class Admin < Sinatra::Base set $settings use Rack::Session::Pool, :expire_after => 1800 use Rack::Flash, :accessorize => [:error, :warning, :notice] set :haml, :layout => :admin_layout register Sinatra::CompassSupport get '/' do haml :admin_index end get '/post' do @posts = Post.all(:order => [:id.desc], :limit => 15) haml :admin_posts end get '/post/new' do @post = haml :admin_post_create end put '/post' do if params[:post].has_key? 'tags' tags = params[:post].delete('tags') else tags = [] end @post = params[:post] @post.set_tags tags if flash.notice = 'Post saved' redirect "/admin/post/#{}", 303 else flash.error = 'Error at saving the post' flash[:errors] = @post.errors redirect "/admin/post/new", 303 end end get '/post/:id' do @post = Post.get(params[:id]) if @post haml :admin_post_change else flash.warning = "Post with id #{params[:id]} not found!" redirect './post', 303 end end post '/post/:id' do # read the checkbox value if params['post'].has_key?('released') params['post']['released'] = true else params['post']['released'] = false end # get the post and update it @post = Post.get(params[:id]) if @post if params[:post].has_key? 'tags' tags = params[:post].delete('tags') end if @post.update(params[:post]) @post.set_tags tags else flash.warning = 'Error at saving the post!' flash[:errors] = true end haml :admin_post_change else flash.warning = "Post with id #{params[:id]} not found!" redirect './post', 303 end end # tags get '/tag' do @tags = Tag.all(:order => [:name.asc]) haml :admin_tag_index end put '/tag/new' do @tag = => params['tag']['name']) if flash[:notice] = "Tag '#{}' created!" else flash[:warning] = "Tag '#{} could not be created! Error was: '#{@tag.errors.first}'" end redirect '/admin/tag', 303 end get '/tag/:id' do @tag = Tag.first(:id => params[:id]) haml :admin_tag_edit end post '/tag/:id' do @tag = Tag.first(:id => params[:id]) = params['tag']['name'] if flash[:notice] = "Tag saved" redirect '/admin/tag', 303 else flash[:notice] = "Tag could not be saved! Message: '#{@tag.errors.first}'" haml :admin_tag_edit end end # login get '/login' do haml :admin_index_no_login end post '/login' do account = Account.authenticate(params['username'], params['password']) if account.nil? flash.warning = 'wrong username or password' flash[:username] = params['username'] redirect '/admin', 303 else flash.notice = 'Login successful' session[:id] = session[:last_updated] = # redirect to the url set from the #before block if session.has_key? :to_path redirect "/admin#{session.delete(:to_path)}", 303 else redirect '/admin/', 303 end end end get '/logout' do session[:id] = nil session[:last_updated] = nil flash.notice = 'Logout complete' redirect '/' end get '/stylesheet.css' do scss :admin_stylesheet end helpers do def session_read puts session.inspect if (session.has_key?(:id) && session.has_key?(:last_updated) && - session[:last_updated] < 1800) Account.get(session[:id]) else nil end end def keys_to_sym hash new_hash = {} hash.each do |k, v| new_hash[k.to_sym] = v end hash = new_hash end def markup content, markup markup = markup.to_sym if respond_to? markup send markup, content else content end end end before do @account = session_read end before %r{^(?!\/(login|stylesheet\.css)+$)} do if @account.nil? flash.warning = 'You are not logged in!' session[:to_path] = request.path_info redirect '/admin/login', 303 else session[:last_updated] = end end end