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module Zero
class Renderer
# finds templates in a path and builds a map for the renderer to use
# When this class is feeded with a path and a type map it will generate
# a map of templates and types for the renderer to use.
# For that to work, it first needs a path ending on '/' and a map of type
# names to mime types. The short type name is used in template names to find
# out, for which mime types they are built, so that they can be rendered
# for the correct request.
# The template files can be named in two different formats
# * filename.extension
# * filename.type.extension
# The type is used to access the `type_map`. It will be used to find all
# mime types this template can be used to answer. If no type is given in the
# filename, the type will be set to `default`.
# So `default` can be used in the `type_map` to map these files too.
# @example building a TemplateFinder
# As an example, lets assume we have the following files in our path
# * `index.erb`
# * `index.json.erb`
# We want these to render for either html requests or json requests. To make
# this work, we need to build a TemplateFinder like following
# TemplateFinder.new('path/', {
# 'default' => ['text/html', '*/*'],
# 'json' => ['application/json']
# })
# This will build a structure, so that requests with 'text/html' will render
# `index.erb`.
class TemplateFinder
# the search mask to search for files
# @example foo/bar/**/*.*
MARK_ALL_FILES = '**/*.*'
# for finding the last slash
# empty string to replace the path in the filename
# split filename at this character
# default type
DEFAULT_TYPE = 'default'
# the path to all templates
# @api private
# @returns [String] the path given at initialization
attr_reader :path
# a map of simple type names to a list of mime types
# @api private
# @example 'html' => ['text/html', 'text/xml', 'text/html+xml']
# @returns [Hash] a hash with types to mime types
attr_reader :type_map
# this returns the regex for the specified path
# @api private
# @returns [Regex] the regex built from the path
attr_reader :path_regex
# initialize a new template finder
# @example
# TemplateFinder.new('foo/bar/', {
# 'default' => ['text/html', 'text/xml'],
# 'json' => ['application/json']
# })
# @param path [String] the path to all templates ending on '/'
# @param type_map [Hash] a map of short type names to mime types
def initialize(path, type_map)
raise ArgumentError.new("Has to end on '/'!") if path[-1] != SLASH_END
@path = path
@type_map = sanity_map(type_map)
@path_regex = /#{path}/
# traverses the template path to gather all templates
# This function traverses the template path, collects and sorts all
# templates into the target types given at initialization.
# @return [Hash] the map of type to template
def get_templates
result = Hash.new {|hash, key| hash[key] = {} }
search_files.each do |file|
key, value = add_template(file)
result[key] = result[key].merge(value)
# returns a list of files found at @path
# This method returns all files found in @path, which look like a template.
# Look for `MARK_ALL_FILES` for the eact schema.
# @api private
# @return [Array] a list of all files found
def search_files
Dir[@path + MARK_ALL_FILES]
# splits the path into a filename and its type
# This function takes a filepath and extracts the filename and short
# notation for the type.
# The filename is later used at rendering time to find the template.
# @api private
# @param filepath [String] the filename to split
# @return [Array] an Array of the following example `[filename, type]`
def get_fields(filepath)
filename, *options = filepath.gsub(@path_regex, EMPTY_STRING).split(SPLIT_CHAR)
[filename, (options.length == 1 ? DEFAULT_TYPE : options[0])]
# add a template with its type variants
# This method adds a template with all type variants to the map of all
# types and templates.
# @api private
# @param filename [String] the short name of the template
# @param type [String] the short type of the template
# @param path [String] the actual path to the template
# @return [Array] a hashable array for the end result:
def add_template(path)
filename, type = get_fields(path)
result = [filename, {}]
get_types(type).each do |mime_type|
result[1][mime_type] = path
# get the types for the shorthand type
# This method returns all types associated with the short notation
# of this type in the type_map.
# @api private
# @param short_type [String] the short notation of a type
# @return [Array] a list of all types found in the type_map
def get_types(short_type)
return [short_type] unless @type_map.has_key?(short_type)
# make a cleanup of the map
# This function converts all map values to arrays, to make the processing
# easier.
# @api private
# @param map [Hash] a type map
# @return [Hash] the cleaned up map
def sanity_map(map)
map.each do |key, value|
map[key] = [value] unless value.respond_to?(:each)