unterwegs](post/34.md) * [OpenSolaris Zones mit statischer IP](post/33.md) * [Blog nicht da](post/32.md) * [gefaehrliches Spiel fuer das n900](post/31.md) * [neuer CLI-Client fuer XMMS2](post/30.md) * [Claws Mail laeuft auf OpenSolaris](post/29.md) * [publisher contains only packages from other publisher](post/28.md) * [PostgreSQL 8.4 in OpenSolaris](post/27.md) * [mit PHP Mailadressen validieren](post/26.md) * [Lustige Gehversuche mit ...](post/25.md) * [Performance, Programme und viel Musik](post/24.md) * [von Linux zu OpenSolaris](post/23.md) * [Gibheers zsh-config](post/22.md) * [Crossbow mit Solaris Containern](post/21.md) * [Lustige Gehversuche mit Gentoo/FreeBSD](post/20.md) * [Heidelbeertigerarmstulpen](post/19.md) * [OpenVPN unter OpenSolaris](post/18.md) * [OpenSolaris Wiki](post/17.md) * [OpenSolaris ohne Reboot updaten](post/16.md) * [einzelne Pakete unter OpenSolaris updaten](post/15.md) * [Rails mit Problemen unter OpenSolaris](post/14.md) * [Wie wenig braucht OpenSolaris?](post/13.md) * [das eklige Gesicht XMLs](post/12.md) * [Dokumentation fuer (Open)Solaris](post/11.md) * [Woche der Updates](post/10.md) * [Was ist XMMS2?](post/9.md) * [Rack und XMMS2](post/8.md) * [Webserver unter Ruby](post/7.md) * [Symbole in Ruby](post/6.md) * [Schwarze Seelen brauchen bunte Socken](post/5.md) * [Zero-knowledge spielt wieder Icewars](post/4.md) * [Serendipity als Blog?](post/3.md) * [Indizes statt Tabellen](post/2.md) * [zero-knowledge ohne Forum](post/1.md)