class Router ROUTE_REGEX = %r{\A(/(?[a-zA-Z]+)\.?(?[a-zA-Z]+)?(/(?[^/]+)?)?)?\Z} # get the controller handling the request def variables = session.request.path.match(ROUTE_REGEX) puts variables.inspect return default_route unless variables && variables[:controller] session.options[:id] = variables[:id] find(variables[:controller]) end # the namespace of all routes def self.namespace @@namespace ||= ::Routes end # set the namespace to a module or class which holds all controllers def self.set_namespace(namespace) @@namespace = namespace end # the default route to take when no path is given def self.default_route @@default ||= namespace.const_get(:Welcome) end # set the default route to take when no path is given def self.set_default_route(default) @@default = default end # check for the controller name and return 404 when not found def self.find(ctrl) ctrl = ctrl.capitalize return namespace.const_get(ctrl) if namespace.const_defined?(ctrl) namespace::RouteNotFound end end