require 'spec_helper' describe Zero::Renderer, '#render' do subject {, type_map) } let(:template_path) { 'spec/fixtures/templates/' } let(:type_map) {{ 'html' => ['text/html', 'text/xml', '*/*'], 'json' => ['application/json', 'plain/text'] }} let(:html_types) { ['text/html'] } let(:json_types) { ['application/json'] } let(:foo_types) { ['foo/bar', 'bar/foo'] } let(:binding) {'foo') } context 'with default layout' do it 'returns a tilt template' do subject.render('index', html_types, binding).should be_kind_of(String) end it 'renders html content' do subject.render('index', html_types, binding).should match('success') end it 'returns a tilt template for different types' do subject.render('index', json_types, binding).should be_kind_of(String) end it 'renders json content' do subject.render('index', json_types, binding).should match("{text: 'success'}") end it 'returns an ArgumentError, if given template does not exist' do expect { subject.render('foobar', html_types, binding) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Template 'foobar' does not exist/) end it 'returns an ArgumentError, if no template fits types' do expect { subject.render('index', foo_types, binding) }.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /Template 'index' not found/) end it 'uses the context' do subject.render('context', html_types, binding).should match('foo') end end context 'with special layout' do subject {, layout, type_map) } let(:layout) { 'special_layout' } it 'uses the layout for rendering' do expect(subject.render('index', html_types, binding) ).to match(/layout loaded/) end it 'renders the template into the layout' do expect(subject.render('index', html_types, binding) ).to match(/success/) end end end