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module Zero
# the base renderer for getting render containers
# This class handles templates and render coontainers, which can be used for
# the actual rendering.
# To use this renderer you have to give it a template path and optionally
# a map of shorthand type descriptions to fully types. This will then be used
# to extend the internal map of templates to possible formats in a way, that
# you will be able to answer xhtml and html requests with the same template.
# When the object is initialized and you are sure, everything is loaded, call
# #read_template_path! and the template tree will be built. Without this step,
# you will probably don't get any output.
# After the setup, the renderer can be used to build render containers, which
# then can be used to actually render something.
class Renderer
# initializes a new Renderer
# This method takes a path to the base template directory and a type map.
# This type map is used to extend the possible renderings for different
# types, which the clients sends.
# @example create a simple renderer
# Renderer.new('app/templates')
# @example create a renderer with a small map
# Renderer.new('app', {
# 'html' => ['text/html', 'application/html+xml'],
# 'json' => ['application/json', 'application/aweomse+json']
# })
# @param template_path [String] a string to templates
# @param type_map [Hash] a map of simple types to complex ones
def initialize(template_path, type_map = {})
@template_path = template_path + '/'
@type_map = type_map
# returns the hash of type conversions
# @return [Hash] type conversion
attr_reader :type_map
# get the path to the templates
# @return [String] the base template path
attr_reader :template_path
# get the tree of templates
# @api private
# @return [Hash] the template tree
attr_reader :templates
# load the template tree
# This method gets all templates in the `template_path` and builds an
# internal tree structure, where templates and types direct the request to
# the wanted template.
# @return [Self] returns the object
def read_template_path!
# TODO clean up later
@templates = {}
search_files.each do |file|
parts = file.gsub(/#{template_path}/, '').split('.')
@templates[parts[0]] ||= {}
# Set default value
types = 'default'
# Overwrite default value, if it's set in template path
if parts.count > 2 then
types = parts[1]
read_type(types).each do |type|
@templates[parts[0]][type] = file
# render a template
# This method will render the given template, based on the type in the given
# context.
# @param name [String] the name of the template
# @param type [Array] a list of accept types used to find the template
# @param context [Object] the context in which to evaluate the template
# @return [String] the rendered content
def render(name, type, context)
template(name, type).render(context)
# search in `template_path` for templates beginning with `template_name`
# @api private
# @param template_name [String] the name of the template
# @return [#each] a list of all templates found
def search_files
Dir[template_path + '**/*.*']
# gets the type information from a file and converts it to an array of
# possible matching types
# @api private
# @param short_notation [String] a short notation of a type, like `html`
# @return [Array] a list of matching types, like `text/html`
def read_type(short_notation)
to_type_list(type_map[short_notation] || short_notation)
# convert a map to an array if it is not one
# @api private
# @param original_map [Object] the type(s) to convert
# @return [Array] a list of objects
def to_type_list(original_map)
return original_map if original_map.respond_to?(:each)
# get the prepared template for the name and type
# @api private
# @param name [String] the name of the template
# @param types [Array] the types for the template
# @return [Tilt::Template] a prepared tilt template
def template(name, types)
if templates.has_key? name
types.each do |type|
template = templates[name][type]
unless template.nil?
# TODO Will be implemented later
# return template if template.kind_of?(Tilt::Template)
return Tilt.new(template)
raise ArgumentError.new(
"No template found for any of this types #{types.join ', '}!"
raise ArgumentError.new "No template found for '#{name}'!"